Q.1 Study the following information carefully and answer the - TopicsExpress


Q.1 Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:- In a certain code language Magic of Mind is written as ra pa ma, Mind of game is written as ma pa ch, game of Race is written as ch pa ta and Magic Race game is written as ra ta ch. How will game Race be written in that code language? 1. ta pa 2. pa ch 3. ra pa 4. ch ta 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.2 Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:- In a certain code language Magic of Mind is written as ra pa ma, Mind of game is written as ma pa ch, game of Race is written as ch pa ta and Magic Race game is written as ra ta ch. How will of mind be written in that code language ? 1. ch pa 2. ra ma 3. pa ma 4. ra pa 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.3 Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:- A sad person start to walk 3 km. towards east then he turns to his right and walks 2 km. and sit down near to a river. After half hours he again start to walk 3 km. towards east and finally turns towards south and walks 4 km. What is the direction of last point from starting point ? 1. South 2. East - South 3. North - East 4. South - East 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.4 Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:- A sad person start to walk 3 km. towards east then he turns to his right and walks 2 km. and sit down near to a river. After half hours he again start to walk 3 km. towards east and finally turns towards south and walks 4 km. What is the distance between river and last point ? 1. 7 km. 2. 9 km. 3. 5 km. 4. 2 km. 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.5 What will come in the place of question mark (?) of the following given letter series? B D F ? C E G ? 1. GH 2. HI 3. HJ 4. GI 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.6 What will be the next term of the following given number series ? 81, 79, 75, 69, 61, _ 1. 52 2. 60 3. 51 4. 59 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.7 Mohan is seventh from the top and Sohan is eleventh from the bottom in a class of twenty students. How many students are there between Mohan and Sohan ? 1. 7 2. 3 3. 5 4. 11 5. None of these Ans: 5 Q.8 If the first 6 letters of the English alphabet series will written in reversed order, then the next 6 letters will written in reversed order and so on, and at the end Y is interchanged by Z, then which letter will be sixth letter to the right of twelfth letter from the left side ? 1. P 2. O 3. N 4. M 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.9 If the English alphabet series is written in the reverse order and every alternate letter starting from Y will be dropped, which letter will be exactly in the middle of the remaining letters of the alphabet series ? 1. L 2. O 3. N 4. M 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.10 Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series. R 5 P, T 6 M, V 9 J, X 15 G, ? 1. A 12 L 2. I 18 X 3. U 20 Q 4. Z 25 D 5. U 25 Q Ans: 4 Q.11 Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series. M 4, T 7, P 7, Q 10, S 10, N 13, ?, K 16 1. V 4 2. K 7 3. T 13 4. G 15 5. None of these Ans: 5 Q.12 Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series. 1 E D, 2 F D, 3 K H, 4 K G, ? 1. 12 P X 2. 7 M T 3. 5 H M 4. 5 M H 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.13 Which of the following option will true if A > I and H > I ? 1. A > B > C > G, H > G > F = A < I 2. A > C > B > F, H > C > N > B = K < I 3. A > F > G > C, H > G > F > B < Q = I 4. A > B > C > I, H > G > F = I 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.14 Which of the option denoted the true relation between T > Q and T > G in the given euqation on the place of question mark (?). Q < R < S ? T N > G 1. 3. , > 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.15 Which of the option denoted the false relation between L > B and H > B in the given equation on the place of question mark? L > R > C ? B ? D < G = H 1. , > 3. >, > 4. >, < 5. None of these Ans: 5 Q.16 Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series. X 729, Z 676, D 625, ?, J 529 1. F 572 2. F 573 3. F 575 4. F 576 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.17 Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series. M2, P 3, U7, X 13, ? 1. C 26 2. C 27 3. C 28 4. C 29 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.18 Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series. a 27, e 45, k 75, ? 1. m 175 2. t 225 3. x 150 4. s 125 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.19 Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series. X 1220, B 1195, E 1145, ?, L 970 1. I 1070 2. K 1025 3. G 1000 4. K 990 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.20 Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series. r 125, u 64, y 27, b 8, ? 1. f 1 2. e 2 3. f 3 4. d 3 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.21 Statement : L ? K, K ? M, O d N, M a N Conclusion : (I) M d K (II) L a M Give answer - 1. If only conclusion I is true. 2. If only conclusion II is true. 3. If either conclusion I or II is true. 4. If neither conclusion I nor II is true. 5. If both conclusion I and II are true. Ans: 4 Passage Q.22 Statement : E ? F, C d D, D a E, F ß G Conclusion: (I) E a G (II) C ? E Give answer - 1. If only conclusion I is true. 2. If only conclusion II is true. 3. If either conclusion I or II is true. 4. If neither conclusion I nor II is true. 5. If both conclusion I and II are true. Ans: 4 Passage Q.23 Statement: M ? O, O ? N, L ß M, L d H Conclusion: (I) L ? N (II) L a N Give answer - 1. If only conclusion I is true. 2. If only conclusion II is true. 3. If either conclusion I or II is true. 4. If neither conclusion I nor II is true. 5. If both conclusion I and II are true. Ans: 3 Passage Q.24 Statement: Z ? Y, K ? L, Y d X, Z a K Conclusion: (I) Y a L (II) Y ? L Give answer - 1. If only conclusion I is true. 2. If only conclusion II is true. 3. If either conclusion I or II is true. 4. If neither conclusion I nor II is true. 5. If both conclusion I and II are true. Ans: 1 Passage Q.25 Statement: R d I, C a O, S ß I, S ? C Conclusion: (I) C d I (II) S a R Give answer - 1. If only conclusion I is true. 2. If only conclusion II is true. 3. If either conclusion I or II is true. 4. If neither conclusion I nor II is true. 5. If both conclusion I and II are true. Ans: 2 Passage Q.26 Statement: The supercilious salesman treated the couple like peasants until they not opened the suitcase filled with rupees. Asumption: (I) Salesman behave politely with rich customer. (II) Salesman is a greedy person. Given Answer - 1. If only assumption I is implicit. 2. If only assumption II is implicit. 3. If either assumption I or II is implicit. 4. If neither assumption I nor II is implicit. 5. If both assumption I and II are implicit. Ans: 2 Passage Q.27 Statement : If you want somebody to do a particular task in a specific way, you must give them very explicit instructions. Assumption: (I) Specific work can be made to be done by any person. (II) Clear instructions make the work, easy to do. Given Answer - 1. If only assumption I is implicit. 2. If only assumption II is implicit. 3. If either assumption I or II is implicit. 4. If neither assumption I nor II is implicit. 5. If both assumption I and II are implicit. Ans: 2 Passage Q.28 Statement : When she woke up, she felt malaise and dizziness. Assumption: (I) She was unwell. (II) She could not sleep properly. Given answer- 1. If only assumption I is implicit. 2. If only assumption II is implicit. 3. If either assumption I or II is implicit. 4. If neither assumption I nor II is implicit. 5. If both assumption I and II are implicit. Ans: 1 Passage Q.29 Statement: She was in her fifties, the right age for the post of the President, and her personal background had been vetted during the confirmation hearings. Assumption: (I) President must be of at least fifty years of age. (II) Inquiry of personal background in mandatory for Presidential post. Given answer- 1. If only assumption I is implicit. 2. If only assumption II is implicit. 3. If either assumption I or II is implicit. 4. If neither assumption I nor II is implicit. 5. If both assumption I and II are implicit. Ans: 5 Passage Q.30 Statement: The young biologists spent hours studying and making a list of all the fauna and flora of the island. Assumption: (I) Young biologists are interested in such works. (II) The island has a diverse species of fauna and flora. Given answer- 1. If only assumption I is implicit. 2. If only assumption II is implicit. 3. If either assumption I or II is implicit. 4. If neither assumption I nor II is implicit. 5. If both assumption I and II are implicit. Ans: 5 Passage Q.31 In an examination, the average marks of girls is 73 and the average marks of boys is 71. The average marks of girls and boys together is 71.8. What is the percentage of boys ? 1. 58 2. 60 3. 55 4. 40 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.32 The population of a town is increased by 5% each year. If present population of the town is 231525. What was the population of the town 3 years ago ? 1. 210000 2. 225000 3. 208000 4. 200000 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.35 280 m and 350 m long two trains are moving in opposite direction on a parallel track. If their speeds are 38 km/hr and 25 km/hr respectively, in what time will they cross each other ? 1. 33 seconds 2. 36 seconds 3. 38 seconds 4. 40 seconds 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.36 A person spends 10% of his monthly income on rent, 20% of the remaining on children education and 25% of the remaining on the other items. After that he saves Rs. 3645. What is his monthly income ? 1. Rs. 13500 2. Rs. 6750 3. Rs. 3375 4. Rs. 6700 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.37 An amount is distributed among A, B and C in such a way that B and C together got Rs. 275 while A and C together got Rs. 410. If A got twice the amount of B, what is the total distributed amount ? 1. Rs. 564 2. Rs. 600 3. Rs. 545 4. Rs. 725 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.38 The length of each coach of a train is 15m and length of engine is 10 m. If there are total 20 coaches in the train, in how many seconds will the train moving at the speed of 144 km/hr. cross 50 m long platform ? 1. 15 2. 18 3. 9 4. 2 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.39 20 men can do work in 30 days. In how many more days 15 men can complete the complet same work. 1. 10 days 2. 12 days 3. 15 days 4. 20 days 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.40 In an examination, it is required to get minimum 36% marks to pass. A students gets 169 marks and failed by 65 marks. What is the maximum marks in the examination ? 1. 650 2. 750 3. 1000 4. 500 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.41 The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4. The sum of one-fourth of square of the smaller number and half the square of the greater number is 1476. What is the product of both numbers ? 1. 1720 2. 1708 3. 1696 4. 1978 5. None of these Ans: 5 Q.42 A man purchased 35 kg. of rice at the rate of Rs. 9.50 per kg and 30 kg. of wheat at the rate of Rs. 10.50 per kg. He mixed the two approximately at what price per kg should he sell the mixture to make 35% profit in the transaction ? 1. Rs. 12 2. Rs. 12.50 3. Rs. 13 4. Rs. 13.50 5. Rs. 15.75 Ans: 4 Q.44 The difference between the simple interest and compound interest on a certain amount at the rate of 3% per annum after 3 years is Rs. 150.43. What is the sum ? 1. Rs. 9000 2. Rs. 10000 3. Rs. 12000 4. Rs. 11000 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.45 Which of the following numbers is divisible by 99 ? 1. 114345 2. 135792 3. 3542404 4. 913464 5. 24519 Ans: 1 Q.47 What is the least number if 3 is added to it, the number must be exactly divisible by 24, 36 and 48 ? 1. 144 2. 147 3. 142 4. 141 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.48 The length and area of a rectangle are 15 cm and 150 sq.cm respectively. Its area is increased by changing its length and its area is increased by 200 sq.cm. What is perimeter of the rectangle ? 1. 50 cm 2. 65 cm 3. 70 cm 4. 80 cm 5. None of these Ans: 5 Q.49 Two train are moving in opposite direction at the speed of 54 km/hr and 36 km/hr. If ratio of length of both trains is 2 : 3 what is the length of the first train ? 1. 150 meter 2. 75 meter 3. 100 meter 4. Data inadequate 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.50 In an examination, in which maximum marks is 500 As marks is 10% less than B, Bs marks is 25% more than C while Cs marks is 20% less than D. If A got 360 marks, how much percent marks did D get ? 1. 72% 2. 84% 3. 78% 4. 86% 5. None of these Ans: 5 Q.51 A fathers age is 3 years more than thrice the sons age. If after 3 years the fathers age is 10 years more than twice the sons age what is sons present age ? 1. 8 years 2. 12 years 3. 9 years 4. 10 years 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.53 Rs. 1470 is distributed among Dipti, Anil and Poly in such way that if each part is reduced by Rs. 50, the ratio becomes 1 : 3 : 2. What is the amount got by Poly ? 1. Rs. 560 2. Rs. 520 3. Rs. 490 4. Rs. 440 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.54 Akhilesh started a business investing Rs. 90000. After 3 months Raju joined the business investing Rs. 120000. At the end of 2 years, total profit was Rs. 91000. What is the difference between both shares ? 1. Rs. 20000 2. Rs. 24000 3. Rs. 8000 4. Rs. 16000 5. None of these Ans: 5 Q.55 An amount becomes Rs. 690 in 3 years and Rs. 750 in 5 years at simple interest. What is the sum ? 1. Rs. 400 2. Rs. 450 3. Rs. 500 4. Rs. 600 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.56 The population of a city is 35000. If popuilation of male is increased by 6% and population of female is increased by 4%, the population becomes 36760. What is the population of the females at the starting ? 1. 17000 2. 18000 3. 20000 4. 16000 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.57 In a mixture, the ratio of milk and water is 5 : 1. If 5 litres water is added to it the ratio of milk and water becomes 5 : 2. What was the quantity of milk in the original mixture ? 1. 16 litre 2. 25 litre 3. 22.75 litre 4. 32.5 litre 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.58 A can do a work in 40 days. He worked for 5 days and left. B completed the remaining work in 21 days. In how many days will they do that work ? 1. 18 days 2. 15 days 3. 20 days 4. 12 days 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.59 Out of three numbers, the first number is twice the second number and half the third number. If average of three number is 56 what is the largest number ? 1. 96 2. 90 3. 80 4. 89 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.61 At which of the following places India has recently signed the Regulation of Co-operation Agreement with Russia? 1. Moscow 2. New Delhi 3. Penza 4. Tambov 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.62 Recently eminent Hindi litterateur Narendra Kohli has been selected for the prestigious Vyas Samman for 2012 for his novel ‘Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyati’. This novel is based on which eminent personality? 1. Mahatma Gandhi 2. Swami Vivekananda 3. Subhash Chandra Bose 4. Swami Dayananda 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.63 Who is the author of the book ‘A Passage to India’? 1. Bikram Seth 2. V.S. Naipaul 3. Thomas Hardy 4. E.M. Foster 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.64 Vijay Kumar is associated with _________. 1. Wrestling 2. Shooting 3. Badminton 4. Boxing 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.65 Which among the following is called the ‘Red Planet’? 1. Mars 2. Venus 3. Saturn 4. Neptune 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.66 Which is the largest lake of the world? 1. Lake Great Bear 2. Lake Van 3. Caspian Sea 4. Amazon 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.67 Selenology is the study of _________. 1. planets 2. sun 3. stars 4. moon 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.68 In which season the Monsoon Winds blow from sea to land? 1. Summer 2. Winter 3. Monsoon 4. Autumn 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.69 Which among the following founded the Lodhi Dynasty? 1. Sikandar Lodhi 2. Bahlol Lodhi 3. Ibrahim Lodhi 4. Daulat Khan Lodhi 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.70 ‘Manusmriti’ was translated in English under the title of ‘Institutes of Hindu Law’. Who translated ‘Manusmriti’ in English? 1. Charles Wood 2. Lord Canning 3. Sir William Jones 4. Lord William Bentinck 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.71 Who is Known as the ‘Shakespeare of India’? 1. Rahim Das 2. Kabir Das 3. Tulsidas 4. Kalidas 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.72 Which among the following is the only building built by Aurangzeb in the Red Fort? 1. Bibi Ka Makbara 2. Jama Masjid 3. Moti Masjid 4. Mirza Ghiyaz Beg’s marble Tomb 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.73 Who is the present Chairman of Rajya Sabha? 1. Meira Kumar 2. Mohammad Hamid Ansari 3. Pranab Mukherjee 4. V. S. Sampath 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.74 Which among the following is not included in the Right to Freedom given under Article19 of the Indian Constitution? 1. Right to freedom of speech and expression 2. Right to form associations or unions 3. Right to move freely throughout the territory of India 4. Right to information 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.75 The Constitution of India is divided into how many parts? 1. 12 parts 2. 22 parts 3. 28 parts 4. 17 parts 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.76 Under the Constitution of India who is the ultimate sovereign? 1. The people of India 2. The President of India 3. The Prime Minister of India 4. The Parliament of India 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.77 Which among the following has the power to appoint and remove the Judges of the High court of the states? 1. The Judge of the Supreme Court 2. The Attorney-General of India 3. The President of India 4. The Governors of the states 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.78 Which among the following is not an internationally accepted system of units? 1. CGS System 2. MKS System 3. SI System 4. PVB System 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.79 Who invented the adding machine? 1. Alfred Nobel 2. Charles Babbage 3. A. Celsius 4. Pascal 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.80 Which scientific instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure? 1. Ammeter 2. Bolometer 3. Barometer 4. Hygrometer 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.81 At which of the following places the Vikram Sarabhai Space Center is located? 1. Thiruvananthapuram 2. Bangalore 3. Kolkata 4. Kochi (Kerala) 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.82 Which part of a plant grows towards light? 1. Flowers 2. Stem 3. Leaves 4. Roots 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.83 Which among the following is the apex institution of Rural Credit in India? 1. MSME 2. SEBI 3. RBI 4. NABARD 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.84 ‘With You all the way’ is the slogan of which bank? 1. Allahabad Bank 2. Punjab National Bank 3. State Bank of India 4. Union Bank of India 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.85 Which of the following films won the ‘Best Picture’ award in the Oscars 2013 or the 85th Academy Awards ceremony? 1. Lincoln 2. Argo 3. Silver Linings Playbook 4. Life of Pie 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.86 Which among the following is Not a condition during which the contract of life insurance is valid for payment of the insured amount? 1. The date of maturity 2. Specified dates at periodic intervals 3. At the time of urgent need of money 4. Unfortunate death, if it occurs earlier. 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.87 What is Keyman Insurance? 1. It is an American Insurance Company. 2. This insurance is taken by Indian Army on the life of its key Army Officers to insure their families on their premature demise. 3. It is taken by Indian Navy for its naval Officers 4. It is taken by a business firm on the life of key employee(s) to protect the firm against financial losses, which may occur due to the premature demise of the Keyman. 5. None of these. Ans: 4 Q.88 In which year the computers were introduced in LIC? 1. 1970 2. 1964 3. 1960 4. 1956 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.89 What does the term “Hazard” implies in Life Insurance? 1. This is the self-insured part of an insured loss. 2. It is a loss faced by the insurance company because the premiums are not paid by the policyholder on the due time 3. A potential cause of loss 4. Anything that increases the seriousness of a loss or increases the likelihood that a loss will occur. 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.90 An insurance policy cannot be assigned to another party without the consent of the insurance company. What is it called? 1. Confirmation 2. Assignment 3. Binder 4. Liberalization 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.91 What is RISC? 1. Storage Device 2. Computer Network 3. Microprocessor 4. Operating System 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.92 ‘NORTON’ is an ____ 1. Software 2. Anti-Virus Program 3. Network 4. Program 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.93 A program that converts high level language to machine Language is _______ 1. Linker 2. Assembler 3. Compiler 4. All of the above 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.94 Zip is a -----file. 1. Executable File 2. Compressed File 3. System File 4. Combo 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.95 At a time how many operating system can be at work on a computer ? 1. Only one 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.96 Answer Sheets in bank PO’s/Clerk’s examinations are checked by using – 1. Optical Character Reader 2. Optical Mark Reader 3. Magnetic ink Character Reader 4. All of the above 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.97 Image can be sent over telephone lines by using ------ 1. Larger bandwidth 2. Fax 3. Scanner 4. Cable 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.98 Which among the following is a Scientific Computer Language? 1. BASIC 2. COBOL 3. FORTRAN 4. PASCAL 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.99 What is “Oracle” ? 1. A Co-ordination System 2. Word Software 3. Database Software 4. All of the above 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.100 IC Chip is made of -----. 1. Silicon 2. Nickel 3. Iron 4. Copper 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.101 At which place is India’s Silicon Valley situated? 1. Bangalore 2. Hyderabad 3. Chennai 4. Kolkata 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.102 A connection from one HTML document to another HTML document is called ____________ 1. Hyper Link 2. Connecting Link 3. Icon 4. All of these 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.103 This device is used to connect your computer with a telephone line, so that can access information from other servers and ordinary users too, said device is called ___________ 1. Modem 2. Set Top Box 3. LAN Card 4. UPS 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.104 Device on one network can communicate with devices on another network via_______ 1. File Server 2. Utility Server 3. Printer Server 4. Gateway 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.105 The screen background is known as the________ 1. Application 2. Window 3. Desktop 4. Frames 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.106 Which of the following is not an input device? 1. Mouse 2. Keyboard 3. Light pen 4. VDU 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.107 What are the units used to count the speed of a printer ? 1. CPM 2. DPI 3. PPM 4. BIT 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.108 A computer that combines the characteristic of analog and digital computers_________ 1. Hybrid Computer 2. Digital Computer 3. Analog Computer 4. Super Computer 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.109 WORM stands for? 1. Write Once Read Memory 2. Wanted Once Read Memory 3. Wanted Original Read Memory 4. Write Original Read Memory 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.110 Memory unit is a part of ______ 1. Input Device 2. Control Unit 3. Output Device 4. Central Processing Unit 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.111 Which of the following companies developed MS Office-2000? 1. Novell 2. Corel 3. Lotus 4. Microsoft 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.112 What is the meaning of ‘MICR’? 1. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition 2. Magnetic Intelligence Character Recognition 3. Magnetic Information Cable Recognition 4. Magnetic Insurance Cases Recognition 5. None of these Ans: 1 Q.113 VIRUS stands for________ 1. Very Important Record User Searched 2. Verify Interchanged Result Until Source 3. Vital Information Resource Under Seize 4. Very Important Resource Under Search 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.114 The technique that extends storage capacities of main memory beyond the actual size of the main memory is called _______ 1. Multitasking 2. Virtual storage 3. Multiprocessing 4. Multiprogramming 5. Switching Ans: 2 Q.115 ____________Command we can use to close the windows. 1. Alt+ F1 2. Alt+ S 3. Alt+ End 4. Alt+F4 5. None of these Ans: 4 Q.116 Algorithm is used ------- 1. To bring itself into desired state by its own action 2. To perform logarithmic operations 3. To describe a set of procedure by given result is obtained 4. As a high level language 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.117 FOXPRO is a --------- 1. RDMBS 2. DBMS 3. Language 4. All of the above 5. None of these Ans: 3 Q.118 Who is considered to the father of computers? 1. John Bardeen 2. Charles Babbage 3. John Backus 4. William Shockley 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.119 Which of the following will connect you to the Internet? 1. An Commercial online service 2. An Internet service provider 3. A network connection 4. All of the above 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.120 What software allows you to view internet sites? 1. A cyber café 2. A browser 3. A modem 4. Your computer 5. None of these Ans: 2 Q.121 For how long, has the government been trying various projects to modernise libraries? 1. Three decades 2. Four decades 3. Five Decades 4. Two Decades 5. Six Decades Ans: 2 Passage Q.122 Available on the shelves means- 1. Available in the country 2. Available in the city 3. Available in the library 4. Available in the ministry 5. All of the above Ans: 3 Passage Q.123 What measures has the author suggested to improve the future of libraries? A. Reinvent libraries as public spaces B. Organize multiple functions such as art exhibitions in the libraries C. Offering free and easy access to more digital content 1. Only A 2. Both A and B 3. Only B 4. Both B and C 5. A, B and C Ans: 5 Passage Q.124 Which of the following reasons have been attributed to the decline in libraries? A. Poor infrastructure B. Pathetic services C. Low staff 1. Only A 2. Both A and B 3. Only B 4. Only C 5. A, B and C Ans: 2 Passage Q.125 How much amount has been assigned to the libraries in the Twelfth five year plan at present? 1. Rs 400 crore 2. Rs 500 crore 3. Rs 600 crore 4. Not mentioned in the passage 5. None of the above Ans: 4 Passage Q.126 Which of the following statement is TRUE in context of the passage? 1. National Mission on Libraries was implemented in the eleventh five year plan. 2. The national mission aims at protecting the books in the libraries through preserving them electronically. 3. National Library is located at Kolkata. 4. Spread of e-boos is the most important reason jeopardizing the future of libraries. 5. All except 3 Ans: 3 Passage Q.127 According to the passage, earlier what other steps have been taken to modernize libraries? A. Introducing information technology to improve services B. Collaborating with international bodies to set up adequate infrastructure C. Interlink libraries D. Establishing the Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation 1. Only A 2. Only B 3. B and C 4. All except B 5. A, B and C Ans: 4 Passage Q.128 Which of the following things have been said about the state of National Library in Kolkata? A. The Comptroller and Auditor Generals report 2010 has appraised its performance and upkeep. B. Excessive delays in the processing of procured books denied users the benefit of reading three lakh books. C. The library did not issue books to readers despite they being available in 40 per cent of the cases. 1. Only C 2. A and B 3. B and C 4. Only B 5. A, B and C Ans: 3 Passage Q.129 Which of the following statement is FALSE in context of the passage? 1. In the past 10 years, the National library has digitised only about 9000 books. 2. Most local bodies levy a library cess as part of property tax. 3. The sum of money collected by way of cess is not transferred towards library improvement. 4. Both 1 and 2 5. All are true Ans: 5 Passage Q.130 What could be the suitable TITLE of the passage? 1. Reinventing Libraries 2. Twelfth five year plan 3. National Library 4. National Mission 5. Digitization of Libraries Ans: 1 Passage Q.131 ln the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. He is likely to get back at you after his humiliating defeat at the match. 1. To call someone back 2. To visit someone again 3. To criticize someone behind his back 4. To retaliate 5. To go in a wrong direction Ans: 4 Q.132 ln the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. They searched for the diamond ring in every nook and corner. 1. Everywhere 2. No where 3. All corners only 4. Under every nook 5. Outside every room Ans: 1 Q.133 ln the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. He wanted to go to Spain but I put my foot down and refused to let him go. 1. To shed the dust from the shoe 2. To show determination 3. To guide someone 4. To monitor someones activities 5. To go somewhere on foot Ans: 2 Q.134 ln the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. By Monday, it was evident that someone had spilled the beans to the newspaper. 1. To spill the contents of any container 2. To destroy ones opportunity completely 3. To give secret information 4. To secretly call police 5. To spill liquid over ones costumes Ans: 3 Q.135 ln the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. The Foreign Minister assured the foreign investors that reforms would continue at all events. 1. All special occasions 2. In any case 3. For all businessmen 4. In every country 5. Crucial circumstances Ans: 2 Q.136 Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). Even though BRIC countries differ with one (1)/ another on many aspects of the project (2)/ they do agree that a new bank is needed to (3)/ take care of the special aspirations of the group (4)/. No error (5) 1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (4) 5. (5) Ans: 5 Q.137 Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). Direct transfer of benefitting (1)/ in cash to targeted beneficiaries (2)/ of food and fertilizer subsidies could save (3)/ an estimated Rs 60,000 cr and help trim the fiscal deficit (4)/. No error (5) 1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (4) 5. (5) Ans: 5 Q.138 Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). The study showed that (1)/ policies to rein in food inflation (2)/ would require wounding down of the (3)/ fiscal deficit, which has gone above 8% of GDP (4)/. No error (5) 1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (4) 5. (5) Ans: 3 Q.139 Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). Food inflation in India (1)/ has been a majority (2)/ challenge to policy makers (3)/ more so during recent years (4)/. No error (5) 1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (4) 5. (5) Ans: 2 Q.140 Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). The jasmine, one of the oldest (1)/ flowers cultivated by man and (2)/ believed to have calming qualities, is (3)/ the subject of this first-ever full-length speciality book (4)/. No error (5) 1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (4) 5. (5) Ans: 5 Q.141 In the following questions, out of the five alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. Torpid 1. Hot 2. Turbulent 3. Violent 4. Lethargic 5. Stormy Ans: 4 Q.142 In the following questions, out of the five alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. Bumptious 1. Ill-tempered 2. Colliding 3. Illiterate 4. Satisfactory 5. Brashly assertive Ans: 5 Q.143 In the following questions, out of the five alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. Amity 1. Amicableness 2. Seniority 3. Sensitivity 4. Hatred 5. Hostility Ans: 1 Q.144 In the following questions, out of the five alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. Compliance 1. Flexibility 2. Spite 3. Obedience 4. Weakness 5. Capacity Ans: 3 Q.145 In the following questions, out of the five alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. Denizen 1. Agent 2. Police 3. Underworld 4. Captive 5. Citizen Ans: 5 Q.146 ln the questions given below choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. Nurture 1. Ignore 2. Extirpate 3. Coach 4. Avoid 5. Desperate Ans: 2 Q.147 ln the questions given below choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. Villainous 1. Sinister 2. Hideous 3. Odious 4. Manipulative 5. None of these Ans: 5 Q.148 ln the questions given below choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. Gloomy 1. Uplifting 2. Corrosive 3. Sad 4. Vibrant 5. Violating Ans: 1 Q.149 ln the questions given below choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. Ridicule 1. Congratulate 2. Flattery 3. Laughable 4. Derogatory 5. Guidance Ans: 2 Q.150 ln the questions given below choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet. Defame 1. Vilify 2. Discredit 3. Disgrace 4. Commend 5. Malign Ans: 4 Q.151 In each set below five words have been printed which are numbered (1), (2), (3),(4) and (5). One of these words may be wrongly spelt. Find out the wrongly spelt word. The number of that word is the answer. In the preface, the author says the work examines the several divergent traditions that surviving in India. All . 1. preface 2. examines 3. traditions 4. surviving 5. All Ans: 4 Q.152 In each set below five words have been printed which are numbered (1), (2), (3),(4) and (5). One of these words may be wrongly spelt. Find out the wrongly spelt word. The number of that word is the answer. Collisions between science and religion have been part of the normal story for centuries. All . 1. Collisions 2. science 3. religion 4. centuries 5. All Ans: 1 Q.153 In each set below five words have been printed which are numbered (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). One of these words may be wrongly spelt. Find out the wrongly spelt word. The number of that word is the answer. The book revolves around the rapid decline of the State in political, economic and social parameters under various dispensations. All . 1. revolves 2. rapid 3. political 4. parameters 5. All Ans: 5 Q.154 In each set below five words have been printed which are numbered (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). One of these words may be wrongly spelt. Find out the wrongly spelt word. The number of that word is the answer. The conference will discuss policy pursued by various governments in the aftermath of the global financial crysis. All . 1. conference 2. pursued 3. aftermath 4. crysis 5. All Ans: 4 Q.155 In each set below five words have been printed which are numbered (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). One of these words may be wrongly spelt. Find out the wrongly spelt word. The number of that word is the answer. The higher current account defecit increases vulnerability and dependence on foreign inflows. All . 1. current 2. defecit 3. vulnerability 4. dependence 5. All Ans: 2 Q.156 In the following question, a selected pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pair of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship SIMILAR to that expressed in the original pair. Progress: Regress 1. Encourage: Discourage 2. Acquit: Blame 3. Imbibe: Incorporate 4. Inhale: Breathe 5. Extort: Pressure Ans: 1 Q.157 In the following question, a selected pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pair of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship SIMILAR to that expressed in the original pair. Appreciation: Compliment 1. Understatement: Hyperbole 2. Ballet: Ballerina 3. Car: Scooter 4. Separate: Join 5. Talk: Prating Ans: 5 Q.158 In the following question, a selected pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pair of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship SIMILAR to that expressed in the original pair. Bouquet: Flowers 1. Forest: Trees 2. Husk: Corn 3. Mist: Rain 4. Woodpile: Logs 5. Dedicate: Motivate Ans: 4 Q.159 In the following question, a selected pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pair of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship SIMILAR to that expressed in the original pair. Scold: Berate 1. Ascribe: Assign 2. Impose: Put down 3. Secede: Join 4. Dictate: Plead 5. President: Servant Ans: 1 Q.160 In the following question, a selected pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pair of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship SIMILAR to that expressed in the original pair. Vehicle: Passenger car 1. Scarlet: Red 2. Tree: Maple 3. Building: Quid pro quo 4. Medicine: Profession 5. Likely: Alter ego Ans: 2 for more paper click on link bankercorner.blogspot.in/2013/11/lic-aao-previous-papersample-papertest.html
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:25:48 +0000

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