Q. Could you explain just what the requirements are for being - TopicsExpress


Q. Could you explain just what the requirements are for being accepted as one of your students? A. I require a stable mind, coupled with a deep desire and yearning to discover both your truest self and your ultimate Source. And of course, I also ask that you send me a letter expressing these same sentiments and requesting to become a student. But in truth, I do not require anything, as I am simply carrying out Anamis divine will. Anami is an Ocean of Love and Bliss and only asks that we yearn more for the Creator than the creation, that we yearn for the self and God above all else. When an individual finds oneself within this level of sincerity, this state of consciousness, one is qualified, and this is all the Lord asks of us. To desire the true self and God over and above the created universe is an achievement that few have attained. It is rather easy for the ego to presume that it would choose Heaven over earth in a heartbeat, but this is the exception rather than the rule. The conscious ego so loves its present desires that to even consider desiring God more than them is simply a nuisance and an inconvenient consideration for the ego. Generally speaking, most people are content in their unhappy condition and would not exchange their lives for anothers, nor would they desire a higher level of existence even if it were offered to them. Lord Krishna, in his parable of the pig, made this very point to one of his disgruntled disciples, and it so infuriated this man that he wanted desperately to prove Lord Krishna wrong. Lord Krishna had simply been asked why he did not lift up those souls immediately around him, and he had replied that it was because they would not be eager to leave this world and go to a higher Heaven. Lord Krishna then told this disciple that if he could find any creature that did want to ascend to the next higher level, to bring that creature to him and it would be done. So the man began running around the countryside looking for any creature he could find, and he finally came across a pig. The disciple told the pig that he would be granted a higher level of existence if he would only come before Lord Krishna and ask to be lifted into the world of heavenly consciousness. The pig, considering himself an academic, replied, I am not as gullible as I might appear, and I will not be taken for a fool. I have some questions to ask first. The pig then inquired of the disciple about the conditions of this higher level, and the disciple replied, The higher region is spotlessly clean with many lovely fragrances. The pig appeared skeptical and, with beady eyes, asked another question, Will there be muddied straw and dung for me to roll and sleep in? The disciple retorted, Heaven does not contain such filth. Aha, just as I thought, replied the pig, Such a place might be Heaven to a fool like you, but to me, the place you are describing sounds more like hell. It is extremely difficult for the mind to imagine that the next higher level above it could be better than its present station, and thus it remains reluctant to relinquish its current reality, even when offered the promise of a higher existence. This is what makes truth seekers so uniquely different, for they are brimming with zeal and are consciously willing to transition themselves to the next higher level. This parable also magnificently reveals that no matter what the disgruntled disciple did, he could not prove Lord Krishna wrong. The disciple was projecting and transferring his own frustration onto the Master and the pig, but in truth, he was only angry with himself, for he was refusing the help meant for him, thereby preventing himself from being lifted into a higher existence. None are so blind as those who refuse to see. ~ Excerpt from Souls Divine Journey by Sri Gary Olsen. (For a free copy and to continue reading please go to masterpath.org/sdj-download.php)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:16:19 +0000

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