Q&A assalamu alaikum Jouhar, i got a question, How do you deal - TopicsExpress


Q&A assalamu alaikum Jouhar, i got a question, How do you deal with the negativity of people who say there mureeds of seyh nazim yet talk down on the osmanli way. I ask you because you being in Uk that seems to be where most of the talk down come from. Also Ramadan Kareem as well and hope you and your family are well In Sha Allah. Answer: Wa alaikumussalam..i speak to them the truth and nothing can be above the truth. So this jahils are afraid to talk with me. They come and they remove me from friend list because they could not digest bitter truth. There are many naqshbandi branches. So if this jahils think their branch is only in right path, it is the first sign that they are on wrong path. Because they did not understand the purpose of Tasawuf. And it is their empty deceit to believe so. They are merely like other Sunni groups just wearing the Sufi outfit. Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.This people are fooled by the cults. SUFISM IS to follow the way of awliya Allah. An Awliya do not make cult...rather he uphold truth and warn against thr cults and sects. Sufism is to dissolve in Divine Love. The cult makers are those whom Mawlana said: we ask to be no one and nothing..as long as we are someone we are not complete. So the cult makers asking to be someone and something when the Shaykh say we ask to be no one and nothing!. This is very important point from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim(q.s) to help us to understand who are his real followers. Some people saying we are ahlul bayth and you must follow us and respect us. But they following a life style and teaching that totally contradicts the life style of Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam and imams of ahlul bayt. Just like every sects have a copy of same Quran but can we follow them all?. All of them are on right path? No,Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam saying:among 73 only one will be saved!. Like all sects have Allahs Quran ,many cults have Ijazah from Mawlana. But that may not necessarily make them the correct Naqshbandi followers or path!. For us the Ottomans,Osmali way, is authenticated by Habibuna Nabi Muhammad alaihiswalathu wa salam. Recorded both in sahih Bukhari and Sahih muslim narrated by Hudayfa R.A which says: Stick to the main body of Muslims and their Imam , Hudayfa ibn al Yaman R.A asked: what if there no main body and no leader, Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam replied isolate yourself from all these sects until death reach to you which related to Ottoman Sulthans and their Ways. Alhamdulillah we are on that path. Also in Abu Dawood and Tirmidi: Cling to it with your molar teeth, beware of newly invented matters every innovation is misguidance So can this cult makers bring a single ayath or hadith to prove they are on right path!???.If this cult makers can bring a wali to me from their cult at that time i will speak to that person. Ask them if they have saint with them. If yes Jouhar Ali is coming to speak to that person. So the cult makers did not complete their spiritual journey in this way nor they have begun their journey. Because to begin journey you must completely submit to your Shaykh. So it is obvious that if they submitted to Shaykh Nazim (q.s) they dont make this cult ignorance. So many of them Questioning Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q.s) to get a statement from him so that they can twist it to interpret to promote their fake identity. The state of a Murid in the presence of his Shaykh is Adab he stand or sit in the feet of Shaykh with fear and hope. It is the state of Samina wa atha-naa we listen and we obey Quran 2:285. But in Western fraction of cult Naqshbandis it is like hip hop and metalic near the Shaykh. If so called Naqshbandis want to know how murids behave around their Shaykh (not just in his presence but in the premises where Shaykh come/live). Then come to Kerala,South India. See Qadri Rifai Shaykhs and their followers Western Naqshbandi Sufism is tainted. Osmanli Naqshbandis holding to Sulthans. There is a feeling of living under sulthan in it. But other Sufi groups in the west is not strong. Tell me how many murids feel connected to some grand Shaykhs and Prophet alaihiswalathu wa salam? Hardly any!. But various sufi groups are good in the west for finding a halal gathering to come out of lonliness depression and boredom. And that Khalifas and Shaykhs in the west doing work in this mental health issues. They cannot deal with spirituality. Spiritual elevation come from being truthful and sincere. And Such Shaykhs with a truthful heart and tongue and sincerity are very rare in the west. They are not spiritually high nor can they elevate their followers. They are only mental doctors, not spiritual masters. Make the mind straight so that their followers can follow them and fulfill the obligatory worships and engage in group activties like Zikr Halqa, Sohbet or fairy tales or Malayani. Some of them fool their followers by saying Prophet s.a.w given/promise but later will say Allah and Prophet broke Promises!!! But 21st century people who think they are smart, cannot distinguish between MBBS doctor and FRCS Doctor. Anyway, i do not want to upset anyone. They have their work and we have ours. We cannot expect a clerk to become CEO or a Porter to do the work of King. So we dont interfere them. But when the time comes their service will be under our feet. Let the hip hop go ahead now. Ramadan kareem.wa salam alaikum. -Jouhar Ali Naqshbandi Al-Hassani
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 06:02:31 +0000

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