Pé Điệu Thien Tu..... this is what I said to you. ( source : - TopicsExpress


Pé Điệu Thien Tu..... this is what I said to you. ( source : from a student) Learning a different language means a different perspective of life. I think this is utterly true for the following reasons. Firstly, learning a language improves your employment potential.If businesses are to effectively compete in a global economy, they must learn to deal with other cultures on their own terms. Companies that plan to do business abroad therefore have a dire need for bilingual or multilingual employees. Businesses that intend to compete internationally need employees who can competently communicate in the locales where they do business. Employees who speak one language can communicate only with people who speak that same language. Business is not the only area of employment where language competencies are needed, however. Multiple government agencies, the travel industry, engineering, communications, the field of education, international law, economics, public policy, publishing, advertising, entertainment, scientific research, and a broad array of service sectors all have needs for people with foreign language skills. Whatever your career goals, knowing a language certainly wont hurt your employability. Chances are that knowing languages will open up employment opportunities that you would not have had otherwise. And you will be able to command a greater salary in the workplace. All else being equal, knowing languages gives you an edge over monolingual applicants competing for the same jobs. Because learning a language involves a variety of learning skills, studying a foreign language can enhance ones ability to learn and function in several other areas. Children who have studied a language at the elementary level score higher on tests in reading, language arts, and math. People who have learned foreign languages show greater cognitive development in areas such as mental flexibility, creativity, and higher order thinking skills, such as problem-solving, conceptualizing, and reasoning. In addition to cognitive benefits, the study of foreign languages leads to the acquisition of some important life skills. Because language learners learn to deal with unfamiliar cultural ideas, they are much better equipped to adapt and cope in a fast-changing world. They also learn to effectively handle new situations. In addition, the encounter with cultures different from ones own leads to tolerance of diverse lifestyles and customs. And it improves the learners ability to understand and communicate with people from different walks of life. For all of the reasons above, learning my native language would be a good decision.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 16:08:37 +0000

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