QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM G-d [Part 5] ABOUT MY COUNSELING APPROACHES 1. PAINLESSNESS Dear G-d, One of the best gifts that I think I can give to people in terms of helping them cope in their daily lives in situations that are so incredibly difficult and so painful, so stressful and full of pressure and tension, is to open up the idea of living a life that by-passes pain, and by-passes effort. This idea allows them to do things in a relatively painless way. What I’m thinking about would be something like an emotional anesthesia which allows them to deal with the pain of their lives. I really want to do this, but I’m not sure how to do it. Dear Yitzchak, It wasn’t too long ago that you had a huge collection of approaches and solutions that were all about giving people the gift of painlessness and effortlessness. I barely need to remind you and a lot of these will come back to your mind. For example, over the course of time you have told people to have radical acceptance of their own situations, and to understand that it’s all good, that it’s all coming from ME. Whether they have inflicted a situation on other people or whether it has been inflicted upon them, you have been the one to help them see and know that they can get past their situations. You have been the one to help them understand and accept things because everything is coming from ME, and that it’s all for the best. You’ve guided people to have trust that I AM going to help them out of their situation, no matter what it is. You’ve helped them to have trust as they have had in the past, showing that I will come through for them in the future just as I have come through for them in the past. You’ve guided people to reframe the way they connect with others and communicate with others, including win-win or bliss-bliss relationships. As opposed to believing in “no pain, no gain,” you have helped people believe, “you can have your cake and eat it, too.” You have helped them reverse their belief system, which is what has enslaved them to pain. You’ve taught people how to have devekut, how to give over their trust in ME, how to cling to Hashem so that they don’t have to try to make things happen because I will make things happen for them. You’ve taught people how to make me a partner in their lives, thereby giving over to ME the difficulties and pains involved with making things happen, which exchange can benefit the Divine realm as well. You’ve taught people the art of Paradising, of complete self-expression, which will ultimately reduce the pain in their lives when they know this is the best possible thing for them. You’ve taught people how to bypass the pain by seeing the greater picture, by seeing the whole picture in their lives, not just a partial picture. You’ve taught people how to bypass the pain by giving it over to ME, by taking their impossible situation and watching how I AM able to make things happen for them. You’ve taught people how to bypass the pain by showing them that life is Perfect AS-IS, with all its imperfections, and by finding their points of helplessness and tossing them up to ME. You have all these and you also have other solutions, other paths, other approaches. There will be many more available to you as you reach down into yourself, so have confidence in yourself and in the many answers you have already been sharing. 2. THE ‘LAPID BUBBLE ‘ Dear G-d, Being a counselor here in Israel of people who live an Orthodox lifestyle, a Torah life, and want to get ahead in their basic observance of Judaism, I am flustered right now. I am overwhelmed by the evil decrees being propagated by the current Israeli government, specifically against Orthodox people, with regard to learning Torah, keeping mitzvoth and modesty and virtually all aspects of religious belief and existence. The manifestations of these decrees are already being felt, certainly in my family and in many, many other families like mine. What little government support has been given to these families in the past has been radically reduced in the last few weeks or so. Learning Torah full time is virtually against the law now, as shocking as that sounds. We are in a situation that I don’t think many people are aware of. What are we being called to do right now, what can we do about this situation? Dear Yitzchak, You are living through a time that is a wake-up call to above-nature living, the likes of which have not been seen since the days of the nation of Israel going through the desert following the Exodus from Egypt. A person of observance, of Judaism, of Orthodox Torah observance-- who wants to live that observance fully these days in the Land of Israel, will need to jump into a “Lapid Bubble.” Or else they risk losing their Judaism, their Torah observance, their ability to live Torah in the way it is meant to be learned and abided by [and as a result, ironically, the downfall of all that the powers that be, think they are protecting, in their misguided mission].. That bubble involves not seeing nature, not seeing the natural cause and effects of money and governments and support, including the threats and legalities. It’s a bubble that must be built on the deepest, purest, most sublime principles of Torah learning and living . It’s a bubble that demands that you see nothing but MY HAND that is running your life and everyone’s lives, and demands true Torah living even at the expense of your lives [if that’s the sacrificial choice that’s put to you by the powers that be], at the expense of your financial and emotional well-being as well . There is an enlistment, a call-up to take upon yourselves the burden of Torah, which is ironically the diametric opposite of their call-up to you to abandon Torah in order to take upon yourselves their burdens of service based largely upon a secular –anti-Torah, anti Judaism approach to living. There is an enlistment, a call-up to take upon yourselves the burden of Torah, Torah learning, Torah living and all that involves in all its observance. It requires that you become involved on a level you’ve never thought possible before this time, and that you become absolutely sincere and that you cling to that involvement as a person would cling to their very existence---- inside a bubble---where the powers that be cannot touch you.. 3. LOVE HEALING Dear G-d, Some of the people I am counseling right now are suffering, more than anything else, a lack of love in their lives. They did not receive the love they needed as children, they are not receiving the love they need now, neither from their parents, their spouses nor other people in their lives. The fallout in their lives is horrific as a result, even to the point of the desire for suicide. Conferring with others, I have come to the conclusion that love is not only the cause of their problems, but it is also the solution as well. I need your help to understand how to heal the lack of love with love. Dear Yitzchak, Love is absolutely at the core of the healing of so many people now, all over the world, not just the people you are working with. How can you heal them with love? How can you inundate them with love when there are no sources for love in their lives? What I suggest is to develop healing methodologies and strategies to help these people become receivers, conductors and emmanators of love in their lives. The way to do that is to bring back to them, through meditations, contemplations and prayer, the possibility of love in their lives. You want to turn them into love conductors, whereby they are sending love out and also receiving love in return. Help them open their eyes to the little bit of love they have received in their lives, and take them back to their loveless past, their childhood, and bring love into those times through meditative, healing means. As artificial as this may sound, it can be very healing when you bring MY love into their lives. Although they may not feel, believe or understand it, let them know that it is there anyway, even though they may not. Share with them the love that you have, that you feel and receive and give as holistically as possible with them. Let them know of your love and help them release that which is blocking their ability to give love and receive love. I WILL be there with you. Being connected to G-d is being connected to love. Let them know that. I want you to feel love when you are channeling love to them, and I WILL help you do that. I understand the situation. I am saying all this out of pure love. Blessings, yitzchak
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 14:45:59 +0000

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