Q&A with Moffat: Q: Was the barn Clara visits in Listen on - TopicsExpress


Q&A with Moffat: Q: Was the barn Clara visits in Listen on Gallifrey, or a different planet? If its Gallifrey, is it not time-locked? The sky didnt look burnt orange when we saw the outside of the barn in The Day of the Doctor, so does this mean its another planet? A: In my head, hes in the Wastelands of Gallifrey (where the burnt orange dims to a lovely blue). Originally the script specified this, but I cut that, to give myself some wiggle room, should I ever need it. I wonder if this is a Time Lock question? Gallifrey and the events of the Time War are supposed to be held in a Time Lock, preventing the Doctors return. However, in The Day of the Doctor, the Moment not only unlocked those events, she also allowed them to change. The Doctor doesnt realise it yet, but, as demonstrated in Listen, the Time Lock no longer holds. Q: In The End of Time, a Time Lady claims that the Doctor is in possession of the moment. I was wondering whether Russell T Davies had given you any hints regarding the mythology of the Time War before you started on The Day of the Doctor? A: Um. I think I asked him ages ago, about something else. And I wish I could remember what he said. Of course - as the great man himself once said in this very column - if its not established on screen, its not real yet. So the version of the Moment we end up with in The Day of the Doctor is probably quite different from Russells original idea. But, you know, thats how its supposed to work: things change and develop in unexpected ways, and then you cast Billie Piper. Q: How long did the War Doctor live for? Surely he must have had a very long life to go from young man to old man? But he claimed he was only 800, when the seventh Doctor said he was 953, so how does that work? A: The Doctor has no idea how old he is (how would he keep count?), and so just plucks a likely number from the air, whenever hes asked. He specifically mentions that hes lost track in The Day of the Doctor.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:20:00 +0000

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