Q.) I see the veils are beginning to thin between the dimensions - TopicsExpress


Q.) I see the veils are beginning to thin between the dimensions and lokas. One question that it brings up for me is the idea of death, because so many people are afraid to die, especially when they are conditioned by beliefs about hell, if they have done something bad, or even believe that they have done something bad, that they will go to hell. What actually happens to people as they make that passage? SRI BHAGAVAN: What happens is that as people die and they are very scared of hell or of being judged by God, then very often they do not continue their journey. They get stuck in the earth sphere as earthbound spirits. That is an unfortunate thing that is happening. If people of different faiths do the necessary rituals and ceremonies then it is definitely possible to help them. But more important would be to make them talk to God and realize that God is very friendly and is not going to stand in judgment over them. But this is going to require a shift in mans thinking. I think thats the best way to liberate man. He has to get friendly with his God, otherwise there is needless trouble. Q.) So the actual passage of death is very beautiful and peaceful? SRI BHAGAVAN: Its very, very beautiful. The process of dying is a very beautiful process. But for most people, it takes about three days to realize they are dead. Somehow it takes that much time. Thats why people have to go through ceremonies to help them realize they are dead and then to prepare them for their journey to meet God. So if that can take place it is very easy. But if on the other hand fear is put into the person they will hang around. Then they will have to be helped. Q.) So there are spirit helpers who can assist them to go to the appropriate lokas? SRI BHAGAVAN: Yes, thats why when people come to us we work with them to help their ancestors, their parents and grandparents to be cleared. And once these people move away from the earth sphere the person can actually feel the liberation, they will feel a lightness. Its not something to be believed in, but it can be experienced. Q.) Bhagavan, what about people who have died? When global awakening happens, will they also be... SRI BHAGAVAN: They will be spontaneously awakened. Its not only for the living but also for the dead. Q.) So then they can choose to reincarnate again on this earth or somewhere else? SRI BHAGAVAN: Its up to them whether they want reincarnate on the earth sphere or some other sphere, or some other planet. Its all up to them. Such is the freedom given to man.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:12:25 +0000

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