Q. 1. An Authoritarian State is one which: (a) Guarantees - TopicsExpress


Q. 1. An Authoritarian State is one which: (a) Guarantees conditions in which the individual can realize his true self (b) Commands unquestioning obedience to the authority of the ruler (c) Claims to regulate every sphere of the individual’s life and activity (d) Is a natural organization possessing a will of its own to promote the good life Ans. (c) Q. 2. Who among the following argued that the past circumstances or actions of people can create differential entitlement? (a) John Rawls (b) Charles Taylor (c) F.A. Hayek (d) Robert Nozick Ans. (d) Q. 3. Consider the following statements: Essentials of Enlightenment are: 1. Man is natively depraved 2. The end of life is life itself instead of beatific life after death - 3. Man is not capable, guided solely by the light of reason and experience of perfecting the good life on earth 4. The first and the essential condition of good life on earth is the freeing of men’s minds from the bonds of ignorance and superstitions Which of these is/are correct? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 3 and 4 Ans. (c) Q. 4. Match List –I with List –II and select the correct answer: List-I (Statements) List- II (Thinkers) A. I am the State 1. Plato B. The State is prior to the individual 2. Aristotle C. The State is the march of God on earth 3. Louis XVI D. The State is individual writ large 4. F.W.G Hegel Codes: A B C D (a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 4 1 3 2 (c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 3 1 4 2 Ans. (a) Q. 5. Civil Society is not a central concept in the politics thought of: (a) F.W.G. Hegel (b) J. Bentham (c) A. Gramsci (d) V.I. Lenin Ans. (b) Q. 6. Which one of the following does not confer legitimacy on the ruler’s power? (a) Charisma (b) Customs and traditions (c) Wealth (d) Reason and deliberation Ans. (c) Q. 7. Which one of the following concepts distinguished citizenship from subject hood? (a) Duties (b) Obedience (c) Rights (d) Patriotism Ans. (c) Q. 8. The basis for acquiring citizenship through naturalization is: (a) birth (b) choice (c) coercion (d) descent Ans. (b) Q. 9. Match List -I with List -II and select the correct answer: List- I (Authors) List- II (Books) A. Paul Kennedy 1. The Clash of Civilization B. Mahathir Mohammed and Shintora Shihama 2. Beyond Belief C. V.S. Naipaul 3. An Asia That Can Say No D. S.P. Huntington 4. Rise and fall of Great Powers 5. The Asian Drama Codes: A B C D (a) 5 2 1 3 (b) 4 3 2 1 (c) 5 3 2 1 (d) 4 2 1 3 Ans. (b) Q. 10. Who among the following explained the views of T. H. Green on State as “human consciousness postulates liberty, liberty involved rights and rights demand the State?” (a) H.J. Laski (b) R.M. Maclver (c) E. Barker (d) S.M. Lipset Ans. (c) Q. 11. From which one of the following perspectives, has the notion of human rights been criticized? (a) Universalism (b) Cultural identity (c) Secularism (d) Individualism Ans. (b) Q. 12. Who among the following, beside the three leading contractualists, favoured the theory of natural rights and who denied it, respectively? (a) J. S. Mill and J. Bentham (b) T. Paine and J. Bentham (c) T. Paine and J. S. Mill (d) T.H. Green and J. S. Mill Ans. (b) Q. 13. The kind of equality that the rule of law enshrines, is: (a) substantive (b) procedural (c) distributive (d) patterned Ans. (b) Q. 14. The Rawlsian notion of justice is (a) socialist (b) utilitarian (c) communitarian (d) liberal Ans. (c) Q. 15. Which one of the following has a close affinity to the rule of law? (a) Martial Law (b) Judicial supremacy (c) Constitution (d) Separation of powers Ans. (c) Q. 16. Hegel viewed civil society as an embodiment of: (a) particularity (b) unity (c) universality (d) community Ans. (c) Q. 17. Who among the following first put forward the concept of Swaraj? (a) K.C. Bhattacharya (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) M.K. Gandhi (d) B.G. Tilak Ans. (d) Q. 18. “Polity (in the modern sense of democracy) is more stable and gives less occasion for revolution.” This statement is attributed to: (a) Cicero (b) Plato (c) Polibius (d) Aristotle Ans. (d) Q. 19. The understanding of democracy as a mode of distributing power widely, thereby preventing its concentration is few hands is termed as: (a) pluralist (b) federalist (c) participatory (d) representative Ans. (a) Q. 20. “Self is prior to its ends” and “Right is poor to the good” are the principles upheld by: (a) Immanuel Kant (b) F.W.G. Hegel (c) Charles Taylor (d) Michael Walzer Ans. (a)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 09:17:08 +0000

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