QUITE POSSIBLY THE BEST PUPDATE EVER (worth the read): - TopicsExpress


QUITE POSSIBLY THE BEST PUPDATE EVER (worth the read): Attached is a before and after photo of Judo formerly known as Fancy. We adopted her from the ACSPCA in January of 2014. We do have a heart-warming story to go along with it, so feel free to forward it on! My wife and I just purchased our first house in October of 2013. We had always talked about getting a dog but were very hesitant. Weve always led a fairly simple life, but we both also grew up around dogs and understood how much they change your lifestyle. They are a big responsibility! Unfortunately in this day, not every owner understands that. When we were discussing getting a dog, I always wanted a picture perfect puppy and wanted to raise it from scratch. It took a bit of convincing for me to look at the dogs at the SPCA. In hindsight, it was a very selfish feeling to have indeed. One day in January of 2014 we decided to come down to your facility and spend some time browsing, just to see if getting a dog was something we really wanted to do. We saw an advertisement for Fancy on your website among several others. Fancy was the first on our list to visit. At the time she weighed 45lbs and could tell she was still recovering from being underfed and being underweight. She had several scars on her neck, a nasty ear infection, and a case of kennel cough. Your staff members led us to the visiting area and the moment she was brought to us, she sat at our feet in between us facing out as if she was ready to take a family portrait. She wasnt the nicest smelling, or prettiest dog at the time but we could tell instantly that she was looking for a lifetime companion and friend. We immediately fell in love, and knew that it wasnt only our mere desire to have a dog in our family, but also our responsibility as humanitarians to give a life a second chance, and to support our local community. That was a huge turning point not only in our home but also in our lives. Your staff responsibly recommended that we take some time to think about it, just to make sure it was something we wanted to do even though we pretty much had our decision made. After our visit to the SPCA we immediately went to a local store to start pricing things like crates, beds, blankets, food bowls, food etc... just to make sure that we could financially make a dog a part of our family. We wanted to do the responsible thing also. While window shopping at the store, we received a call from your facility asking us if we could come down and pick her up that afternoon. We decided to sleep on it (even though it was a sleepless night). The next morning we made our decision to adopt a new member of the family. We came down to fill out the paperwork and pick her up. We had some trouble getting her into the car. She was very afraid. When we arrived home we introduced her to the house. She was very hesitant to come in but she sniffed around and started becoming comfortable. After a few weeks we started noticing that she had some severe separation anxiety issues, to the point where she would hurt herself trying to get out of her crate and she certainly didnt appreciate being alone. There were a few times where we may have second guessed our decision, but reflecting back on the feelings we had the first day we visited her at the SPCA always kept motivating us to do better for HER. It gave us the ability to learn how to put someone elses needs above our own. To this day, were better people for it and we owe every debt to her. She was a hero for us as well. Today, Judo remains the center focus of our family, taking her seat between our feet just like the first day we met her. Through hard work, determination, and LOTS OF LOVE she has COMPLETELY overcome her anxiety issues not only with separation but with other dogs as well. She currently weighs 60lbs and is in excellent health. She graduated the first two phases of the Allen County obedience school and also graduated a class in tricks. Her newly found love is agility and tricks. She knows well over 20 tricks already! She loves peanut butter, playing in the snow, and chasing after rabbits and squirrels. The scars on her neck will always remain as permanent reminders of how we need to treat her and every other living creature on this planet. Unconditional love, respect, determination, and loyalty are the key ingredients to a happy life. She is the most loving, fearless, and loyal dog weve met in our lives and we thank the SPCA for the opportunity to be able introduce a new member to our family. FROM THE ALLEN COUNTY SPCA: On behalf of our entire organization, thank you for committing to Judo, every single step of the way. We know that not every shelter dogs adoption is seamless. We know that it often takes work, and in some cases, a lot of it. We are most grateful to those adopters who go the extra mile, and in some cases more than a mile, to get these results. We also know Judos back story. She came from one of the very worst situations we ever have seen. You, our friends, gave her a life she never would have known without you. Thank you for being her salvation. We are forever in your debt. So is she, and shell show your her gratitude every day of her life.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:52:05 +0000

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