Pyren, Outlying Hive World in the Peccator System. 4 days and - TopicsExpress


Pyren, Outlying Hive World in the Peccator System. 4 days and 17 hours after the intercepted transmission from Brackeni IX, neighbouring Forgeworld. The fall of Pyren had taken only a few hours. Planetary Govenor Xanada Bletnoy knew he should have seen it coming. Sitting in his locked down safe room with his bodyguard, he had hindsight to thank for his current self loathing. His palace was located in the spire of the largest of Pyrenss hive centres, far enough detached from the realities of below that he had long since chosen to ignore the complaints and minor qualms of his subjects. Even when those minor qualms included daemons in outlying mining facilities and raids on defence platforms too devastating for the usual marauders. It was right there, but he had chosen to ignore it and send a pointed letter to his PDF telling them to get off their arses. Those dispatched hed later found out had never returned. This a few days ago, and he had thought nothing of it until today. At roughly 11 in the morning the sky blackened, crackling with red lightning. That was when it began. Streaks of fire and fury fell from the blackened skies, slamming into hives and hab blocks alike. Some tore through the clouds after unravelling large jagged wings, spewing corrosive baleflame over defence platforms and grounded aircraft alike. Those that did land slammed into the ground like comets, then from the dust and smoke strode huge crimson warriors, whirling chainblades and boltguns laying waste to all they surveyed. Chaos had come to Pyren. The PDF had fought valiantly but, ultimately, in futility. The sky was ablaze with landing craft and assault craft beyond count,. At this point his PDF had barricaded off sectors and despite taking overwhelming casualties, were keeping the invaders at bay. After about an hour of redirecting resources and failing to get any communication off planet, Xanada lost contact with his outlying PDF facilities. It occurred to him that there had been no warning, no message from their orbital defence station upon the heathens approach. That was when it descended like an angry god. Immeasurable spines stabbed down towards the earth,parting the blackened cloud like knives. These were followed shortly after by the vast, twisted behemoth they lined the hull of. His defence systems hurriedly cross referenced imperial records before displaying its results. Staring at the large vid screen on his wall in horror, the governor had barely processed the digital readout. War Eternal, Flagship of the chaos lord Tyrin Baleclaw, the Immortal of Khorne. It was at this point that Xanada had ordered his bodyguard to the safe room, sealing himself and his lumbering meat shield behind several feet of re-strengthened steel. For the first hour the room shook after deafening cracks from what he could only guess were the ships guns. Then silence. The darkness of the sealed room was only kept at bay by the small digital readouts on the air recycling units and moisture fabricators. With the storage facilities and minimum requirements from the outside, it should have been possible to last a few months within the room, hidden behind a fake partition wall in the room behind his central office. Their breathing was shallow as their ears rang from the heavy concerto of main guns within the atmosphere. Despite this, both Xanada and his Bodyguard Reecus heard the scratching at the door of their safe room. Eyes wide, Xanadas brain was still trying to reassure him that such a door could not be breached even as his eyes bore witness to the steel slabs twisting and contorting before him. The metal appeared to turn liquid, bubbling in places, snapping into jagged protrusion in others. It writhed within itself, as if no longer bound by natural law. The light that breached the darkness of the safe room through the twisted gateway scorched the eyes of the two men within, leaving them cowering as their eyes struggled to adjust. Xanada could make out only an outline, an impossible huge mountain of a man, with two very large animals on either side. Something growled. Guttural and deep, like the largest and most violent of hounds imaginable were baying for his blood. A voice cut through his reeling mind, leaving him in no doubt he was about to die. “Cowering in your hole whilst more honourable men fight us? You disgust me” Xanadas eyes were beginning to form coherent shapes when he made out the animals bursting through into the safe room with unholy fervour. His bodyguard tried to back away, his screams lasting only a few seconds amongst the snapping of bones and jaws. The Flesh hounds met eyes with their next victim as his bladder released. Their master smiled. Blood for the Blood God.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 20:52:56 +0000

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