QUEEN ELIZABETH IS THE SKY GODDESS: We all know that modern - TopicsExpress


QUEEN ELIZABETH IS THE SKY GODDESS: We all know that modern Freemasonry is summoning forces from the lower astral planes [commonly referred to as Hell]. The major character in Freemasonry is the ancient KING SOLOMON of Israel who employed the Chaldean Judaic priests to bring all the demons under his command. Queen Elizabeth is the Grand Pattronness of International World Freemasonry and is the boss of her own quasi-Masonic cult called the ORDER OF THE GARTER which meets at St Georges Chapel on the estate of WINDSOR CASTLE. The Order of the Garter wear a snake-shaped green garter clip on their stockings with a solid gold clasp. On the roof of the chapel there are statues of demons - including Amdicias [the unicorn] and the YALE [a strange composite creature which resembles a goat and horse with round nodules on its skin]. Amongst its highest ranks Freemasonry has many aristocratic and royal splinter groups such as the ORDER OF THE SERAPHIM [Swedish Royal Family], the ROYAL ALPHA LODGE [convened at Kensington Palace], the ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS [whose British HQ is in Brighton] and in the USA, there are off-shoot cults such as the SKULL AND BONES who meet inside custom-built marble mausoleums and are based on the masonic rituals of the BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI. A much less known American cult is the BOOK AND SNAKE - their members include former President George Bush. BUSH is an ancient Hebrew family name which is listed in the Jewish Encyclopedia as being part of the lost tribes who made their exodus from the Holy Lands and travelled into Europe. Freemasonry is just one of many different secret societies in which magical rituals summon the demons and jinn spirits. When Queen Elizabeth was crowned, the Arch-Bishop invoked the name of KING SOLOMON and his priest ZADOK, and hymns evoking the greatness of ISRAEL were sung as the crown was placed on her head. The entire Coronation Ritual is actually based on an ancient magical ceremony. The British crown is kept in a special room called the JERUSALEM CHAMBER the night before it is placed on the Monarchs head. In the Koran and Jewish ancient texts, King Solomon is described as having influence and power over hundreds of demons called the jinn. King Solomon is the monarch which all the European kings and queens claim they are descended from. These aristocratic royal families use symbols of unicorns, griffins, lions and dragons on their shields to represent the demons which King Solomon summoned. Now, in Africa, archaeologists have found proof that Magical Ritual is the most ancient spiritual activity - and this is confirmed by archaeological excavations in Botswana, Africa and also in Namibia and Algeria. In Botswana, the PYTHON ROCK has been discovered with more than 13,000 ritual artefacts buried at the back of a cave. In Australia, the aboriginal people have been painting the faces of these demons on rocks for thousands of years - they call them the WANDJINNA - and the middle part of the word Wandjinna spells the same word Jinn. JINN is the Koranic word for demon. It is now very obvious that archaeology is confirming that not only have magical rituals summoning spirits been a central aspect to the evolution of Mankind - but many of these demons have retained the SAME NAME across many cultures and millennia on all continents... Shortly after being crowned, Queen Elizabeth joined the ANCIENT ORDER OF DRUIDS and was initiated as a BARD-MAGICIAN. To the Masonic network of secret societies, she is fulfilling the role of the SKY GODDESS who is painted on the cave walls of Africa and who inspired the notion of NUIT or NUT - the over-arching Sky Goddess of ancient Egypt. In a new 42-part series, the enigma channel exposes and investigates the complicated and weird rituals of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE SNAKE and many other cults from the ancient world - you can get a free TV GUIDE listing all the amazing TV shows here enigmatv/the_enigma_channel/log_in.html There is a photo showing the royal emblem of these demons - especially AMDUCIAS [the unicorn] frolicking with MARBAS [the Lion demon] pictured alongside the Queen. We are all walking around each day with images of these demons in our pockets; the Royal Mint and Royal Mail use the symbols of these demons on coins, stamps and bank notes. The Yale demon is featured on the QUEENS BEASTS stamp collection. At KEW GARDENS, there are many statues of these demons. And at HAMPTON COURT PALACE there is a collinaded walkway featuring many of the demons from ancient Israeli texts - they are known as the QUEENS BEASTS.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 10:07:01 +0000

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