Q: DO I HAVE TO REMOVE MY - TopicsExpress


Q: DO I HAVE TO REMOVE MY TATTOO? ========================== One question that often comes up from reverts who had tattoos from before Islam, sometimes of something kufr or haram. It is a sensitive and controversial topic and a source of embarassment and concern by a lot of new Muslims. The simple answer is that no, you are not sinful if you did not remove the tattoo. However you should cover it in front of other people e.g. with a bandage or clothes so that people do not doubt or suspect you of any evil. If the tattoo has pictures of people or crosses or similar things that cannot be worn normally, this must be covered, especially during salah. It is permissible to remove a tattoo, but tattoo removal general causes harm to the body similar to or more than putting a tattoo in the first place. The prophet (saw) said, There is no harming yourself or harming others, moreover the cost is sometimes beyond the capability of many people and Allah (swt) says, Allah does not make you accountable beyond your capabilities. A revert to Islam is forgiven all their previous sins and so their mistake in jahiliyyah of having a tattoo is expiated and abrogated by their conversion to Islam. There is no sin on them if they did not go to the expense and harm of removing their tattoos. And Allah knows best. NB: Based on what I learned in Q&A from Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:37:09 +0000

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