Q-1-What is the speed memory? Most students do not plan out their - TopicsExpress


Q-1-What is the speed memory? Most students do not plan out their study time wisely. It is important to know that breaks in between can help you retain better, so divide your study hours. For instance, study a theoretical topic for about 40 minutes and take a 10 minute break. Keep aside 60 minutes for subject such as mathematics and science. When you are taking a break you may listen to music, go for a short walk or do breathing exercises to relax. Q-2-What is scientific revision plan? Several students study throughout the year, but need to start all over again before the examination they have a problem retaining whatever they have learnt. The scientific revision plan below will help one to cope with this issue. Step1: for better retention, the first revision should be done within 24 hours of memorizing a particular topic. According to our memory cycle, we start forgetting within 24 hours of memorizing something. Steo2: the second revision should not exceed seven days. Following the first revision, the brain retains the information only for a week. Q-3-How does the law of re-integration help you recall an answer in the examination hall? If your mind goes blank as soon as see the question paper, or find it difficult to recall answers to certain question, follow the law of re-integration. Whenever you fail to recall an answer in the examination hall, try concentrating and going back to the surrounding in which you learnt it. Visualize yourself opening that particular page of the book and try to go through it mentally. In a few second you are likely to be able to recall the answer. Q-4-What is the law of interference? If you study for hours at a stretch before the exam, you are likely to get confused. To avoid this, make sure that you do not study the same subject throughout the day. Instead, devote each slot to a different subject. Alternate logical theoretical subjects like history, math, Hindi, science. Q-5-Why is it important to have water? The control fluid of your brain is the universal fluid –water. Unlike other edibles and drinks, excess intake of water does not hamper your body. On the contrary, it recharges you by flushing out toxins and revitalizing your anatomical system. However, do not drink water half-an-hour before and one hour after meals. This dilutes the digestive juices impairing digestion and consuming energy, which you could have utilized better. Q-6How does one achieve good concentration? Concentration has a strong connection with sleep. In fact, when we sleep, the brain starts re-organizing all the assembled information of the day. Thus, if you sleep well, you will not only feel fresh, but also be able to assimilate better.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:28:56 +0000

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