QUICKBIRD SATELLITE IMAGES AND SENSOR SPECIFICATIONS Because of our relationship with DigitalGlobe, developer and owner of the QuickBird Sensor, Satellite Imaging Corporation (SIC) acquires QuickBird Satellite Imagery worldwide for our customers seeking high-resolution, digital aerial photographs. QuickBird at Launch; QuickBird in Orbit ABOUT THE QUICKBIRD SATELLITE SENSOR QuickBird is a high resolution satellite owned and operated by DigitalGlobe. Using a state-of-the-art BGIS 2000 sensor (PDF), QuickBird collects image data to 0.61m pixel resolution degree of detail. This satellite is an excellent source of environmental data useful for analyses of changes in land usage, agricultural and forest climates. QuickBirds imaging capabilities can be applied to a host of industries, including Oil and Gas Exploration & Production (E&P), Engineering and Construction and environmental studies QUICKBIRD SATELLITE SENSOR CHARACTERISTICS Launch Date October 18, 2001 Launch Vehicle Boeing Delta II Launch Location Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, USA Orbit Altitude 450 Km Orbit Inclination 97.2°, sun-synchronous Speed 7.1 Km/sec (25,560 Km/hour) Equator Crossing Time 10:30 AM (descending node) Orbit Time 93.5 minutes Revisit Time 1-3.5 days, depending on latitude (30° off-nadir) Swath Width 16.5 Km x 16.5 Km at nadir Metric Accuracy 23 meter horizontal (CE90%) Digitization 11 bits Resolution Pan: 61 cm (nadir) to 72 cm (25° off-nadir) MS: 2.44 m (nadir) to 2.88 m (25° off-nadir) Image Bands Pan: 450-900 nm Blue: 450-520 nm Green: 520-600 nm Red: 630-690 nm Near IR: 760-900 nm ARCHIVED OR NEW QUICKBIRD IMAGERY FROM THE QUICKBIRD SATELLITE SENSOR For many image requests, a matching image can already be located in the archives of high-resolution QuickBird imagery from around the world. If no image data is available in the archives, new QuickBird satellite image data can be acquired through a satellite tasking process. For more information and pricing, please visit our Contact Us page. We care and pride ourselves in maintaining a high standard of customer service by sharing our technical know-how and use our worldwide experiences in remote sensing, geodesy, GIS, GPS surveying and mapping. The Satellite Imaging Corporation (SIC) customer support team and senior staff assure that suitable archived image data is identified and ordered or collected through a new tasking order, to meet the project objectives and specifications by providing the following services: Negotiations to the attainment of archived or new images with DigitalGlobe Processing imagery services including orthorectification, color balancing and mosaicing Advanced Image processing for agriculture, forest, coastal and resource management applications Extract culture and terrain data in support of GIS and CAD projects 3D Terrain Visualization and modeling for project planning and support Services to incorporate customer-provided, third party US, and International GIS geospatial data in ESRIs ArcGIS 9.x or other GIS or CAD projects Consultancy to customers to select band combinations and imaging processing techniques most appropriate to bring out the geographical and manmade features most pertinent to your project. SIC utilizes specialized pansharpening processing techniques to enhance coastal seafloor features and monitor environmental sensitive areas, such as coral zones Information to customers to assure that correct geodetic and mapping parameters are utilized in support to maintain a seamless GIS computer environment for projects involved and to further enhance the spectral analysis for oil and gas, landcover-use classifications, and Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) New QuickBird satellite image collection at pre-selected time intervals under a subscription tasking program, including attractive pricing discounts, to monitor changes in the environment and progress of construction projects worldwide For more information and pricing, please visit our Contact Us page. QUICKBIRD SATELLITE IMAGERY GALLERY For QuickBird sample images, please visit our QuickBird gallery
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 01:43:54 +0000

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