Q&A in North Carolina 1. Death of loved ones (son, brother, - TopicsExpress


Q&A in North Carolina 1. Death of loved ones (son, brother, husband, parents), having difficulty coping up with the loss, cant meditate, lost faith. Babajis reply that there is no household in this room that had not seen death, the person is looking at his/her point of view n grieving over their loss n not looking at the person who passed away, he/she escaped the world of illusion/pain, he quoted Whom the gods love, die young, initiates need to live like ducks in a pond, feathers dont get wet, live large with no attachment or obsession 2. Meditating n not seeing results n asking for His grace Babajis reply: just put in the effort with liven that is in our hands light n sound will come. Not to lose faith n give up, grace is always there, it is proportional to effort. 3. Professional growth, career, family, not enough hours to meditate, feel guilty. Babajis answer: why is spirituality always sacrificed, when one chose this path, knew the requirements, need to manage n balance life n spiritual practice, the main purpose of human birth is to ask for forgiveness, be with the Father, this web of illusion is temporary n will never give happiness, true happiness is to be with the Father 4. Should spirituality be a curriculum from childhood? Most of the satsangis parents inculcated in their kids. Babajis reply: Be a good human being is most important, for initiates, live the 4 vows n lead by example, dont force or brainwash, foundation is built by seeing, forcing could have negative impact, if it is their destiny, they have to come on this path, they will follow, dont make decision for them n obsess about it. 5. Is pulling the plug from the ventilator a karma creation? Babajis reply: let the doctors make the right decision n if it has to be done n it is the right thing, then it is fine 6. Animal based medicine, eating stuff accidentally with hidden eggs Babajis reply: in this country, every thing is labeled, there cannot be accidents n no compromise on any of the 4 vows, totally unacceptable. 7. Where is the fine line, being a good human n people taking advantage Babajis response: you cannot lose your self respect, at the same time you cannot provoke an action which could create a negative karma, an example, a person saw some bite marks on the kid, approached the grandma n told her that the marks looks in appropriate, the grandma told that the kid has a cousin who bites, the girl thought that it was parental abuse n told that she is going to call child sevices, the grandma starting cursing and abusing Babajis reply: it was good on the girls part to help the kid but she should have not provoked n challenged the grandma that lead to a verbal spat. Nothing wrong in helping but not to a point where it disturbs you mentally, causing disharmony and affecting your 4th vow, in order to be a good human, dont take everything too literally that you become the police n just try to help everyone around 8. Husband wants initiation, wife is atheist and against it. Babajis reply: He jokingly said that she wears the pants in the house where husband said no, Babaji said a relationship should have boundaries, you must have respect n space, you respect her atheism n she should not stop you from following your spiritual path, does not mean you need to fight or leave her but talk n define boundary n space 9. Why creation n why we are part of it? Babajis reply: Father was bored n wanted to mess with us n have some fun (jokingly), thats the reason we need to meditate, be part if the ocean rather than be a droplet, be with the sun rather than ray of sun to understand the creation 10. Is Sant mat only way of salvation from this wheel of birth/death? Babajis reply: No, there are others too, meditation, finding a living Master who has the key is the only way n does not necessarily has to be Sant Mat
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 11:16:51 +0000

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