QBC DAILY NUGGET (Friday, August 22) - PSALM 18:1-2 – I love - TopicsExpress


QBC DAILY NUGGET (Friday, August 22) - PSALM 18:1-2 – I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Theme of the Day: OUR ALL IN ALL. After you do what I am about to suggest, it will be quite okay if you don’t finish reading today’s nugget and you simply go away to some quiet place alone; get lost in the holy amazement of who God is, His amazing love, and lose a sense of time in worship of Him. Okay. Here is my suggestion. Re-read today’s scripture. As you do, count the number of times “my” appears. Then count the number of words in the two verses. The final math exercise is to determine the percentage the word “my” is used in the composition of the two verses. Isn’t this amazing? Almost 25 %. But what makes it amazing is what the possessive pronoun “my” is attached to – God; the Creator of the Universe; the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He actually empowers and invites us to call Him our own! How personal is God to you? When was the last time you were alone with your Bible, unhurried and hungry to meet God and you did? This was a time of “timeless delight” in His presence as you marveled over His love to you and the Spirit brought the Bible alive to your soul. When was the last time you gathered with some dear brothers and sisters, joining hearts in seeking God’s face together in prayer and He “showed up” giving you a glorious foretaste of heaven? Or have you allowed the pressures of life; the demands upon your time; the sin which easily weighs you down to reduce your Christian experience to just a religious routine of dull duty, stale obligations, and joyless existence? It isn’t hard to get there and it doesn’t take long. Just start neglecting daily time seeking God’s face in the Word and prayer, coupled with a shallow view and commitment to His church, and the Christian life Jesus described as “abundant” will be re-defined in your personal experience as “barren.” Ralph Robinson was a Puritan pastor who lived in the early 17th century. He wrote a book titled, Christ, All in All based on COLOSSIANS 3:11 – “Christ is all, and in all”. It was said of this godly man, “He so revered Christ as to find his all in all in Him.” It is of necessity we seek our own hearts to know if we so value our Lord Jesus in all His beautiful manifestations that this could be said of us. May we, with conviction along with lives giving evidence, testify that Jesus Christ is to us what today’s scriptures say he is to the Psalmist – my strength, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my rock, my shield, my salvation, and my stronghold. If so, then we will be able to say with honesty and sincerity the very words the Psalmist used in opening up his psalm – “I love You, O Lord.” Prayer: “Oh, Father, I so praise You for being not only God, but a Personal God and that to me.” Quotable: “Worship begins with grasping the truth that God is not detached deity but a personal deity.”
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:16:39 +0000

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