Q&A from PCs Part 3 Qustions 8-14 ·Responds to question #8. - TopicsExpress


Q&A from PCs Part 3 Qustions 8-14 ·Responds to question #8. Will you carry out the Censure of Sen John McCain? (McCain was censured “for his continued disservice to our State and Nation” in Jan 2014 by the GOP State Committeemen, Maricopa County Republicans PCs, plus several outlaying counties “…until he consistently champions our Party’s Platform, we, the Republican leadership in Arizona will no longer support, campaign for or endorse John McCain as our U.S. Senator.”) A) McCain has already been censured. The beauty of our system that the voters will have a chance to remove him in the Primary if they so choose. As 2nd VC I will continue to do as our current 2nd VC has done and not engage in working for ANY Republican against another Republican candidate during the primary. As much as I am not a big fan of McCain, taking part in his primary would set an inappropriate precedence of MCRC Leadership taking part in Primaries and then we would then be pressured to jump into other “comparable” races, thus dirtying up the process just like the Democrats do. ·Responds to question #9. Do you support reported attempts to remove conservative PCs from leadership roles? A)I do not know that these claims are a fact. I remember when Rob Haney recruited me he sat me down and asked me A LOT of questions before recommending me to be a PC. Through the appointment process in which this allegation is derived, the appointment paperwork has a spot for Precinct Captains, and LD Chairman to sign, but the MCRC Chairman CAN appoint a PC if the other leadership does not sign it in an attempt to “remove conservatives PCs”. So quite frankly if this is truly happening there is a solution to this problem. ·Responds to question #10. Arizona Republicans suffered a Voter Registration LOSS of 32,000 the past two years, according to the Secretary of State’s report. How you plan to get them back? A) Part of my plan if I get the privilege to serve as 2nd VC is this very issue. In my past campaign for the AZ House we identified all of the Independents and undeclared voters who had requested Republican ballots. We then reached out to them to see if they openly identified as Conservative. The ones that did (which were a lot) we then embraced them on our shared conservative beliefs. As 2nd VC we would do the same thing but work hard to bring them back to the party and push the point that by being an active Republican they can hold ALL Republican candidates accountable to support the Republican Platform which is Conservative. ·Responds to question #11. Why are the McCain people supporting Lisa Gray for county chairman? A) I have seen everything that has been going around, I have stayed out of it. I am running for 2nd VC as a solo candidate to answer solely to the PCs. I am more interested in building our party to win in 2015- 2016 rather than to give an answer full of surmising comments. ·Responds to question #12. Have you ever supported John McCain or Jeff Flake for office (worked on their campaign in any way; made a donation to their candidacy). A) No ·Responds to question #13. Have you ever attended a Tea Party Meeting? A)YES, LOTS and I am actually supported by two prominent Tea Party leaders you can find them here AaronBorders.us ·Responds to question #14. What organized groups have you reached out to during your active time in AZ politics? (diverse groups, ie, ethnic, political stance, conservative, liberal, etc -- not different LD or GOP run of the mill groups) A) I credit the closeness of my race in such a heavy Democrat district precisely because of my unconventional outreach to clubs, groups and organizations that normally are not part of politics. From Latino groups, Block watch groups , PTSA’s, Coffee with a Cop meetings, Graffiti Clean-up Groups, HOA’s, and many more. This Is The Most Important Part: When our campaign team met with these groups, we were right beside them working to clean and promote our neighborhoods. We used the approach of “concept selling”. When we met with them we worked with them and showed them our shared concern for our neighborhood by our actions not lip service. I implored my team in each and every situation to find examples of where Less Government would make each and every group and association’s goals be more successful. We then would point out why we are Republicans by using examples they are passionate about. It worked, we built bridges with “A-Political” groups that had never been involved in politics
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 16:11:24 +0000

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