Q: Im re reading the series again for the third time. I dont want - TopicsExpress


Q: Im re reading the series again for the third time. I dont want it to end so I re read them. My poor husband always has to compete for my attention with the books lol. I have a few concerns; one is Im excited for the movie but scared at the same time. I just dont want it to end up like twilight, which I am a fan of... But than gets overly popular and than everyone ends up liking it. But it sucks for us die hard fans that been there from the beginning. I dont know, it will be amazing for you to be big. But I guess I just want to be selfish and keep it all to myself. Lol. But Im happy for your success and you wrote such an amazing series. I havent been able to find another series as good as yours. The books Ive been reading just have been the ones that are coming to theater. But I feel like no other book series would ever compare to Tigers Curse. I know you said as you wrote the series you can relate to Kelsey. Does that mean if you had a choice would you really choose Ren? I know at the end of Tigers Destiny in the scroll, Kishan did say he was happy and loved Durga, but I feel like I need more I want proof. Lol. When I first read the series I finished it in two weeks (it would of been sooner If I didnt have my munsters) and right away I felt for Kishan I wanted him to win Kelsey. But I as I took my time to read it the second time I felt for Ren and I wanted him to win. Crazy right. But I adore them both. And I feel like I need more conviction that Kishan was okay. I was so heart broken when he sacrificed himself I couldnt believe it.. I cried for three days straight I felt utterly depress like if I lost him. Am I crazy? Lol. Will you ever come to California for a book signing? I know I can get a template if I mail a letter to you. But meeting you in person would be an honor. I wish I can go to Oregon for a book signing too. And I cant wait for the nouvelle book of yesubai to come out on June 1st. Congrats on that. :)) Sorry I bug, this wont be the last message. These books/series are a part of my life, Im rely blessed to have read this series I wouldnt have a fantasy or an adventure or somewhere else to go if it werent for this series. I wish nothing but the best for you Colleen and your family. Thank you Colleen talk to you soon. A: First, thank you! I do relate to Kelsey but her choices would not necessarily be my choices. Its doubtful that I would have even gone to India in the first place and I definitely wouldnt have followed a tiger into the jungle. Ren has some characteristics that I really admire but I like Kishan a lot too. I cry for him just as much if not more than Ren. I was just in California for a book signing at the Santa Monica B & N in March. Nothing else has been arranged for California this year. Maybe in 2015 when I tour for the Egypt book.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 22:00:01 +0000

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