Q&A How do you make contact? What is your method if youre not - TopicsExpress


Q&A How do you make contact? What is your method if youre not working around CSETIs protocols? I would like to understand because there should be conformity in order to create unity. Why another approach and how do you justify that opposed to the established CE5 procedure? Transology gladly answers questions in our Q&A section here on FB. First off all I would like to say sorry to all people who didnt saw their answer posted here. There arent simply enough hours in the day to do everything we want to. We are a LightWorker initiative performing lots of work time in the field, so there isnt always time for social media interaction. In terms of the quality, we like to present to our readers and followers, we hope that this will be met with a favorable understanding for which we give our thanks. We also try to take a question or thought that can be fitted into a story… preferably a recent one. Speaking of which... Making Contact requires effort on our behalf in more than one way. All our colleagues will agree on this because they have been with us during those long night hours in the field and consequently know it takes quite some effort and patience. Transology is currently at the quota of doing 2 or 3 group NIghtWatches a month which is quite good compared to global estimations. We like to be in the field most of the time and therefore have chosen a special place that fulfills both our needs for contact and let us do our work in the most comfortable way as possible. Fine-tuning is always mandatory of course. So in order to become a NightWatcher youll need to face the wind, the rain, the cold, nature and long hours of introspective thought. Sky.Watching is an art form and not to be taken lightly. Tourists gathering in the hope of catching a silver ship passing by will be disappointed. This is not how it works. Everybody who has a sufficient amount of time invested in making a CE5 (Establishing a link) will tell you that Sightings are not really the issue but a pleasing side effect to the entire process. So what is important then...? CE10, or more precisely a CE9 (receive the Message) that evolves into the development of Ethical Conduct and the will to do something with it (that summons the CE10). We call it ACT (the Art of Coming Together), because by doing that you will learn a significant part of evolutionary growth… learning to accept people for what they are and why they have crossed your path. They are a mirror to who you are… why? Because we are essentially all one and the same but in different versions. Overcome the differences and stop asking why somebody is different. Its the only way to create Freedom, Righteousness, and Efficiency… the tools necessary for achieving a breakthrough on Earth. The world is crowded with people who look at the differences of others and consequently pass judgement out of mere ignorance. Youll need to overcome this part of your Egocentric self and learn to support others in their growth instead of justifying everything for yourself. This is all bigger than your body, your work, your life… can you understand this, if so than theres hope but lets not get carried away. Protocols, regulations, codes, even religious dogmas (praying is basically a CE5 procedure with pompous medieval ornaments attached to it), are a good way for making Contact as long as you remain an apprentice to the higher light-intelligence, that youll need to become in order to proceed. EBEs (extraterrestrial Biological Entities) are here to inspire change not to enforce it. This means that it is up to you! UP TO YOU! if its up to you youll need to get to know yourself better. If you can get aquatinted with whoever is staring at you from the mirror you will learn about the world, because we are all one. You do not really learn about this in CSETI because Greer and coworkers do not work on augmenting the know-how… they like their followers as apprentices. In a way this is quite understandable because to much know-how and freedom to develop outside the lines makes a chaotic company and CSETI is trying to do just that… become a company. Theres no good or bad in this… but I would strongly suggest people to learn from Steven Greer and then develop further on your own or in different groups. 26/07 Transology participated in the Global CE5 Initiative and brought its own study materials and results to further progression at establishing Contact and receiving the Message. Heres the tricky part and also why the tourists to this have it all wrong. CE5s have to be done in sequences… one well worked night will not be sufficient. studying your own methods and results is of the most importance so dont be disappointed if nothing happens… Your 3d dimensional frame of reference can most surely not understand all the possible dimensions to this. But let us give you a push… The Message (CE9) takes different dates to manifest itself. its like a puzzle that will fit one day as you are playing around with the pieces youve found. One of those pieces for us was the 8… and it seemed to be a very important part of our overall work at that. How did it start? 2011 I had contact with an ETV (Extraterrestrial Vehicle)… but just prior to that I received a symbol on the window of my car (pic. far right). I didnt understand… only later weve discovered that it had something to do with Dharma (Buddhism and the Eightfold Path). little did I suspect that the 8 in on of its geometric shapes (the Octagon) was the next clue. This pattern (second pic from the right) is the basis of a Cosmic Portal. How is that for making contact? I even received an almost pathetic Message onto of a hill in Wiltshire during a Night Watch this year… (S1T2A3R4 G5A6T7E8) (W1O2R3M4H5O6L7E8) (S1T2A3R4 W5A6R7S8) (S1T2A3R4 T5R6E7K8). The last two have something to do with the notion that science fiction is a portal to Truth. Looking at a speculative future through the eyes of fantasy is more science the you might b believe. remember captain Kirk and his been me up Scotty device? Now everybody owns one in the form of a cellphone. Think about this because it was invented by Gene Roddenberry in a TV show. So the 8 kept on appearing all the time. Transology even worked on a geometric project (second pic from the left) for years that seemed to have all the qualities of the Dharma and i had a dream about a highway with 8 strokes connecting to heaven. Coincidence? Or the result of advanced SkyWatching? It is quite clear that Ufology leads into LightWorking that enables us to have larger Ethical Conduct. Stranger still, only weeks prior to our trip to Wiltshire two crops appeared, both in the Netherlands and the UK (third and fourth pic from the left). That show the 8 in two ways. The first (Netherlands) has the infinity sign (Immortality), the other clearly visualizes our geometric study from the second picture from the left. Amazing! During the global CE5 (26/07) weve decided to create the Octagon in our CE5 field and meditate from there… the result is visible on the first picture from the left. This is Contact! Good Thoughts to you all Bart bateman
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 23:42:30 +0000

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