Pyramids, Resonance and Consciousness: Orion Infrasound Pyramid at - TopicsExpress


Pyramids, Resonance and Consciousness: Orion Infrasound Pyramid at Resonance by Alexander Putney ~ The limestone blocks of the Orion pyramids consist of mostly calcite mineral, whose structure can be triangular and octahedral in various forms. Each of the Giza pyramids is apparently designed as the top half of an octahedron, monumental formations of calcite. The angular mathematics of the Orion pyramidal design will be addressed shortly, but their limestone blocks contain information regarding the construction methods of the pyramid builders. Research of J. Davidovits into ancient geopolymers has demonstrated through chemical X-ray analysis that the casing stones of the Giza pyramids are synthetic, being of lower density than any quarried stone due to trapped air bubbles and consisting of 85-90% calcite with other exotic mineral constituents like opal CT, hydroxy-apatite and silico-aluminates. CAT-scan work on the core stones have recorded hairs deeply embedded in the matrix of the stone, another clue that the pyramid blocks were cast using liquid stone, though RC14 dating of hair samples contained in the stone have not been reported. This type of test could establish firm construction dates for the stones, though the likelihood of later facade reconstruction is strong. Corroborating evidence for the ancient use of advanced geopolymers comes from Mesopotamia, where the manufacture of basalt has been extensively documented. Note that the synthetic stones are of high piezoelectric crystalline content. Diverse new technologies have incorporated fractal patterning for signal enhancement, data compression and encryption. Recent acoustic resonance experiments have illuminated a connection between the phi ratio and a nonlinear acoustic standing wave structure. Cervenka, Bednarik and Konicek at the Czech Technical University in Prague have modeled the structure of a nonlinear standing wave excited in a cylindrical resonator. Driven by periodic oscillations a resonant cavity can be stimulated to its fundamental resonant frequency producing both harmonics and subharmonics. When the standing wave is driven into high amplitude the nonlinear effects couple energy from low to high-frequency modes. This increase in harmonics can create a shockwave, diminishing the quality of the resonator dramatically. Multifrequency driving of the resonant cavity has been used to increase the energy storing. If the energy is coupled to lower frequencies, or subharmonics, less acoustic dissipation is observed allowing for a more efficient system. Bednarik describes Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis: [T]he interactions of acoustic waves at some fixed frequencies without the energy losses in the higher harmonics is of considerable interest in acoustics. Such interaction creates the possibility of direct transformation of coherent sound at the given frequency by sound of another frequency without an electro-magnetic energy source... For a region of three modes with given angular frequencies, if the sum of two of them is equal to the remaining one, the interactions of these modes can be obtained from the nonhomogenous Burgers equation for nonlinear standing waves The phi ratio describes the relative proportions of the three frequencies that stimulate the nonlinear standing wave and is also apparent in the modeled distribution of acoustic pressure along the resonant cavity which results. The coherent nonlinear structure was achieved through periodic stimulation of a medium of precise geometric boundaries designed to induce the interaction of three different resonant modes in the ratio of phi. This standing wave structure informs the phi geometry of the Orion pyramids, elucidated by the superimposition of the pattern onto a cross-section of the Great Pyramid taken along the North-South axis. The high-amplitude transduction of the piezoelectric limestone of the pyramids creates an electromagnetic field around the structures, the movement of electrons becoming toriodal or donut-shaped. The base length of the Great Pyramid informs the fundamental resonant tone created by the structures. Each base side of the pyramids has roughly been calculated at 760’, creating a fundamental frequency of about 1.5 hz when the pyramids are stimulated into high amplitude. The periodic pulsation of the pyramids operating at resonance creates a Fibonacci standing waveset centered on the 760’ wavelength bounded by the base of the pyramid. The angles of the standing waves exactly correspond to the slope of the pyramid’s faces: in the phi angle of 51.85 degrees. This baseline frequency of 1.5 hz has been described as the Tri-thalamic entrainment frequency shown to synchronize the pulsation of the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary gland into a unified functioning. This frequency is also the lowest frequency of Schumann Resonance, thus the function of the pyramids may indeed be to shift the fundamental frequency of the Earth down from its fluctuations near 7.3 hz to the tri-thalamic frequency of 1.5 hz. This resonance structure is recognized as a solid-state global oscillator that functions in wavelengths of pure consciousness itself, entraining the human mind through redistribution and focusing of the global mind. Indigenous cultures across the globe recognize the Earth as a sentient being in itself, and as consciousness has a frequency that can be measured as the EEG, then the frequencies of Schumann Resonance can be understood as the vital pulse of Earth. Ancient wisdom passed on through the traditions of the Yaqui and Toltec cultures of present-day Mexico overtly describe the Earth’s emanations and the corresponding alignment of the emanations of humans, a notion described by modern science as the Frequency Following Response. The pineal gland contains microcrystalline calcite biomineralizations (Bacconier, Lang et al) that transduce frequencies of consciousness. Another ancient wisdom tradition from Aboriginal Australia, perhaps the oldest surviving culture of humanity that stems back at least 70,000 years, describes the nature of unified consciousness as the Rainbow Snake: "Oneness is essence, purity, creativity, love, unlimited, unbounded energy. Many of the tribal stories refer to the Rainbow Snake which represents the weaving line of energy or consciousness that starts as total peace, changes vibration, and becomes color, sound, and form" (Morgan, "Mutant Message Down Under" p 149). Quantum biology and nonlinear acoustics now possess the tools to comprehend the seemingly abstract concepts of indigenous cosmovision in quantified terms. The octagonal structure of Earth’s consciousness is quantified in this work; the very shape of the collective unconscious to which sentient beings attune themselves. The Orion pyramids’ output likely induces a shift in the fundamental frequency of the Earth down to the lowest frequency of SR at 1.5 hz, allowing a parallel shift in the entrained human consciousness. Yaqui knowledge keepers precisely describe this shift in the alignment of the perception of man as an awareness of previously inaudible frequencies of infrasound: [T]he portion of the emanations inside man’s cocoon is in there only for awareness, and that awareness is matching that portion of the emanations with the same portion of emanations at large. They are called emanations at large because they are immense... inside man’s cocoon the unknown is the emanations untouched by awareness. When the glow of awareness touches them, they become active and can be aligned with the corresponding emanations at large. Once that happens the unknown is perceived and becomes the known. (Castaneda, "The Fire From Within... Continues @
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 09:22:20 +0000

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