Q - Know what I can NOT do?? A - Flip an egg or anything cooking - TopicsExpress


Q - Know what I can NOT do?? A - Flip an egg or anything cooking wise for sh*t with my left hand.. Stroke has nothing to do with it.. Never fu*king could.. Just a bunch of dumb-dumb-poo-poo over there.. Q - Know who I dislike strongly today?? A - The old hagatha bi*ch at the post office earlier that was just fine taking up half of the table with her envelopes and sh*t until she realized the guy leaning (leg was in a walking boot/cast thingy) against the other side of the table was African American. She then gave him the eyeball every 3.7 seconds. Thought she was all sneaky and sh*t giving him the corner of the eye shot just before she gathered her stuff in a little closer to her about 700 times.. Didnt give three cow sh*ts and a giants testicle about the cracker-arse-crackers trying to use what little room she left on the other side of her.. Yeah my guy there had some ashy fu*king hands?!? SO!! You should see my fu*king elbows!!! Its cold outside damn it!!! Doesnt make either one of us killers.. I hope the hair dye you use to get that oh-so-natural maroon hue to that melon-decoration-failure causes your scalp to glow once you go fully bald.. Oh.. Nice designer flea-market Coach purse.. (Way to support illegal child labor, btw) ..Matched your clown do.. I DID notice that.. Bet our friend ol hop-ah-long didnt.. He didnt appear to realize you even existed.. Wish I hadnt.. Q - Know what I want to happen in the football world?? A - For the Browns to sign Nadomican Suh, the DT free agent from Detroit.. I will so get a jersey with A BOY NAMED SUH on the name plate.. The thought makes me giggle.. Q - Know what make me think mehnehmeh mehmeh meh mehmeh meh meehhhhh?? A - Realizing the fu*king sausage that Im frying popped all over the stove top, the wall and the side of the fridge.. I bet if you fried up that Bozo racist bi*ch from the post office, she would pop and sizzle just like this sh*t.. Peace Love and I need some lotion,.. For my elbows... Pervert... Ryan
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 21:28:37 +0000

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