QUESTION AND ANSWER: NAME QUESTION: [Bro. Magellan] When I am - TopicsExpress


QUESTION AND ANSWER: NAME QUESTION: [Bro. Magellan] When I am questioning Bro. Danny, about the existence of our Lord Jesus Christ, doon sa John 17:5, the glory that… Sis. Rhegine paki-flash nga yung John 17, the glory that I have thee before, when did it happened and was His glory disappear when He is in His body? ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] I got the picture. When you were not here a while ago, I discussed that John 17:5, Bro. Magellan I’m just gonna summarize the answer. Ptr. Lharry and I, I presume we have an agreement that it is the coming revelation, glory that would be given, but a while ago I have given, I gave the example, there are statements in the Bible that are spoken in the past tense but have not yet taken place. For example, “the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world.” Revelation 13:8. So, those revelations that would take place of God, predetermined, predestination, foreknowledge, prophecy those are part of the Word. Jesus Christ was in the world in the form that the whole world was set up for that. When God created the world, Jesus Christ was the main thing, was the main purpose, was the main inspiration of God. He was the centerpiece, the masterpiece, so, the glory He was asking for, He was praying that to be given to Him, was already prepared for Him before the foundation of the world. That’s the answer, and there’s a lot of Scriptures of that. The Spirit of Christ was in them, testifying beforehand, the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow Philippians 2:9, after He had died God highly exalted Him give Him a Name to come which is above every name. The name of Jesus, every nation bow every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father. So, when you glorify the name of the Son, you glory also the name of the Father. How is that so? It is not because of another God, because as the Son of God inherited all things from the Father, God palced Jesus Christ as our Lord, and as He glorifies His Son the right way, they will also glorifies His Father. I’d like to say something, Pastor I have said a while ago LORD is a mistranslation. I researched on this and there are many Messianic running around today. They expand this bandwagon, the Jehovah’s Witnesesses started it, this (LORD) is a mistranlation but in my research I found that it’s not. King James translation is the best. Let me explain why. Yod He Vawhe, maybe you remember how it is written in Hebrew, let say square type Ok this is Yod He Vau He, spelled from right to left. Did you know pastor that His word did not started out as a name, contratry to the men, let me change what i quoted, it was not Messianics, The Sacred “THE SACRED NAME BELIEVERS” have you heared of that pastor, those groups? These groups claimed that the word Jesus is demonic, this is from pagans, and we should pronounce it only on Hebrew. Bacause if you pronnounce this in English, Greek equivalent it comes from the Greek, from the devil. So, if you have not yet encountered them I’m just sharing about their beliefs. They split this churches before, they set other believers drawn to that. Now, one of their claim is that LORD is a mistranslation. Jehovah’s Witnesses changed their name, change LORD to Jehovah, did you use Bible How any brethren use Bible? In Tagalog, say amen. All of you at the back talking, let me ask you do you hve a good news Bible please raise your hand? Ok, isn’t it instead ifof LORD they substituted YHWH, right, you print that right? Dd you know that this is very disrespectful? Because in the King James there’s a renderring of Jehobah, there is also a rendering of LORD capital LORD, but what they never focus was the word “the”, the is an articke word. So, this is what we fail to realize. You just look on to Strong Concordance, just look at the Mecxixon, there is a Hebrew Word for that article, but when you go to the Good News Bible, you go to the New World Translation Bible and even the Sacred Pronunciation they removed that article “the”. Why? You know why? Because it is very rude to say “The YAWEH”. Are you, would you agree people will call you “The Lharry”, “The Rhegine”, “The Menan”? Isn’t that downgrading? That’s very degrading right? So your name would not be connected to LORD “the”. Now, the question is, why is this Herbew word LORD had an article “the” in front of it? Because this is the reality, they did not all function as a name. They all started out as verb, adverb, adjective, then title, then name. So, this is a hidden name. They did not all started out as a name. It started out as verb why? Hey is a linking verb, that’s whay when you have that half name “prefix” Yod He Vaw He, it is just verb “to be”. [Bro. Menan] Yes [Bro. Francis] There is a predicate that is to be fulfilled, there is a suffix that has to be completed. That is a hidden revelation, it is the revelation of the Son coming to the world. God did not immediately reveal the true name so He started using a verb and this verb has a revelation itself. The one that causes it to happen. God is the one that causes it to happen. From a verb, it became an adjective, “I AM THAT I AM” Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. It was most in reverse, right? Something is happening, He started to introduce Himself. Then Moses asked “Whom will I say That sent me the Pharaoh? Then “It is THAT I AM THAT I TRUE.” That I Am is Yod He Vau He but that was an incomplete name, incomplete sentecne I am. “I AM” in the King James English, but if you look it up, it is Yod He Vau He. So, some other time, the King James who spells it Jehovah, “by My Name Jehovah was I not known to them.” but most of the time it is the LORD. Why did the King James translators sometimes write Jehovah and most of the time write the LORD and some other time THAT I AM? These are the 3 options why? How come sometimes it is this “I AM” sometimes The LORD? Did they fall as Eve some others claimed? Did they just make an error just by choosing that? No! Let me tell you the reason. This Tetragrammaton is not always used as a name. This is what you can tell them. Perez was here I asked him why does there’s an article “the”? He said, “titled name” finally he got is right. It is a title (LORD), not yet a name. So if you put “the” so it is not the Lharry, it is The president Lharry, the manager Lharry, the supervisor, the teacher, the pastor. QUESTION: [Ptr. Lharry] Moses asked what is the name? ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] Yes, by My Name Jehovah was I not known to them. QUESTION: [Ptr. Lharry] Then what is the name? ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] So, when the King James spelled “I AM” [Ptr. Lharry] That Name…? [Bro. Fracis] Jehovah, I AM, it is also Jehovah. [Ptr. Lharry] The name Jehovah came later at 15th Century, the YHWH [Bro. Francis] No, you’re talking about the spelling, I’m talking about Yod he Vau He. We should be above that ok. Now, however it was spelled, so, we are not talking about spelling anymore, “this is more correct, this is much more wrong.” This is not we’re talking about, this is what they are talking about the Sacred Pronunciation Believers. [Ptr. Lharry] But I mean… [Bro. Francis] We’re not talking about the Tetragrammaton. When you read “THAT I AM” or Jehovah in the King James that is the Tertragrammaton, when you see the LORD that is the Tetragrammaton, so, how can it be used? In the same spelling! the same spelling that is Hebrew. [Ptr. Lharry] It is not just a title, it is also a name, reveals to Moses. [Bro. Francis] That’s what I am telling, let me repeat what I said. When the King James render few times Jehovah, but many times the LORD, you have to understand there is an article “the” that is why they are rendering “The LORD”. The Jews when they saw the Tetragrammaton, they do not pronounce the Tetragrammaton, they will mention “Adonai” so, the King James translator, the King James translators, were not wrong, when they used “The LORD” why? When there is an article “the” it was not meant to be a proper noun name being mentioned. That is why the other Bibles directly substituted capital LORD, YAHWEH or JEHOVAH, they are blasphemous in a sense of that they do not know how the rendering of the name. They do not recognized sometimes that it was used as a title. Most of the time they used it a title, other few type because of sacredness they too mentioned Jehovah they knew. And some other times, this kind of translation “I AM” is not a name yet. It is an interpreted translation, this kind of translation “Jehovah” is transliterated translation, I hope you understand what I am saying. (Jehovah) Transliterated by sound, I AM interpreted by meaning. Ok, how many seconds? [Bro. Menan] 1 minute [Bro. Francis] 1 minute. So, what I am saying right now, the King James rendering the capital LORD is the best translation he had than the Sacred Pronunciation Believers, than the New World Translation, and even the Good News version o, Tagalog. They would just called YAWEH immediately without reference that He is God or what or some respect. So, that is disrespectful, irreverent. But if there’s a “the” that is not directly calling His name, you are calling in a title, so, that is how we should distinguish it. [Ptr. Lharry] It depends on the context? [Bro. Francis] Yes, so, that is what they are missing, when they said “oh, this is wrong (the LORD)!” this is not wrong, they couldn’t understand how the Jews respected His Name. QUESTION: [Ptr. Lharry] This is also correct when Moses asked Elohim, what is Your Name? ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] There is nothing wrong with that QUESTION: [Ptr. Lharry] YAWEH is also the Name ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] Yes. [Ptr. Lharry] I got it [Bro. Francis] I am saying, it is not used [Ptr. Lharry] Always [Bro. Francis] Translated because, it will lose its sacredness. Only the Name Jesus it would be common, that would be condescending to us, God condescended to us, so that you’ll be one of us. 4 seconds Let’s give God a big hand! [Sis. Anne] Amen (brethren clapping)! [Bro. Francis] Ok, pastor can you give us a closing prayer. DECEMBER 29, 2013 SUNDAY NIGHT MANALITE QUESTION AND ANSWER: NAME PREACHER: BRO. FRANCIS SCRIBER/TYPIST/UPLOADED/POSTED BY: Sis. Remy
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:04:00 +0000

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