QUESTIONS: 1. In what sense does this story smack of - TopicsExpress


QUESTIONS: 1. In what sense does this story smack of Futurama? This story smacks of Futurama because Itskovs 2045 Project deals with a futuristic notion, i.e. putting together immortal robots that have a human brain in their body. 2. Why was the 2045 Initiative founded? It was founded by Itskov in order to make human beings immortal, though he was probably also keen to boost his image in the eyes of the scientific world. Thirdly, he was short of funds or - at best - wanted to spread his overheads ! 3. What has he written to his potential clients? He has written that his goal is not just his imagination, because human beings are able to and should aspire to get to this result. 4. Who is James Cameron? James Cameron is a very famous film-director. 5. Why does the author mention Cameron? He does so in order to identify the phases of his project; indeed, Itskov uses the word Avatar to denote the four phases of his project, a choice of nomenclature which recalls the title of one of Camerons films. 6. What will the C and D phases involve? The C phase will include the personality and the memories of a person close to death, transplanting them into an artificial brain, whereas in the D phase an immortal life-form similar to a hologram will be created. 7. What can be read in the Huffington Post article? In the article we can read that Itskov wants to reformulate the meanings of religion and death and also create a new spiritual practice. Thirdly, some information is given about his new lifestyle choices 8. Why has Itskov adopted a healthy lifestyle? He has apparently adopted this kind of lifestyle in order to live longer, but may well have done so for marketing and/or publicity reasons - the notion of living as long as possible is something which such a choice has in common with his 2045 Project, after all 9. How is he funding his research? Itskov is funding his research by investing his own money and also, apparently, by tapping the pockets of some rich people who believe in his brainchild. (TRY TO AVOID QUOTING VERBATIM / USING THE SAME WORDS IN THE TEXT IN YOUR ANSWERS) WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS INITIATIVE? *** (TOPIC ANSWER - APPROX RECOMMENDED LENGTH: 9 LINES - FESSERIE !!) Becoming immortal has always been one of the most desired characteristics IN THE EYES OF all human beings, but I dont believe that this is right. Itskovs plan seems INGENIOUS AND ALSO FEASIBLE. FURTHERMORE, HE SEEMS SURE TO obtain a lot of approvals and money; nevertheless, FROM AN ETHICAL VIEWPOINT, IT CANNOT BE DENIED that its an innovation GOING AGAINST WHAT nature AND CHRISTIAN DOGMA STAND FOR, IN THE SENSE THAT WE WERE THEORETICALLY created to come into the world and EVENTUALLY TO die AFTER LIVING a limited period of time; we need to give our life a meaning and live in the best way possibile; furthermore, we should understand and accept our life as it is, without trying to change it just BECAUSE WE FEAR DEATH (FEAR DYING) (NEED TO ADD APPROX 3 MORE LINES TO GET UP TO 9 *** ). CHECK OUT THIS LINK FOR NET RESPONSES AND BLOGS TO SAID INITIATIVE, INCLUDING SOME OF THE OPINIONS IN YOUR TOPIC ESSAY *** https://google/search?q=BLOGS+ON+ITSKOVS+2045+PROJECT&oq=BLOGS+ON+ITSKOVS+2045+PROJECT&aqs=chrome..69i57.7926j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 12:06:16 +0000

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