Q: As the Christmas Holiday begins, what should the Muslim - TopicsExpress


Q: As the Christmas Holiday begins, what should the Muslim response be in terms of receiving (and giving) of gifts between relatives, classmates, fellow workers and friends? And how should Muslims respond to greetings of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year? IWDM: On the holidays of the Christians we shouldnt offend our relatives by refusing to accept gifts from them. However, our Christian relatives should know that we also give gifts on our holidays. During the celebration upon the completion of the fast of Ramadan and during the celebrating of the Eid day on the completion of the Hajj commemorating Prophet Abrahams sacrifice, his inviting everyone to feast and his charity to the poor directs us to embrace that same spirit. During our spirit of celebration, we should share the goodness with our Christian relatives and friends by giving them gifts in the spirit of the Eid (Muslim holiday). Q: In a household where the husband is Muslim and the wife is Christian, should there be Christmas symbolisms such as Christmas trees and decorations? IWDM: We would expect Christian women to embrace or accept the religion of their husband. The least we expect is that the Christian wife of the Muslim man would accept that the house not carry any symbols or emblems that would hurt the religious sentiment or sensitivities of either party in the marriage. It is important also to note that the history of Christmas decorations (trees, lights, reafs of evergreen branches and the like) were introduced from pagan practices. Hence, many mistakenly take such objects as Christmas trees, lights, wreaths etc., to be a part of Christianity. Upon him be peace, Christ Jesus never saw such objects neither did his disciples know of such objects. However, these pre-Christian era practices over a long period of time have become important in the tradition of merry making in the Christmas season. Therefore, there is a respect to be given the inclusion of such objects in the celebration of the Christmas season. The expression yuletide goes back in history to a practice in pagan religions having evergreen trees dragged to a chosen location, pilled high and set afire. The folk of the area would be cheered by the bright fire and the nice aromatic smell from the burning pine needles. Over the centuries this practice was established in Christmas season tradition. Imam W. Deen Muhammad QUESTION: Do Muslims give Christmas gifts? IMAM: Im sure they do. I dont know if we think of it as Christmas gifts, but Im sure they do. I dont, myself. If I want to give a Christian a gift, Ill find an occasion — a birthday or something -- to give that person a gift. During the season, I do send Seasons Greetings cards to Christians who are my friends, or my in-laws and relatives. I dont like sending them the typical Christmas card because it has the Trinitarian concept. Our country is made up of people belonging to different religions Jews, Christians, Muslims and many others; thats why they have cards that just say Seasons Greetings. The manufacturers or publishers know that there are some people who dont subscribe to the different religious ideas. So I find that I have no problem selecting a card that doesnt carry an offensive message or a message that would be in conflict with my religion, and I send them to my Christian relatives and friends on Christmas Day. My wife, I think, has wanted me to give my relatives, who celebrate Christmas, a gift on Christmas, but I havent been able to do it. They (relatives) give my children gifts on Christmas, but I wish they would give my children gifts on a birthday or on one of our Eid days. So I understand the situation; I know they would like to give gifts on their holiday, but I have a problem giving them gifts on Christmas. I have a problem doing that. I believe one time I did give a gift to one of my relatives during the season holidays, but I didnt send it as a Christmas gift; I sent it just as a gift, and it was after Christmas I waited until after Christmas. It got there a little late — just before New Years. If any Muslim gives their relatives gifts on Christmas, I dont think they should worry about it -- they shouldnt have any bad feelings because they are celebrating Christmas. They are not encouraging the celebration o Christmas, they are merely recognizing the sentiments and the need to make their relatives feel good, feel happy let their relatives know that they love them and share the seasons joy with them, although the dont share the ideas. I dont find anything wrong with that. We are setting a deadline of Christmas, 1977, for all Bilalian (Black) people in America to give up their slave names and accept dignified and meaningful names that will free Bilalians once and for all from those yes—sir Master names that were put on our foreparents to label a whole people as the properties of another race. Darnell Karim: On the other part of this talk today, Imam, I would like for you to speak on this New Millennium. We find that most of the faiths, the major faiths - Islam, Christianity and Judaism - seem to be celebrating their most sacred holidays or holy months in the same month. It seems to be coming right at the ending of this century. Can you give some comments on this? Imam Mohammed: Yes. We have this closing of the millennium and going into the Year 2000, and in the last month of the millennium we are witnessing the Muslims fasting in the month of Ramadan that does not come always at this time -for it rotates through out the year, Christians are celebrating Christmas, and Jews are celebrating Hanukkah. All of this is in the same month and time period. I think that it is no accident. I think G-d let that happen as a sign. Why do I say that? Because it is during this time, the end of 1999, that we are not only seeing these holidays occur in the same time period, but we are seeing also the Pope of Rome, Pope John Paul II, and the Custodian of the Two Holy Places in Mecca and Medinah, His Majesty King Fahd encouraging dialogue with the Catholic church leadership and with other Christian leaders and leaders of other great faiths. This is being encouraged by the head of Saudi Arabia, the Custodian of the Two Holy Places, His Majesty King Fahd. Rabita, known as the Muslim World League, is based there in Mecca, and it too is encouraging dialogue with leaders of what we call the Abrahamic faiths - Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Discussion for the purpose of seeing how we can get to know each other better, so that we will respect each other more and find opportunities to cooperate with each other for a better world for all of us. This is what is happening. And as you know, I attended a conference in Israel, a conference that was bringing together different leaders of different religions - Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and other religions, so that we can find opportunities to come closer together based upon what is lawful for us in our religions. It was to put more emphasis on the larger areas of similarities and lesser emphasis on the smaller areas of differences. That is what is happening all around the world, and it is happening in this particular time. But it is not just Muslims, Christians and Jews, for you will find Christians too divided by many denominations. So Christian leaders now are wanting Christians to see their common ties and become stronger. The same thing is happening for Muslims. Muslims have many different schools of thought, many different persuasions, when it comes to how we should live our religion or whether this is more important than that. Whether the cultural dress is too important for us to just ignore it completely. Some think we shouldnt dress in Western clothes which is not identified with the dress of Eastern people. That is a matter for discussion. Personally, you know my position: Be clean, modest, decent and respectful. You dont have to wear any other persons dress. That is my position, but these things are being discussed now. The treatment of women is being discussed more, and Muslim citizens are having more conferences to involve women and to see that women are having a greater presence in society. That they have some real meaningful roles in serving society and working out the future of society with the male leaders of their societies and the world. So there is just a big change for us at the end of this millennium that we are seeing. Great religions are coming together, showing unity for the betterment of human life on this earth. They are speaking among the leaders of their faiths separately. We are seeing the members of those faiths looking at each other, saying: No, we are Christians, and we have to respect each other. We have to seek an opportunity to know each other better, so that we can cooperate together for a better world, for a better future for all of us. That is very necessary. It is important that Muslim leaders have dialogue and discussions with Muslim leaders, so that we can get the benefit of our collective resources and collective efforts. Then the whole Muslim community on this earth gets more benefit from our labor and our works, and that is happening. As you know, I was a guest again at The Vatican. I visited The Vatican again (in 1999) and made an address there as one of the faith leaders from the different faiths, hosted by His Holiness Pope John Paul II. That was unheard of years ago. If someone had told me that would happen, I would have laughed and said: What kind of stuff do you have in your head to make you think that? Thats impossible; that is not going to happen. But it has happened and not just for me. It is happening for many others. People who we thought would never come together are coming together. And I think it is a sign from G-d; it is not from us. It is a sign from Allah that the world has been helped by His servants, the prophets, including Muhammed who has brought the great Message of Mercy to all people in the 6th and 7th Centuries. Before him, there were the great Prophet Moses and the great Prophet Jesus Christ (prayers and peace be on them). There are all of these followers claiming they are believers in G-d and claiming that they are following sacred scripture, so it is time for all of us to recognize each other and recognize that we have the same claim.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:35:14 +0000

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