QUESTIONS THAT EVERY BLACK PERSON SHOULD BE ASKING THEMSELVES * My interaction with Professor Henschel leads me to ask myself several important questions, questions that EVERY Black person should be asking themselves. What is it about Black people that makes conservatives like professor Henschel so determined to try to prove - even through hook or crook, and the spinning of data - that they’re intellectually superior to Black people? And why are such people so hostile to Blacks? And finally, why, during slavery, did they make it a crime to teach Black people to read? . It’s almost enough to lead one to believe that during our years of slavery they saw an intellectual potential in us that they perceived as a direct threat. After all, Frederick Douglass was a slave, yet, he was one of the most learned and eloquent men of his time. He went from runaway slave to rubbing elbows with presidents and kings. He was one of President Lincoln’s most trusted advisors, and he educated himself, which means that his intellect was innate. . That would explain the maniacal hatred of Barack Obama by rabid conservatives - fear. Could they perceive President Obama as the culmination of their worst nightmare? Could that be why they run around carrying signs saying, “I want my country back?” I think it is - and if such people see something so threatening in our intellect that they’re willing to cut their own throats to suppress, I think that’s something that we should leave no stone unturned to develop. That should be EVERY Black person’s primary mission in life. . They are currently dumbing down their own people in the name of power and greed, so now is the perfect time for Black people to go in the opposite direction, and level the playing field. The Republican anger and obstruction that we’re currently witnessing is Jim Crow’s dying gasp. Let’s help him along his way. . Knowledge - and ONLY knowledge - is power. . wattree.blogspot/2014/10/this-is-way-we-should-teach-our-kids-to.html
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 16:18:02 +0000

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