QUOTING COURTLAND Pulp Mill & Chem Line of R & U May 21, - TopicsExpress


QUOTING COURTLAND Pulp Mill & Chem Line of R & U May 21, 1979 – Q1 2014 Disclaimer: None of the quotes below are meant to hurt anyone, nor their feelings. They are things that were said in the last 34+ years. I regret I can’t remember more of them. (For the record, I did have help with this list, although I did witness the majority of them.) Also, please realize all of these below may not have occurred at all, but they were told as truths…so they have become “Pulp Mill / Chem Line of R&U Urban Legends.” If you should have one you would like added, please feel free to do so. Hope ya’ll enjoy this list as much as I have in adding to it over the years. This isnt in chronological order, & some of them wont be funny at all, because, as they say: Youd have had to have been there. Blair D. Terry, The Unofficial Historian, Pulp Mill / Chem Line of R&U, CI / IP Courtland, Alabama Mill “I have never seen so many people, foaming at the mouth, waiting for someone to quit, get fired, or die.” ~ Rob Willis talking about employees in the Chem Line. “I’m here for the duration.” ~ Don Trawick to Walter Dozier & Larry Brannon when telling other foremen they were no longer needed for double coverage one winter during a freeze. (He missed the remainder of the week.) “I took some bad advice.” ~ Walter Dozier, concerning Trawick’s statement above. “I busted a gut.” ~ Don Trawick after he drug a fire hose full of water and had to go to medical with a hernia. “That just makes my face red.” ~ George McDaniel anytime he felt embarrassed or angry. “I don’t think you understood what I thought I told you.” ~ James ‘Grasshopper’ Lightsey’s explanation of why an idea he had didn’t pan out. “I’ll scrape it up if you’ll sweep it up.” ~ Quote from a famous James Lightsey story. “That’s my Uncle Don!” ~ Gary Reed to Don Trawick anytime Gary noticed Don was at his ‘stress limit.’ “There ain’t no ghosts.” ~ Walter Dozier’s response when someone wanted to blame downtime or strange occurrences on the mill being built on an old graveyard site. “I Don’t know.” ~ Nick (Neal Nicholson’s) answer to Walter when asked where he was calling from to get a day off so he wouldn’t be tardy that day. Well, in that case, maybe you should come on in. ~ Walters response. “And hey man, it just ain’t happenin.” ~ Little Yank (William Arnold, Jr.) to a kiln assistant while trying to transfer green liquor. “Do you want to be next?” ~ Doug Cross to Mr. Smith (Gary Comontofski, Cosmo) after a smart remark he made while Dough was talking to Blair (Terry) about the Lime Kiln Operator’s job. “That back end’s too hot.” ~ Erskine Aldridge to Ricky Morris & Jimmy Biffle. “Oh no James, they’ve gotta work.” ~ Erskine Aldridge to James Lightsey when asked if he rest of the shift would be at Smith Lake on the day he & his wife had been invited to join Erskine’s family. “You egg-sucking dawg.” ~ Mike Carpenter to Blair Terry in an email when he thought he was being anonymous. “I don’t like that worth a dayum!” ~ Doug Cross to Steve Edwards when finding out no calls had been made at 5 PM when Doug did not have a relief. “It’s a piece of cake.” ~ Sunil Chandnani’s answer for every problem / opportunity in Chem Line. “Oh, we’ll get outta here.” ~ Ricky Morris to Marshall White when asked how would this affect the Lime Kiln operations. “Your Honor, what Mr. Nicholson don’t understand is, these things take time.” ~ Lawyer to Judge when Nick was trying to evict a non-paying renter. “Lay flat on the ground & cover your head!” ~ Rob Willis to Carol Brooks when calling for help while being stuck in the pipe bridge on #2 side while switching weak wash & mill water line & recovery was blowing soot to the ground. “All you gotta do is…” ~ Jack Manuel’s answer to anyone who mentioned a problem to him. “I don’t need to know any more.” ~ Chris McGrath to Ricky Morris in a second step grievance meeting. “Speed up the Caustic Rooms, but don’t make any more mud.” ~ George McDaniel to J.D. Keener during an outage. “I want their azzes scattered!” ~ Walter Dozier to Wray Burnett from the top of T30 or T40 Bleach Plant towers while witnessing the Lime Kiln outage folks going on break in single file, & playing follow the leader with Shane Cox leading from the Bleach Chemical area to the maintenance canteen like ‘Frosty the Snowman.’ “I’ll work if I have to.” ~ Melissa Roberts to Marshall White when being informed she didn’t have a relief, & he had not had any luck in securing one for her. “It’s hiding!” ~ Ricky Morris to Chris McGrath when asked why there was no mud inventory. (Where’s all the mud, Ricky?) “Go to he!!! Go to he!!! Go to he!!!” ~ Carol Brooks to Sunil Chandnani when told why he would not buy an electric lime grinder for the Lime Kiln. “If you tell me to kiss your azz one more time, I’m gonna whup yours.” ~ LuLu Reedus to Carol Brooks making a relief. “You just kiss my azz!” ~ Carol Brooks to Ernie (Michael) McKenzie when told she was correct, he was her relief after all. “Don’t use those. Them Doug’s gloves!” ~ Benny Flint to anyone about to use Doug Crosses work gloves. (Doug had explained to Benny earlier why he shouldn’t be using his gloves.) “My toe hurts.” ~ Darrell Singleton’s (Tinkerbell) excuse for not wanting to leave the old kiln control room. “This ain’t me.” & “This is me.” ~ LuLu Reedus & Debbie Christopher, respectively, to Doug Cross during separate telephone conversations. “I found the prize egg!” ~ Ernie (Michael) McKenzie admitting he beat a bunch of 10 year olds during an Easter Egg Hunt. “Mike who?” ~ Blair Terry to Ricky Morris, after Rick had asked: “What’s Mike’s last name?” “I’m not gonna fill that out.” ~ Lee Terry to Henry Sanders about an incident report he had asked her to fill out. “You’re just not being a team player.” ~ Chris McGrath to Ricky LouAllen. “And there, now I’ve told you.” ~ Ocie Thrasher to Blair Terry after being asked to be informed whenever a piece of equipment wasn’t operating properly. “And I just serenaded those shrimp.” ~ A Maintenance guy to a group of Chem Line employees (Including Blair Terry, Melissa Roberts, & Ricky Morris) about how he cooked some shrimp in Gulf Shores on the beach. “Ummm, what song did you sing?” ~ Blair Terry to the maintenance guy. “I knew I wasn’t gonna get away with that, right after I said it.” ~ The maintenance man. (Well, Serenaded & Marinated does should a little bit alike.) “I’ma leavin!” ~ Moe (Melissa Robert’s) suggested answer to Dick Russard when asked “Are ya a-dancin’ or are ya a-drinkin’?” when she had been spotted in a night club. (Answer was suggested by Rob Lanfair.) “Me & Cosmo (Gary Comontofski) will take care of that.” ~ Ricky Morris’ famous last words before entering the #3 kiln to clean off the lime & chains from the gun because Benny Flint had a sore back. (15 minutes later, we had a loss time accident when Rick got his eyes full of lime dust.) “Somebody’s going to jail, and it’s not gonna be me!” ~ Jeff Hartman to Blair Terry about not watching the Stripper & NCG Gases venting close enough. “I’m not stupid, I just look this way.” ~ Thomas Vinson to no one in particular. “If you’ll just give me one more month, I’ll be outta here!” ~ Robert Garrett to Chris McGrath while being counseled about his accident record. (After he had stuck a screwdriver in his hand.) “Whatever you do, don’t ask Doug (Cross) to get another lime bin measurement. I’ll crawl down these steps first.” ~ Tinkerbell (Darrell Singleton) to Ricky Morris afte the #1 manual lime bin measuring device broke while Doug was getting a measurement for him. “That’s the weirdest guy I’ve ever seen!” ~ Moe (Melissa Roberts) talking about Stanley Johnson. “Are you talking about me?” ~ Stanley to Moe. “Oh no, I wasn’t talking about you!” ~ Moe to Stanley “Hey, look here, Ernie!” Blair Terry yelling to Michael McKenzie while showing him a drawing of a voodoo doll with a pin through it’s neck depicting what Don (Trawick) was going to do to George McDaniel. “Whatcha got there, Blair?” ~ Don to Blair, after Blair yelled: “Look here, Ernie!” “Oh, nothing. Blair to Don while wadding up his voodoo doll drawing, & turned red-faced. “You know what you just did, don’t you? You have just confused the he!! outta Ricky.” ~ Ernie (Michael McKenzie) to Blair (Terry) during an in-depth discussion he was having with Rick about the #3 lime bin storages. “Why is P40 down?” ~ Moe (Melissa Roberts) to Price Lansdell after Price told her “I’ve done all I can do to get the vacuum back down on the generator.” “It would be in his best interest, & make his night go so much easier if he would come in 4 hours early today.” ~ Nick (Neal Nicholson) to Ernie’s (Michael McKenzie’s) wife Rita on why she should wake up Ernie & let Nick talk him into coming in. “He’s screwing with me. He’s got that phone off the hook, don’t he?” ~ Richard Terry to Tab Nichols or Scott Terry when Royce Warner had him dialing his own number (2417) at Bleach Chemical & getting a busy signal… three times in a row. “I know ya’ll are not throwing stock balls at Wayne (Basden) ~ Don Deaton to Blair Terry, Richard Terry, Tab Nichols, Ahab (Gary Tidwell), & others during an outage… after Wayne’s hardhat was knocked off from a ball of stock from the top of T45 to the ground where little Wayne was standing. “What did I do with Marshall’s (White) card? ~ Blair Terry to everyone on C-Shift an hour after he & Carol Brooks had placed Marshall’s Christmas Card in her shower room locker for ‘safekeeping.’ “That’s not the way Jimmy Biffle used to do it.” ~ Ernie (Michael McKenzie) to Guy Wilson, our new maintenance foreman in Chem Line. “I don’t believe that.” ~ Price Lansdell to Blair Terry while listening to Blair’s theory of why the #1 kiln had gotten too hot & melted part of the metal shell. “And he’s sorrier than I am!” ~ Robert Garrett when talking about a fellow co-worker. “How do you spell green?” ~ Scott Terry to Blair Terry while trying to write a comment on the kiln log sheet. “Turn around & copy it from the panel board.” ~ Blair to Scott. (The words ‘GREEN LIQUOR’ was written in big 2 inch tall block letters on a plastic label.) “You don’t have to fire me, I’ll just quit.” ~ Debbie Newton to James Lightsey & J.D. Keener at the Tall Oil Plant, after a turpentine mishap. “Dayum it, George!” ~ Walter Dozier talking to or about George McDaniel. “I hate everybody!” ~ Neal Nicholson during an outage. “This is Price’s brother. He has a dentist appointment today.” ~ Price Lansdell to Marshall White during a telephone conversation. “We dropped the ball.” ~ George McDaniel to J.D. Keener during an outage. (The shift had failed to be ready to flush the #3 white liquor lines to the digester because the only fitting was locked up in Mike Masterson’s locker & he was on the opposite shift.) “I wouldn’t forgive Jesus Christ if he had done that!” ~ J.D. Keener when he found out the #1 kiln hood was full of lime. “What the he!! is Earl’s (Thompson) ball bag doing in the freezer?” ~ Mike Raines after discovering an ice pack in the freezer of the Pulp Mill Control Room. “Tim (McWhorter), I’m so sorry.” ~ Ahab (Gary Tidwell) to Tim McWhorter after discovering the ice pack he had been putting down Tim’s shirt & placing on his head belonged to Earl Thompson. Earl had been using it to cool his privates. “It runs under the catwak, & goes right through that wall.” ~ Jackie Archer to Chuck Ready after spending four hours tracing chlorine lines at the old chlorine shack. “Wholly Moley!” ~ Debbie Christopher whenever she gets excited. “Hold still, dammit, I’m trying to save your eyes!” ~ Richard Terry to Tim Newton while pouring vinegar into Tim’s eyes after getting 10% caustic in them. “I said: Oh, sh!t!” ~ Tim Newton, when asked: “How the heck did you get caustic in your mouth anyhow?” “Erskine has just confessed to me, but I have no idea what he’s done.” ~ Steve Edwards to Blair Terry & Jackie Archer after talking to Erskine Aldridge in the parking lot during an outage. “I’ve had my gasmask on no less than five hundred times.” ~ Don Trawick to the class instructor shortly before not being able to locate his personal gasmask for a classroom demonstration. “I’m right behind you boys.” ~ Don Trawick to Ernie (Michael McKenzie) & Gary Reed when the R3 Generator had decomped. “I don’t know, but if she does, I hope it kills him.” ~ Ron Norwood to Ahab (Gary Tidwell). A discussion overheard on the radio when someone’s mike was keyed by mistake. “Well durn, Tim!” ~ Debbie Christopher to Tim Newton while making a relief. (Tim had gotten gassed & was throwing up into a Scot Air Pack while trying to put it on…too late, we might add.) “Fellas, I hate to complain, but my foot is killing me.” ~ Tim McWhorter to Debbie Christopher, Blair Terry, & Ricky Killen after dropping the lead lid from the Mathieson Generator on top of it. “I luv my job!” ~ Sandy McMurry. “I luv my job!” ~ Alan Cardwell mocking little Sandal (Sandy McMurry.) “I haven’t been past the third floor.” ~ Mookhead (Thomas Vinson) to Wray Burnett when asked if he was ready to take over the Bleach Chemical Operator’s job. “James, I need a new gasmask.” ~ Wayne Basden to James Lightsey when the Bleach Plant was crashing. (If looks could kill.) “Man, she took the Riv.” ~ Mookhead (Thomas Vinson) to Ricky Morris when his wife took his maroon Rivera. “I outta throw you off of here!” ~ Shane Cox to Mike Birge after he explained how he had used the handle of a sledge hammer to wedge a rod into the top of the #2 lime bucket elevator while trying to unplug it. “Just walk around the storage & sooner or later you’ll trip over it.” ~ Gordon Blanton to Dorris Williams when she told him she could not locate the dump valve on the Tall Oil Storage. “You boys need a kerosene rag to put in your back pockets cause all I see is a bunch of candy-azzes.” ~ Wray Burnett “I can’t find a thing to do.” ~ Debbie Newton to Chuck Ready during an outage. (She & Blair Terry were given the job of shoveling up petrified knots on the East side of the Pulp Mill that had probably been there since the original start up of the mill.) “Don’t you ever tell Chuck that again.” ~ Blair to Debbie after they were finished shoveling, which included digging up a petrified gopher rat. “There’s some fried chicken in the refrigerator I’m not going to eat.” ~ Chuck Ready trying to tempt someone to eat a lunch that didn’t belong to him. (It worked.) “Let me know when you’re coming.” ~ Gordon Blanton to J.J. Castleberry after being told “Now hear this: Get off the radio, now!” Gordon had been singing & Cass asked him: “Is the crusher room clean?” Gordon’s response? “I don’t know know.” Cass: “Well you better be in the crusher room cleaning up when I get down there.” “Did this happen accidentally or on purpose?” ~ George McDaniel’s statement when he discovered water had gotten into the purchased lime bin on #2 side, turning it into plowed dirt. (George had left instruction in his ‘Orders of the Day Notebook’ to pull a fire hose up to the top of the purchased lime bin & wash the lime build up off the top of it.) “Out the overflow line, right by the curb.” ~ Neal Nicholson’s answer when asked by Jimmy Luna if he knew where the green liquor storage ran over. (Jimmy meant at what level.) “No, it was straight-lining.” ~ Jerry Miller to Thomas Beard when asked if he knew a storage tank in Bleach Chemical had been overflowing to the sewer. “Aren’t ya’ll helmets cutting your ears?” ~ Chuck Ready to Blair Terry, Nick (Neal) & Jeff Nicholson, Terry Arnold, Scott & Shawn McCombs (Blair’s cousins from Birmingham) during a white water rafting trip to Ocoee. “Hey Blair, check out that dude’s helmet. He’s got it on backwards!” ~ Jeff Nicholson to Blair Terry, while pointing at Chuck Ready. (The White Water Ltd. Sign was facing forward, instead of across the back like the rest of the crew’s & we have professional photos to prove it.) “Don’t you guys know your left from your right?” ~ Stu, our Ocoee Guide to the group while he was yelling: “Paddle hard left, now!” but the group just stared at him. (We had forgotten about the time change, & therefore missed our orientation… We ended up being the lead raft, so instead of showing the other rafters how to go through the rapids, we ended up showing them how NOT to go through them.) “I think I’d like a second opinion. I may have been on the wrong tank.” ~ Jamie Kimbrough to Ricky Morris on the radio, after getting a manual measurement on the #1 South White Liquor Clarifier & finding that it was bone dry empty. “If either one of them is MT, it’s bad.” Ricky Morris’ response. “Uh Oh!” ~ Ellie Matthews after nuking his hotdog too long in the microwave at Bleach Chem. (After about 4 minutes, it had became the size of a Vienna sausage.) “How much is a little bit?” ~ Rick McGee to Blair Terry while Blair was getting a manual measurement on #3 Green Liquor Clarifier during the cold mill outage. “When I say 20 dayum feet, I mean 20 dayum feet! ~ Wayne Basden to Blair Terry while getting drenched in mud slurry because the #2 precoat filter vat had filled up while washing the filter. “Wayne, it may be feet to you, but it’s inches to us.” ~ Blair to little Wayne. (Wayne had asked to be notified by radio whenever the vat level reached the halfway point. Max vat level was 40 inches.) “Which one?” ~ Mookhead (Thomas Vinson) to Buster Blevins on the radio when Buster asked him to try the hot lime crusher for a green light (start.) (The #2 crusher had kicked out, & Coynis Owens had been sent into the loadcenter to reset it while Buster was working to make sure it was clear to start up. Unknown to Buster was the fact that Coynis had reset the #1 crusher by mistake, causing Mookhead to ask his now infamous question.) “A bad night on the digester is better than a good one at the kiln.” ~ Buster Blevins to Blair Terry when asked: “How do you like the Crewleader’s job?” (Buster was walking through the clock alley, covered in lime dust, & looking like the Pillsbury Dough Boy.) “It’s not funny. I hurt my knee.” ~ Sandy McMurry to Richard Terry when he came back into the lime kiln control room, covered in lime dust after he fell off the #1 caustic room slaker scrubber fan downleg while hitting it with a sledgehammer. “I just gave you the inventory.” ~ Earl Thompson to Don Deaton after Tim McWhorter had called Earl & gotten the inventory for Bleach Chemical as a joke.” Tim had Don’s questions memorized. “Well, how about you giving it to me again?” ~ Don’s response to Earl. Don was not in on the joke either. Picture this: Chuck Ready running up & down the length of the panel board in front of the #1 Bleach Plant, stopping & throwing his hands up in the air, sucking wind through his teeth, & yelling: Sh!t! Sh!t! THAT was Chucks response, when Greg Richardson was stressed out, & trying to operate the Bleach Plant with thin stock running through the towers, causing scraper alarms to go off constantly. Greg wasnt impressed, but Chuck explained: Well, thats exactly how youve been operating for the last hour! “You don’t need a gasmask, you need a parachute!” ~ Earl Thompson’s remark after making it out of the Erco Generator Building, down three flights of stairs, & back into the Bleach Chemical Control Room. (His Chlorine Canister had been depleted, & he was slinging snot.) “Why do they call you Punkin’Head?” ~ Moe (Melissa Roberts) to Ron Francis. Ron’s response? “Nobody calls me Punkin’Head!” “What I want to know is: Am I an operator or am I a helper?” ~ Erskine Aldridge to during a class room training session. “Ricky Morris, you are a unique person.” ~ Kally Hodgson’s remark to Ricky while he was discussing how he precoated the dregs filter. “How the he!! did you get my number?” ~ Jim Knight to Coynis Owens when getting a phone call from Coynis at his home in Louisiana. “I wish we never wrote anything down.” ~ Tommy Scoggin to Blair Terry during a Chem Line Steering Team meeting when Blair was pointing out a decision from notes taken during a previous Steering Team meeting. “You’d kill for a set-up, wouldn’t you?” ~ Bob Hurt to Ocie Thrasher. “I thought you were a Southern Gentleman, but you’re just an old pervert.” ~ Bob Hurt to Ocie Thrasher. “He’s got a head that looks like it’s worn out several bodies.” ~ Bob Hurt talking about Ocie Thrasher. “Son, I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about all those other sorry SOBs.” ~ Jimmy Luna talking about how sorry a working was on another shift. “These green-azzes are killing me!” ~ Bob Hurt talking about how hard it was on him whenever his shift set up & put inexperienced people in jobs. “It’s when, if you breathed across the top of the tank, the contents would trickle across the top & down the overflow line to the sewer.” ~ Thomas Beard’s definition of ‘Slam Full.’ “Big boy, I mak’em, you rak’em.” ~ Jackie Burney to Little Yank (William Arnold, Jr.) on just one of the many benefits of being a lime kiln operator. “You should take it like a man.” ~ Neal Nicholson to Blair Terry concerning a reprimand he had received. “Ole Big Will steered me wrong!” ~ Mookhead (Thomas Vinson), aka Lightnin’ to Thomas Beard after Thomas had used two drinking cups to illustrate you can not get any more lime mud out of a kiln than what you put it in, no matter how fast you turn it. “I SEE YOU!” ~ Dennis Smith’s son looking under his parent’s bedroom door. “Let my people go!” ~ Rob Willis to management when his shift wanted to go home because there was nothing for them left to do during an outage. “Yes, security, will you page Tim McFly & have him call 5604?” ~ Ricky Morris on the phone to security during an outage. “He was in ‘Back to the Future,’ wasn’t he?” ~ Security’s comeback to Ricky. “My name ain’t no dayum Billy Bob!” ~ Jim Bob to Blair Terry. “If you weren’t a good helper, then you’re not going to be a good operator.” ~ Debbie Christopher to Ricky LouAllen while training him on the lime kiln operator’s job. “Richard, you must have a bobwire belly & a rubber butthole.” ~ James Lightsey to Richard Terry when he saw Richard eating pizza around 2 AM on a midnight shift. New Kiln Control Room phone rings for the third time in a time span of 15 minutes early on day shift. Blair Terry announces to people in the control room: “If that’s Carol again, I’m gonna scream.” Blair picks up & Carol Brooks says: “It’s me again.” Blair: “Hang on a second… (puts hand over receiver & yells out loud.) Returns to the phone… “Yes, Carol, what do you need?” “You kiss my azz!” is Carol’s response, & she slams down the phone. After several attempts, & about 30 minutes later, Blair gets Carol to finally answer & explains how Rob Willis had seen a program on stress management, instructing you to yell to relieve stress, as in road-rage events, & Blair was simply following his advice. Carol listens, then responds: “You tell Rob Willis to kiss my azz too!” & again slams down the phone. “And why are ya’ll calling me Lloyd!?!” ~ Neal Nicholson to everyone on his shift when he was stressed out, during an outage. (He had gotten his clothes covered in lime & liquor, & had borrowed a pair of coveralls from James Lightsey. Lightsey admitted he had bought them from Good Will, & the clothes had the name Lloyd stitched on the chest.) “Turn the lime off.” ~ Richard Terry to a Bleach Plant Operator. (Richard was new at the kiln assistant’s job & the grates had plugged on the #1 grates.) “James, I can’t believe you wrote me up.” ~ Scott Terry & Blair Terry to James Lightsey when James had asked for a ride to work because of bad weather. Scott & Blair had trouble finding where Lightsey lived, & ended up being 15 minutes late that morning. James’ Christmas Card that year included a poem Scott co-wrote with Chuck Ready: My name’s Scott Terry & I sing Country Roads. I take you to work whenever it snows. We ride to work in my pick up truck, & when we’re late, you write me up! “If it were up your azz, you’d know where it was.” ~ Fast Fred’s (Fred Fredrick) answer to anyone who asked where anything was located. “BULLSH!T!” ~ A button on Fast Fred’s cap. (Fred Fredrick) I was 18, & I remember going home & telling my dad: Theres a grown man out at work that wears his ballcap backwards & he has a button that says bullish!t. Im guessing Fast was probably in his early 30s at the time. My dad told me: If you work long enough, youll see a lot stranger than that, son. I guess up till then, I had led a sheltered life. Haha!! “I counted at least 300 wrecks between Nashville and here (Courtland.)” ~ Wray Burnett discussing a recent trip from Tennessee back to Alabama during a winter freeze. “Son, son, let me tell you!” ~ Wray Burnett’s opening line before telling a war story about Canton, North Carolina. “I was tricked!” ~ Little Yank (William Arnold, Jr.) to Walter Dozier after the Pulp Mill’s line of progression was split. (Walter had made the statement: “No one with Bleach Plant experience will be allowed to stay on the other end.” He had said this before anyone began signing their preference: Chem Line or Fiber Line.) “I think I’ve ODed on Donna’s peppermint.” ~ Ricky Morris after eating a sack full of soft peppermint from Sams Club that Donna Terry had brought into work. “I have rubbed my eyes!” ~ Doug Cross to Ricky LouAllen after Rick had given him a sample of his hot sauce. “To He!! With It!” ~ Michael ‘Ernie’ McKenzie on several occasions over the years. “Are you embarrassed?” ~ George McDaniel to Pat Rutherford (Phillips) while helping her up after she had fallen into a ditch between the Woodyard & Pulp Mill Areas… (Dry wood chips floating on a full ditch of water can be deceiving.) “Yes, wouldn’t you be?” ~ Pat’s response. This occurred on our very first day of work: May 21, 1979. Witnessed by Blair Terry & Ellie Matthews, both of which had to stifle laughter. “Call Housekeeping. Someone has sh!t the walls in the men’s bathroom!” ~ James Lightsey to Ricky Morris after Rick’s accident in the bathroom. He never confessed to James that he was the guilty party. “Look you dumbazz. Look what you’ve done to me!” ~ Ernie (Michael) McKenzie “Carol, we are all tired.” ~ Joyce Olive to Carol Brooks during an outage when Carol was explaining how tired she was. “Can you turn the North White Liquor Clarifier into a mud washer?” ~ Sunil Chandnani to Blair Terry & Ricky LouAllen when the #1 mud washer rakes had bogged down. “Boy, Sunil’s got a great imagination, doesn’t he?” ~ Ricky LouAllen to Blair after Sunil left the control room. “You couldn’t hear a dump truck in a nitroglycerine plant.” ~ Blair Terry describing Jamie Kimbrough’s hearing abilities. (Yes, I borrowed that line from the movie ‘Christmas Vacation’ but it fits Jamie to a T.) “It was running when I left. ~ former Courtland, AL Mill Manager, Mr. Mike Bruner, after Mary Hunting was named Mill Manager & the paper machines began to slowly crash. “Let it be known I drank them out of Corona Light.” ~ Mary Hunting, after trying to order a second beer. “Do you know Johnny Hall?” ~ Mary Hunting’s innocent question while discussing a possible visit to the Rattlesnake Saloon. “You can’t put bail money on a company card… unless you call it something else.” ~ Mary Hunting, during a Best Practices Meeting to the Savannah, Georgia Mill. Worse Named Places in America (from CNN as told by Savannah Georgia’s Mill Manager, Mr. Walter Chastang:) #1: Toad Suck, Arkansas. #2: Climax, Georgia. #3: Boring, Oregan / Maryland. #4: Hooker, Oklahoma. #5: Assawoman, Virginia. Moral of this story? “Don’t mix business with pleasure.” ~ Walter Chastang “How old is _____?” ~ Doreen Pittman. “He’s so ugly, it’s hard to say.” ~ Teddy Schell’s response. “Nick has already told more than he knows.” ~ Ricky LouAllen describing one of Neal Nicholson’s many explanations.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 09:49:26 +0000

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