Q: hmm...Im sure you was asked this already a few times already, - TopicsExpress


Q: hmm...Im sure you was asked this already a few times already, but what got you into Transformers and why make a page based off one? A: A rather interesting question indeed! A tale which I always enjoy sharing; gather round, children, for I shall share it once again! Once upon a time I was a kid and Beast Wars was on TV and I thought it was the hypest shit because 1- robots 2- robots who turned into animals 3- robots who turned into dinosaurs But then the Pokemon phenomenon came and Beast Wars ceased to be broadcasted (is that even a word?) on TV and I was sad for a while. I kept my Transformers toys, mind you... only to lose them to the abyss of time. And not caring as a child. Much, much later, 7 years ago (I was like 14 or 15 lol), I spent my scholar year in a boarding school. Every Wednesday night, we students would gather and watch a movie in the theater room (pimpass school) with approval of our keepers. The movie was chosen between a selection of movies brought by pupils themselves. We saw Aliens, we saw that one movie with Matt Damon where he kills people, we saw lots of movie. One of them was Transformers, the 2007 movie by Michael Bay. I was stunned by the special effects - the story, not so much. Back then, my knowledge of Transformers was pretty limited: I knew who Optimus Prime was and thought Megatron was a puny name. But that movie would mark me forever, if only for Starscreams -little I knew his name was Starscream- design, which I largely appreciated. I came to look deep into the depths of Wikipedia for more information on this movie, unconsciously linking it to the cartoon Id enjoy as a child. I found data on both at once, and it led me to TFWiki. There, I discovered the movieverse Starscream, and began to familiarize myself with other appearances of Starscream, such as the Generation One version who I first thought had ridiculous colors. And the more I read, the more I became curious. I downloaded comics. I watched episodes of various series on YouTube. At first my curiosity was only about Starscream, but soon I decided to embrace the TFverse as a whole. And thus I became one of the largest Transformers encyclopedia known to man. I bought my first Transformers in 2010. His name was Brimstone, he was a Decepticon, and he turned into a chopper-style motorcycle. He never had any major in-media appearance, much like many of the hundreds of toys Hasbro manufactures each year, but I loved him. And then I bought the Autobot motorcycle Backfire, then the Decepticon drone Sunspot, then the japanese version of the 2006 Classics Starscream toy - and then I worked for McDonalds for a month. When I received my paycheck, I spent most of it on Transformers toys Id purchase on eBay. I regret nothing. But this is not the end, fellow fans, for I have only answered one half of a question! A year or so ago, as I was happily reading through the issues of the newly released More Than Meets The Eye series by IDW, I stumbled upon the very peculiar character of Misfire. Now, I knew who Misfire /was/ in previous incarnations - as his name would imply, his 1986 self was just a bad shooter with little personality to him. But this one was different. He was eccentric, comical, naive yet fearful when danger showed up. He was enjoyable to the max. And this is who I realized how much Misfire was similar to me. Or, at least, similar to how I wanted to be. Thus I chose to become him through a Facebook page, though I quickly left aside the fan page aspect of it to make the page fully personal. This was far from my first page, mind you - but little did I know it would be my most successful one. I do hope you enjoyed this tale, brave readers, for I tried to make it as interesting as possible.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 21:30:08 +0000

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