QASR (SHORTENING PRAYERS ON JOURNEYS) Quasr is the shortrning - TopicsExpress


QASR (SHORTENING PRAYERS ON JOURNEYS) Quasr is the shortrning of the obligatory four rakats prayers. Zuhr, Asr and Isha prayers to two rakats. The other two are already short, Fajr having two rakats and Maghrib having three rakat, so they remain unchanged. Aisha (R.A) narrate that: In the begining (of Islam), prayer was prescribed as consisting of two rakats, then that was admitted concerning the prayer on journeys while the prayer performed in residence was to be offered in full.. (Bukhari and Muslim) This is to minimize the hardship a Muslim undergo while traveling that is why a Muslim is allowed to combine his/her prayers, to break fast during Ramadan and wipe over khuffs (soaks and boots). The Prophet (SAW) said: Traveling is a piece of torture (I.e it is torturous). It disturbs ones eating, drinking and sleeping. Therefore, when you fulfill your job (I.e, what you have gone on journey for) you should hasten back to your family. (Bukhari) Shortening of prayer on a journey is not obligatory but more rewardful and conforms with the practice of the Prophet (SAW). Yala bin Umayyah narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said: It is an act of charity that Allah has granted you, so accept His charity. (Muslim) DISTANCE FOR SHORTENING THE PRAYER As for the distance, what seem to be more correct among all views is what that particular society considers under their circumstances to be a journey even if it is less than three miles. The general rule is that the two communities one travels to or from consider such a distance a journey. DURATION OF SHORTENING THE PRAYER There is a general consent that the shortening of prayers remain effective as long as the traveller has made no decision to reside, no matter how long it lasts, even for months or year like Anas bin Malik did for two years when he travelled to Sham and Abdullahi bin Umar for six months when he travelled to Azerbaijan. (Al-Mughni 31/153) Yet, they are scholars that limited the duration to be three days, others nineteen days. But to make the matter more meaningful and Allah knows best, this is the apparent opinion, as this is what the practice of the Prophet (SAW) justifies and we have in the conduct of the Prophet (SAW), the best example. Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAW) stayed in Makkah in the year of the conquest, for fifteen days during which he shortened (the four rakats) prayers.(Abu Dawud). In another narration, the Prophet (SAW) stayed Makkah for seventeen days during which he shortened (the four rakat) prayer. Ibn Abbas (RA) said: Whoever resides (in a place) for seventeen (days can) shorten prayers, and whoever resides for (a duration) more than that (can) perform prayers in full. (Abu Dawud) Similarly, Imran bin Husayn (RA) narrated that, I was with Allahs Messenger (SAW) narrated that, I was with Allahs Messenger (SAW) in the year of conquest and he resided in Makkah for eighteen nights during which he did not perform (any obligatory four rakats prayer) except as two. (Abu Dawud). Lastly, Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated that: The Prophet (SAW) resided on some of his journeys for nineteen days during which he shortened prayers. SOME HIGHLIGHT ON QASR (SHORTENING PRAYER) 1. Student who leave their towns or countries to other places are not to shorten their prayers while undergoing their studies because they are not considered travellers any longer until after their vacation when they are on journey back home. Also, when they vacate and have returned home, their home becomes parmanent abode, so they have to pray in full. 2. It is permissible for a person who travels by car, train or aero plane to shorten prayer eveN if the distance is covered iin few minutes. The general rule is travelling. 3. When a traveller surpasses the buildings of the town he travels from, it is permissible for hik to start shortening his/her prayer. 4. It is permissible for a person on journey to perform voluntary prayers which are regularly performed or any other voluntary prayers. 5.It is permissible for a traveller to perform prayer behind an Imam who is not in a state of journey, but must perform the prayer in full. Also when a travelling person catches only two rakats with the resident Imam, he must complete the prayer to four rakat because his Imam is residence and not in a state of travlling like him 6.A man who is a resident can perform prayer behind a man who is a traveller will perform two rakats then make taslim after which the man who is a resident led by the traveller, will then complete his prayer. 7. Shortening of prayer is not a stipulation for performing an act of obedience; the general rule is that this is a charity of Allah to all Muslim travellers. A person undertaking a journey for disobedience or transgression. Will have burden his/her sin but that does not deny him this rekhsa ( allownace) 8. Whoever misses a four rakats prayer while travelling is to make up for it when he/she returns to his/her town as two rakats. If however, a person misses a four rakat prayer while residing in his/her town then travels and want to make up for it on his/her journey, he/she is to perform it as four rakats and it is not permissible for him/ her to shorten it. Also whoever misses a prayer that should be shortenend during journey and wants to make up for it after he/she has returned home. He/she will perform it as two rakats as he/ she ought to have performed it while on journey.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 09:43:44 +0000

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