Q. What do trips to Northside Wal Mart and snowflakes have in - TopicsExpress


Q. What do trips to Northside Wal Mart and snowflakes have in common? A. No two are the same.Tonight was apparently slow night and I realized it too late.Their was a bunch having a family reunion in grocery aisle 3 and when I went around the next aisle a bunch of folks were homesteading there but aisle 5 was wide open so there I go around and as I pass near the reunion I yelled good by to Aunt Voncille and Uncle Hoyt.Next I went to get eggs and youd have thought those women were looking at the Hope diamond.I just pointed up at the ceiling and yelled,look theres the Goodrich blimpDidnt want to lie and say Goodyear or something. Anyway,when they looked up I grabbed a carton and took a chance that one wasnt cracked.I looked down one aisle and saw the Musk Ox family....mother and son.Ive seen/smelled them on several other occasions and they are never in the vicinity of any soap or deodorant.I kept my speed up and headed for the sweet potatoes.Then I saw the bananas and thought that the granddaughters coming tomorrow might like some so I stopped there. I had to. A woman was standing there fondling every bunch of bananas and she was in no hurry. But,and I do mean butt,hers was at least 42 axe handles across and her buggy was blocking the rest of the display.I said,try the yellow ones.... they are the best.Good advice apparently because she picked one up and left.Slowly! Now Im done and time to leave and since I refuse to use the anti-Christ checkouts I had to stand in a long line to get a live person and the lines at both registers were backed up.A mannequin was operating the other register.By the time I walked out I was chewing my tongue but on the way home.Well Im home now.So far,so good. My tongue is still sore though.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 02:37:49 +0000

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