QUESTIONER: After you die, will you come again? If I live long - TopicsExpress


QUESTIONER: After you die, will you come again? If I live long enough, will I meet you again. NISARGADATTA MAHARAJ: To you the body is real, to me there is none. I, as you see me, exist in your imagination only. Surely, you will see me again, if and when you need me. It does not affect me, as the Sun is not affected by sunrises and sunsets. Because it is not affected, it is certain to be there when needed. You are bent on knowledge, I am not. I do not have that sense of insecurity that makes you crave to know. I am curious, like a child is curious. But there is no anxiety to make me seek refuge in knowledge. Therefore, I am not concerned whether I shall be reborn, or how long will the world last. These are questions born of fear. ~ from I AM THAT (p-427) -AUM-
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 04:19:34 +0000

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