Q: How does a conservative know that the media and press are - TopicsExpress


Q: How does a conservative know that the media and press are dominated by liberals and slant news to the left? A: Well, cmon - Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Bill OReally and Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin and Mark Levin and Mike Huckabee and Gretchen Carlson and Greta Van Susteren and George Will and Laura Ingraham and Charles Krauthammer and Jonah Goldberg and Michael Medved and Ann Coulter and Michael Savage and Pat Robertson and R. Emmett Tyrell and Jeff Jacoby and Monica Crowley and Thomas Sowell and Dennis Prager and Steve Doocy and Ollie North and Tucker Carlson and Neil Cavuto and Brian Kilmeade and Dana Perino and Bret Baier and Liz Cheney and Mark Steyn and David Limbaugh and Bernie Goldberg and Ben Shapiro and G. Gordon Liddy and Rich Lowry and Victor Davis Hanson and John Podhoretz and Lou Dobbs and Cal Thomas and Walter Williams and John Stossel and Debra Saunders and Shelby Steele wouldnt all be saying that in their syndicated columns and on their national TV and radio shows if it wasnt true, would they?
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 23:14:23 +0000

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