QUESTION: ARE OBAMA PROMISE ZONES THE NEW EMPOWERMENT ZONES OF THE CLINTON ADMINSTRATION? AND WERE IN YOUR THOUGHTS THE EMPOWERMENT ZONES EFFECTIVE AND IMPORTANT TOOLS TO HELP REDUCE OR END GROWING ONSLAUGHT OF URBAN AMERICANS RAPIDLY EXPANDING INNER-CITY BLIGHT URBAN SPRAWL OR WERE THE EMPOWERRMENT ZONES A DISMAL FAILURE OR IF AT ALL WHAT WAS YOUR IMPRESSION OF THE EFFECT EMPOWERMENT ZONES HAD UPON OUR INNER-CITIES? ANSWER: UNLESS BIG BUSINESS IS IN PARTNERSHIP INCREASING MEANINGFUL MANUFACTURING SECTOR JOB CREATION IS A VERY TUFF CALL TO MANIFEST BUT NEVER AND NOT IMPOSSIBLE. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD, DEVINE GUIDANCE AND FAIR PLAY. An additional post by Robert J. Austin...I PERSONALLY THINK OBAMA PROMISE ZONES ARE OR CAN BE IF WE SUPPORT THEM IN ANYTHING APPROACHING EVEN NEAR TO FAIR TO FULL NON-PARTISANSHIP BACKING OF OUR PRESIDENTS HEARTFELT ASPIRING AND INSPIRING GREAT FUTURISTIC AMERICANA VISION AND EXTREMELY TIMELY DESERVING GIFT FROM THE HEART OF THE BESIEGED OBAMA ADMINISTRATIONS *AUDACITY OF HOPE* TO LIFTUP THE LITTLE EVERYDAY PEOPLE OF AMERICA....can become the Boston Tea Partys 2014 start of a new American RevolUtion of THE NEW ALL AMERICAN RENAISSANCE OF HOPE....WE SAVED THE BANKS AND FAILING AUTO INDUSTRY NOW LETS SAVE RAY RAY, Little Bro Peterman Slim Willie and BO...the unwanted american blackman is the major tragedy dying on every ghetto street of America. SO LETS START BY ALL AMERICAN WOMEN TAKING UP THE TASK & ROLL CALL OF FREEDOM, Freedom from hunger, fear, violence, under-education, the near EXPONENTIAL!!!!!!!!!!! Promise Zone information: Building Promise Zones Promise Zones Ladder Icon The President’s Promise Zones will provide tools to revitalize communities by attracting private investment, creating jobs, improving affordable housing, expanding educational opportunities, providing tax incentives for hiring workers and investing within the Zones, and partnering with local leaders to navigate Federal programs and cut through red tape. Working with local leadership and Congress, the President is proposing to invest more than $750 million in hard-hit communities to provide a tax incentive to secure private investments that will help build homes and create jobs. The Administration will also align a number of its signature revitalization initiatives from the Department of Education, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Justice, and the Department for Agriculture in 20 communities hardest hit by the recession, to ensure that federal programs and resources are focused intensely on these “Promise Zones”. While Congressional action is needed to reach many more communities and authorize a tax incentive that would simulate private investment, the Obama Administration intends to use all of its flexibility to designate and support at least 20 communities in the next four years. Communities will compete in a transparent process, including demonstrating the strength and effectiveness of their local commitment to become Promise Zones. In each Promise Zone, the federal government will make available tools like: Promise Zone Tax Incentives The President’s proposal includes the Promise Zones tax credit (crafted on the proven model of Empowerment Zones tax credits), that would provide private businesses tax incentives for hiring and investing in Promise Zones, to create jobs and attract additional private investments. Strong Cities, Strong Communities / Strike Force Through Federal teams on the ground and specialized technical assistance, these partnerships help communities break down regulatory barriers, use existing funds more effectively, and implement their economic visions. Additional Tools Promise Zones will be able to access investments that further the goals of job creation, additional private investment, increased economic activity, expanded educational opportunity, and reduction in violent crime. These could include the HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program to rebuild vacant properties, and Rental Assistance Demonstration to unlock private investment in public housing. Designees will also receive competitive preference for the Administration’s signature place-based investments, including: Choice Neighborhoods (HUD): A redevelopment program that provides local leaders with tools to revitalize distressed public housing and concentrated poverty into vibrant, opportunity-rich neighborhoods. Promise Neighborhoods (ED): Based on the work of Geoffrey Canada at the Harlem Children’s Zone, Promise Neighborhoods builds a pipeline from the earliest ages of educational support services around a strong school environment, focused on the goal of high school graduation and college-going for every student. Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (DOJ): Targets neighborhoods with persistent violent crime, focusing on hot spots of criminal activity, by employing cross-sector strategies that show evidence of impact in reducing violence.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 02:46:49 +0000

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