QUESTION TO HELP ANGRY PEOPLE THINK MORE LOGICALLY................1. Why am I angry? 2. What else contributed to this state of mind? 3. What other feelings do I have? 4. Am I feeling rejected? Hurt? Shocked? Am I afraid of change or losing something? Am I feeling vulnerable? Bewildered? Guilty? Insulted? Harassed? Manipulated? 5. What did I expect in the situation? 6. Did I check to see if my impression are correct? What is the proof? And how else? 6. Am I overreacting or blowing things out of proportion? Who am I angry at? Am I venting am anger at someone other than the source of frustration? Am I overlooking the good aspects of my relationship with the person? Is the event less important than I first thought? Am I blaming someone for the anger I responded with? Did the person I am angry at intentionally hurt? Could a difference in lifestyles, valves, opinions upbringing play a part in this conflict? How do other people involved in this situation probably feel? In what other ways could they possibly feel? Am I being selfish and forgetting the needs and desires of other people? How can I best bring about the changes I need? Do I need to learn to accept a situation that wont change? What would I say to a friend in this situation if I were trying to help? What would a counselor teacher or minister trying to help say?
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:45:02 +0000

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