QUEEN MOSES IDRIS SET TO DONATE TRANSFORMERS AND SOLAR ENERGY IN IKA LAND A Nigerian Canadian based nurse and illustrious daughter of Ekuku-Agbor, Queen Moses Idris, the MD/ CEO, (BSC) RN, on 1st of August, 2013 visited Ekuku-Agbor, Owa-Ekei, Owa-Oyibu, Idumuesah and Ika South and Ika North-East Local Government Area of Delta for the donation of transformers and solar energy to each of the communities above. Engineers from Federal Rural Electrification Agency were also in the benefitting communities to carry out a comprehensive survey on where the transformers should be mounted in the communities. Speaking during the visit to Ogwauboh’s council at Ekuku-Agbor, Engineer Tom Iregbedion, an Engineer from Cross Rivers State, who is in charge of the project disclosed that each of the communities visited is entitled to 500 KVA transformer and solar energy generation to help boost electricity supply in the areas. Some of the sites selected to mount the transformer in Ekuku-Agbor include Ogbe-Eqbudu, Uboh Street along Umut / Asaba Road, Abavo Road etc. at Owa-Ekei, they also discovered one at Ogbe-Agidi quarters, Otutu Street, Abraka road Hero Clinton Avenue and opposite Barr. Nwugo’s house. Hon. Mosco, one of the Engineers who spoke in respect of the installation said that 5% out of 25% of the development will be given to Ekuku-Agbor. He also said that the Federal Government promised to be paying all elders above 85 years old the sum of 10,000 each month including the Ogwa Uboh. In an interview, Mrs. Idris said she will be personally start paying the Ogwa Uboh the sum of N30,000 monthly. She further charged Ika people to always go for HIV test to ascertain their status, saying that anyone that is certified positive to the virus should not be discriminated against or abandoned but should be given full support and hope that he or she will live longer. According to her, “over the years, in Canada, it has been bothering me that my people are suffering epileptic power supply that is why I had to fight and see that through me the federal government should award this free electrification project to Ika land”, as she promised to do more in Ika land. C. B. Nmorsi Deinkiyemar of Agbor kingdom, on behalf of the Ogwa Uboh, elders in council and the youths appreciated Mrs. Idris, saying that she is God’s sent to them and also thanked the engineers for their efforts. He concluded by charging the contractors to employ the youths when the work commences, and assuring them that they will not fail to co-operate with them provided they fulfill their promises to work according to specification. ===J.Roland==Admin==> Source: Ika Weely
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 06:09:15 +0000

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