Q. can you explain how this relates to Teslas idea of Free - TopicsExpress


Q. can you explain how this relates to Teslas idea of Free Wireless Energy and how it would work? Reply · Jefferson Lab2 weeks ago A. It doesnt, really. Teslas idea was based on AC whereas the Van de Graaff is DC. I saw this on youtube and thought I would add my comment. Adam Bull says; remember that the DC generation from the unit is a result of friction of atoms, and the atoms themselves have two charges inside them connected, named electrons and protons. What you said is kind of, in fact absolutely fair, but if DC is produced by two charges, then it may escape why the making and breaking of the atoms produced a DC charge around the surface of a conductor. For instance in an electric motor or generator it is the making and breaking of a magnetic bar in motion, both north and south pole, and it is an alternating current, to get DC you need a commutator. In the case of the Van de Graaff, where is the commutator? How did that DC charge become polarised or corrected to the alternations or oscillations of atoms which comprised of two charges. I dont know, but I think that this may also be a good question which reveals the difference in scientific and electrical engineering terms what might be different between the electrostatic discharge and a regular electromagnetic wave. Wheatstone, who famously measured the electrostatic discharge found it to be 281,000 miles per second, using a several mile long segmented power line. Many claim that his conclusions were erroneous and they were lated perfected and found to be only of the speed of a regular transverse wave, however, many have indicated, including nikola tesla that the speed of propogation of his waves were pi / 2 that of light (pi/2 * C), which is 1.57C, and approximately the same speed of the electrostatic discharge, which may suggest Nikola Teslas system did not utilize a transverse wave, but comprised of two waves, in the same way that the marconi multiple loaded flat top antenna worked out of bolinas between 1914 and 1917, which had a transverse and longitudinal wave, that is to say it was not just a magnetic system. I believe this is why Tesla believed his use of the virtual ground allowed a transmission of power through the ground at typically no losses, as it operated probably, in my opinion, more like the surface of a charged van de Graff ball, or planet, his system propagated more like an electrostatic than an electromagnetic wave. The Marconi system was an adoption of both until the rhombic D antenna replaced it post 1917 RCA Sarnoff. A lot changed about radio post world war 1 , in the days of early transmission, such as the first wireless telegraph transmission was achieved electrostatically via two kites between two mountains about 6 miles apart, it was interesting to note that edison and others attempted to achieve the same using an electromagnetic system, it was interesting to note that the electromagnetic system didn;t work, but the electrostatic system did. Which shows you something about the importance of electrostatic systems in telegraphy, particularly wireless non electromagnetic telegraphy, Maybe Im wrong, but I thought you might find some of it interesting, I suspect you wont read much of this elsewhere, but those scientific minds and enterprising mathematicians and individuals of historic achievements might find it worthy of at least some pondering, Best Wishes, Adam
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:06:36 +0000

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