QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM G-D [part 3] ABOUT MY COUNSELING APPROACHES 1) SPIDER CHARTING Dear G-d, How far can I take the idea of Spider-charting? A spider chart is when you draw a little circle, and then you draw lines coming out of it, from the edges of the circle. Inside the circle represents your question, and each line leads to an answer provided by your associative mind. You don’t really have to think about this, since it’s your associated mind. You just want to write the first thing that comes to your mind, and then another and another. What happens is that each of these ideas leads to more ideas stored in your library-like brain. I’ve gotten a lot of mileage over the years, for myself and for other people with the use of spider-charting. It’s really useful for getting answers, and for getting a lot of information quickly. But I’m wondering just how far I can take this idea. How far can I tap into people’s associative minds? Where can this ultimately lead? Please give me a vision, a perspective on where this can lead. Dear Yitzchak, Like any spiritual or physical exercise, it perpetuates itself. The more you do it, the better it is. You are tapping into your intelligence in a way that is opening up associative ideas that are like a wellspring. The greatest thinkers, the greatest sages have been people who are so clear and aware about the depth and breadth of their knowledge, that you can mention one idea to them and another 20, 30 or 40 or more ideas immediately come to mind, shedding light on the original idea. Where this can lead, the sky is the limit. The more you do it, the more you’ll get instant access and you’ll become an overflowing wellspring. I suggest you practice by reviewing the knowledge and information from your learning explorations, and then set up a column next to these ideas for all the associative ideas that come to your mind. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get to the point one day when the only books and research you need to connect to are those of your own mind. 2) BODY –SPIRIT Dear G-d, I have recently worked with people to heal and understand their spirits, their souls, their beings based on what their body is telling them. And it also works the other way around, too. People can have insights about their bodies based on what their souls are telling them as well. I use what I call Sefirotic Alignment Therapy, where one application is to look at the pain or the reality in the person’s body and then to find the coordinate in the Sefirotic Chart. Then they can take upon themselves to balance, adjust or align the situation in their lives. I know that in the world of massage and touch certain areas of the head or the back or other parts of the body are connected to certain parts of the soul, and the massage or the touch causes an effect. Especially if the person has distinct mindfulness that corresponds to the affected body part then there can be incredible openness and healing involved. How reliable is this correspondence between body and spirit? Dear Yitzchak, I created the human being in the image of G-d, so to speak. On a simple level, the human image is basically the template of the universe. Everything has a beginning, a middle and an end, or head, a body and also feet. The human image has right-center-left, it has male/female, and everything in Creation is an expression of that template. The body/soul connection is like a human image within a human image. So, as you well know, from your bodies you can see your souls; you can see your G-dliness, your Divine Template. (I’m talking about human bodies here, because I AM beyond your fathoming and there is no body involved.) So I AM telling you yes, the spirit is in coordination with the body, and the body with the spirit. By tapping into either one you tap into the other. You already have different practices and approaches to accomplish both, such as your Musical Mystical Meditations where you take an idea and you meditate on it, deeply, with music, with emotion and with passion. You tap into the essence of it, and the same thing applies to the soul as it applies to the body. You can find a coordinate and meditate on it to deeply heal that coordinate. You have many ways of doing this. I will say this – according to the level of a person’s purity and soul level, that’s how effectively they can heal, or align or awaken the body through the soul or the soul through the body. That purity, that soul level, that spirituality level is what determines how effective this person will be, the person’s ability to see the coordinates. It defines their ability to project and to heal that coordination. 3) YISSASCHAR ZEVULUN ARRANGEMENT Dear G-d, There is a mutual relationship between a Torah learner and the person who is supporting that Torah in the form of a contractual agreement, a win-win agreement, not 5/50 but 100/100, whereby the Torah learned with the support of the Zevulun [the supporter] will be shared 100%. All the benefits in the present and in the future are absolutely shared. There is a huge list of benefits that can be shared this way between two people. My experience has been that people don’t really get this idea. It is very foreign idea, and most people simply think of it as charity. In a sense it is charity, but it is actually ‘way beyond charity because it is not a one-way street, it is completely mutual. The learner can look straight into the eyes without any embarrassment because he is providing an incredible service for the supporter. How can a person like me, interested in taking my learning to a whole new level, and needing support to accomplish that, overcome the prejudice that a Zevulun, fully mutual supporter might have? Dear Yitzchak, You understand very well that for such an arrangement to work it is not simply a matter of putting the word out and whoever jumps on it gets it. The person who gets to share your most precious possessions, your time and your wisdom, in the day-to-day energy of their world, is similar to a person involved in a matchmaking arrangement. This person needs to be [ for this realm] your beshert, your other half, someone destined to be a partner with you. This, as you know, is not a simple matter, and it depends on their Divine Providence as well as your own, and how the twain shall meet. They need merits, as do you. They need merits as regards their behavior, of their level of their soul at this time of life, and of their purity level, and all these things apply to you as well. What I can tell you, Yitzchak, is not to take it in the wrong way. This is a very deep, Divine partnership we are talking about. But what you can do is to toss it up to me to take care of it, with clarity, with certainty, with belief and trust, that it will come true, that it will unfold itself. As you’ve seen in many other co-creations of this sort, it will happen. 4) RESTORE THE GLORY Dear G-d, Recently a friend of mine reported to me about an amazing self-growth meditation seminar that he and a number of other esteemed individuals attended. The teacher was a real expert in communicating very deep Kabbalistic, Chassidic, Torah ideas that were translated and crafted into life-changing meditations, and his presentation was filled with authentic sources citing where he got the ideas. My friend commented, being a very worldly person, and said he’d seen all this before, but that this seminar was decorated with the same deep ideas but with Torah sources. He got to a place, which I’ve heard so many times before, that when you go deep with Jewish mysticism what’s revealed is that area where all mysticisms meet, meaning they are all basically saying the same thing. Dear G-d, I’ve heard this line for many, many years now, and my question to you is this – if we go so deep with our own Jewish mysticism, and the deepest we get is the same point that all the other mysticisms reach, how are we supposed to be a light unto the nations? How are we supposed to be a chosen people, the teachers and enlighteners of humanity? Other traditions all say the same thing, too. Dear Yitzchak, I promised through the message of all of the prophets that there will come a time when all of humanity will see that you, My People, are a light unto the nations, and you are THE teachers with THE message. And all others, with the depth of their wisdom, which they truly have, and with their enlightenment, which they truly have, will see that your light is one to lead their lives. My hope is that we don’t have to wait until that designated time comes. My hope is that a person like yourself, Yitzchak, one who is a natural bridge person, whom I have blessed and gifted with the tools, the sensitivities, the background, the meditations, the experiences and the wisdom, will be able to see what opens people up and show them how the real light is coming, the real enlightenment is coming from the authentic teachings. I bless you that you’ll go deeper and deeper and broader and broader into your teachings, and that you’ll be able to see how every one of these teachings is a unique light, a light that leads other lights. 5)LOWER SELF Dear G-d, We are less than a month away from the beginning of the year and the Day of Judgment, those ten days of Tshuva where we see ourselves and you see us. The more that we can bring to the table and see ourselves, the more ready we are for that day, and the better use we can make of our potential and to see what we can make happen. There is a concept called Lower Self, a concept I’ve been exposed to that describes not what we should be doing in life, but what we could be doing. It’s more like a child inside ourselves, not necessarily the Evil Inclination to go against the will, but just that part of ourselves that wants to have fun, to be done with things, to just abandon ourselves to love and life and living. I’ve learned techniques to integrate that part into myself in ways that are healthy for both the Lower and the Upper parts of myself. How can I avoid fooling myself when I think I’m integrating these things in a healthy way, and keep from accidentally falling down to a lower level? Dear Yitzchak, You have a mantra in life, and it’s called Perfect AS-IS. When you use that mantra and understand that everything with all the imperfections included, all of the Lower Self failings calls to mind all of the imperfections, and allows them to show their faces instead of remaining hidden from sight. Do that meditation, do that mantra, bring up all the Lower Self, not-so-flattering aspects of your being and integrate them as you will. Accept them, don’t struggle with them to begin with, and then in an objective way, choose what works and what doesn’t quite work, and needs some adjustment in order to fit into the busy life that you and other people live now. What I’m saying to you, Yitzchak, is this – bring ‘em all up on the table, and then one-by-one sort them out, doing repentance for those that are wrong, or integrating in the right way those that are empowering. Blessings, yitzchak
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 06:33:42 +0000

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