Q: What is the scariest Liberal-Socialist/Communist/Democrat - TopicsExpress


Q: What is the scariest Liberal-Socialist/Communist/Democrat policy/law from the past year/from the Obama regime? A: _____ (?) A. Refusing to negotiate and compromise with the Republicans in the US Senate and House of Representatives who were legitimately elected by Americans to represent them inre Obamas policies. B. ObamaCare. C. Faling to improve the security of the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya (or removing the Embassy personnel). D. Failing to send US troops and warplanes to aid the embattled US personnel in the US Embassy in Beghazi, Libya, when Embassy personnel clearly sent info that the Embassy was under attack and their pleas for help. E. The cover-up inre the attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, and the killing of four Americans including Ambassador Stephens. F. The NSA spying. G. The IRS anti-conservative scandal? H. Releasing for political gain the name of the SEAL Team and the names of the members who carried out the killing of Osama Bin Laden when traditionally such info has not been done to protect the Team members who carried out covert operations. I. Lying to Americans by claiming that if they like their health care plans and doctors they will be able to keep both under ObamaCare. J. Promising to cut the US debt while increasing it. K. Promising but failing to lower the the unemployment rate below 5%. M. All of the above.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 01:40:20 +0000

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