QUESTION OF THE DAY 18 NOVEMBER 2013 POSTED BY THE CAVALIER RAJA GARDEN Ques. : 1 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) tightened regulations governing non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) lending against gold jewellery. Which of the following is correct in this regard? 1) Strict documentation for high value loans against gold and prohibition of misleading advertisements by NBFCs such as gold loans in 2-3 minutes. 2) It has been made mandatory for NBFC to obtain prior approval of the RBI to open branches exceeding 1000. 3) The auction of the gold for non-payment of the loan only after five years from the date of commencement of loan and that also with the written permission of debtor. 4) Only 1) and 2) 5) Only 1) and 3) Ques. : 2 Who among the following has topped the annual Forbes list of the 400 wealthiest Americans released recently? 1) Larry Page 2) Michael Dell 3) Mark Zuckerberg 4) Bill Gates 5) Warren Buffett Ques. : 3 Which of the following Bollywood actors has been conferred the Pride of the Nation award constituted by Anti Terrorist Front, a forum chaired by MS Bitta? 1) John Abraham 2) Shahrukh Khan 3) Ajay Devgan 4) Amitabh Bachchan 5) None of these Ques. : 4 Name the Indian wrestler who won a silver medal in the 55 kg category at World Wrestling Championships in Budapest, Hungary recently? 1) Amit Kumar Dahiya 2) Satyawart Kadian 3) Arun Kumar 4) Sushil Kumar 5) None of these Ques. : 5 The tropical storm Ingrid hit which of the following countries recently flooding towns and cities, cutting off highways and setting off deadly landslides and killing several people? 1) US 2) Japan 3) Canada 4) Mexico 5) None of these Ques. : 6 The Durand Cup is associated with which of the following games? 1) Hockey 2) Cricket 3) Football 4) Golf 5) None of these Ques. : 7 The Eklavya model residential schools are being set up by the govt for which of the following types of students? At present, 111 out of 158 sanctioned schools have become fully functional. 1) Children of landless labourers 2) Tribal students 3) Girl students 4) Students with interest in sports 5) None of these Ques. : 8 Nina Davuluri has become the first woman of Indian-origin to win 2014 crown of which of the following beauty contests recently? 1) Miss Canada 2) Miss Australia 3) Miss America 4) Miss China 5) None of these Ques. : 9 The Prime Ministers Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) has pegged Indias Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth at what per cent during the current financial year (2013-14)? 1) 4.4 per cent 2) 4.7 per cent 3) 5.3 per cent 4) 5.5 per cent 5) None of these Ques. : 10 The South East Asian Regional Organisation (SEARO), one of WHOs six regional offices, has its headquarters in which of the following cities? 1) New Delhi 2) Kathmandu 3) Bangkok 4) Jakarta 5) None of these ANSWERS 1. Answer:- 4 : Only 1) and 2) 2. Answer:- 4 : Bill Gates 3. Answer:- 1 : John Abraham 4. Answer:- 1 : Amit Kumar Dahiya 5. Answer:- 4 : Mexico 6. Answer:- 3 : Football 7. Answer:- 2 : Tribal students 8. Answer:- 3 : Miss America 9. Answer:- 3 : 5.3 per cent 10. Answer:- 1 : New Delhi
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:56:29 +0000

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