QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM G-D part 2 [about my counseling - TopicsExpress


QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM G-D part 2 [about my counseling approaches] I am going to continue with what I began last week, which is a biographical, G-d counseling session. I’ll ask myself a question that’s pertinent in my mind right now, that I’m personally dealing with or that I’m helping others deal with, I’ll have G-d answer back what I think G-d would answer. Let’s do a few more of these questions now, more dialogue questions with G-d: 1. ABUNDANCE COUNSELING [‘critical mass-ing’] Dear G-d, One of my counseling sessions this week elicited a new perspective on abundance, and it’s what I call Abundance Counseling. It reveals that we don’t have to limit ourselves in our striving for excellence and greatness and abundance. We don’t have to limit ourselves to the parameters of our particular area of expertise or profession, and how we think about ourselves. When we bring in the Divine dimension, the sky is the limit. The higher our reach, the more we will achieve. Here is where the idea of critical mass comes into the picture, meaning you can get to a point of no return where you no longer have to exert effort or struggle. At this point, the abundance becomes an overflowing wellspring. So, I counsel a person to shoot for the stars, for the point of critical mass as regards bringing in abundance in his particular area of expertise. I do that by suggesting that he become a business partner with G-d. This dynamic occurs when G-d provides the critical mass for abundance and in return a person uses the abundance to do what G-d wants, such as charity or other application, whatever it is that G-d wants from the person. So, my question to you, dear G-d , is this – how can we both make this a reality, when we are shooting so high and yet all our limitations are constantly screaming at us? Dear Yitzchak, I want you to know that any type of income that any person receives in this world is not dependent upon that person’s own efforts, or upon the normal understanding of natural means, mainly meaning how people attribute their income to their own efforts. The truth of the matter is that I AM the one providing the income, and abundance of all kinds, for every single person in the world. The trick is simply in the way you look at the situation. To the extent that you see that I AM doing it, to the same extent you can let go of the idea that it’s about your own efforts. You can begin to let go of the effort and your perception of what you think is normal. You can let go of the cause and effect thinking about how your income is generated. It’s like a sliding scale. To the extent you can see that I AM the one providing, to that extent you can let go of the ‘human’ efforts. Now, if you add the dimension of Win/Win with ME by adding what you think I want done in the world, such as providing for people in need and furthering my perfection process in the world and helping people know who I AM, and to know and to live my ways, then your chances of seeing that I AM the sole provider and your chances of breaking down all the limitations will be enhanced exponentially. I say the sky is the limit. I say, let go and let G-d. And I say, let’s make a deal. You do what I want and I will do what you want. 2. OVERCOMING RESISTANCE Dear G-d, In my counseling experience, I encounter people who, though I tell them, “You can make miracles in your life,” I sense a huge amount of resistance. It is either direct, overt resistance or it is covert resistance, when they are saying, “yes, yes, yes…” but on the inside they are thinking, “no, no, no.” When I say, “let’s turn your bad fortune completely around to good fortune, in all aspects of life,” there seems to be a huge amount of resistance as regards what they are willing to do, but mostly what they are even willing to think is possible. Their resistance is their biggest limiting factor. So, what am I to do? Dear Yitzchak, Creating miracles in life has, of course, everything to do with ME, and allowing ME into one’s life. A person has to see that he she cannot break the limits of nature by himself or herself, but allow ME to do it. To the extent that a person understands that, grasps that, believes that, lives that, wants that, wills that, and creates that, then to that extent the miracles will happen. Humans are living in a reality that is so conditioned to limitations, so conditioned to thinking that the past dictates the present, that failure negates achievement, that lack of self-confidence is holding them back, and that nature and the natural order of things is what makes things happen, and trusting in plain old common-sense. They threaten their success with their baggage and self-sabotage. When they throw all of it together, and throw it into the mix when you are trying to help them miracle-ize their lives, then of course they are going to hold themselves back. What you can do, Yitzchak, is to train them in the ways of letting go and letting G-d, and help them see what traits and what guidances they can use to remove the curtain, the wall, the blinders, in order to see how I AM making everything happen. A person has to give up the struggle and just watch how it happens. 3. ABOVE NATURE LIVING COUNSELING Dear G-d, I’d like to ask a question about guiding people, including myself, towards living in an “above-nature” way. I’m talking about all the areas of life, whether it’s moving to Israel and how to live here, whether it’s living a Torah life in a hostile environment, whether it’s manifesting miracles in an environment where reality rules and miracles are discounted, or whether it’s the reality of bringing abundance into life. I’m asking about all areas of life, really, and about “above-nature” living. I want to guide people in this way of life because I have felt it and experienced it myself. I have seen what it takes to achieve it and what holds it back. I know that it exists and have some experience in what it takes to bring it into existence. But the people I am trying to help don’t necessarily see things the way I do. How can I help the process along for them? Dear Yitzchak, “Above-nature” living is leap-of-faith living. Faith, Emunah, is the beginning, middle and end-all of “above-nature” living. You have to understand that without Emunah it’s nature. The Hebrew name of this world is Olam, and it defines the essence of all aspects of the world you live in. Olam means “disappearance,” and it represents the disappearance of ME. It means I AM not seen here. In the world of nature, it is a world of G-d not being present, and therefore it seems like you have to make it on your own. “Above-nature” means getting rid of the disappearance, and making ME re-appear in your life. You know the principles, you have experience in guiding people in all these different ways. You have the sources, and you have to convince people from your experiences and the sources from which you have learned and from what the Sages have taught and what my Torah teaches, and ultimately what I AM asking from My people, which is to be an “above-nature” entity and beacon of light for the rest of the world. 4. PARADISING MY COUNSELEES Dear G-d, This is an abundant time in terms of my counselees. You know me, G-d, and that I am an Allness person, and that I make my decisions based on the entirety of myself. I either have it all, or I don’t want to have it at all. And you know that my definition of Paradising is to express Allness as often as possible, and to bring it into all aspects of my life. So, my goal now is to Paradise my counselees, to help them bring out the entirety of their personalities, of who they are. I plan for it. I project what they will need and what difficulties they will come across, and try to bring their talents to the table. I try to help create an Allness experience for them. What other advice can you give me in order to Paradise the experience for my counselees? Dear Yitzchak, Because you are so enchanted by and embracing of Allness, you just have to speak it out from your heart. Of course you will need to plan so that you can give them encouragement in their strengths and their talents and their gifts, but when you get yourself into an Allness place when you are talking to a person, that will elicit the Allness aspect of the other person as well. When you are happy, they will be happy. When you’re inspired, they will be inspired. When you’re Allness-ing, they will be Allness-ing. Bring everything to the table, Yitzchak. Bring your wisdom, bring your tools, bring your meditations, bring your music, bring your emotion, bring your experiences. You do that, and you are going to Paradise your counselees. 5. BSHERT COUNSELING [SEEING THE COMPLIMENTARY ASPECT OF RELATIONSHIPS] Dear G-d, One more question – I am working with some people who are in need of seeing that the relationship they have with their other half in this life is something that you, G-d, are working with all the time, and that you are stepping in to facilitate the bonding process. I try to get that idea across to people, that their beshert-ing and zivug-ing is basically being able to see that the other person’s differences are the exact complement of their own lackings. Each completes the other. The harmony in a relationship is not that both agree with everything all the time, but that the each provides what the other lacks. Nevertheless, people get blinded and it seems like an impossible task to get past and overcome their differences. What can I do to further this process for them? Dear Yitzchak, You are the ‘highlights’ person. You are the person who takes inventory of all that you accomplish every day, of everything that happens in your life. And you take that inventory and look at your daily, weekly, and yearly highlights, and you analyze it to see my guiding messages. You see what cannot be seen until you analyze what is going on in your life. You want to help each person see how his or her partner is a complement in life? Suggest they take notes and look at the highlights. Help them see everything that’s going on in their lives from the perspective of a Divine “other half,” and how everything that the other person disagrees with is actually the greatest wholeness-creating mechanism, the best possible thing, and a Divinely-sent radar system designed to show them who they are and what they are missing in order to push themselves along. That is the way you do it. Show them how the highlights of their lives are all moving them along, and tell them they are getting better and more bonded all the time. Blessings, yitzchak
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 16:37:38 +0000

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