"Quantitative Easing (QE) is a term used for printing money and - TopicsExpress


"Quantitative Easing (QE) is a term used for printing money and injecting liquidity into the economy to stimulate the national economy. Is uniquely Singapore is not printing any money? Mass importing up to 40% of foreigners into the country to uphold the GDP in a CBF economy is like Quantitative Easing, but it gives a facade of the country’s economic stability which fools everyone including sovereign credit rating companies. Mass import Foreigners is “Quantitative Easing”. Of course the subterfuge in achieving this is to cook up some phony excuse to conceal the real motive. They can do this by drumming some Faulty generalizations fallacy that “Singaporeans are lazy, picky, spoiled and whatsoever.”, the convenient use of half truths; “low fertility rate (TFR)”, and further use of Statistical special pleading to justify their objectives. They wilfully utilized the tactic of Argumentum ad Nauseam (Argument from repetition), is an argument made repeatedly (possibly by different people) until nobody cares to discuss it any more. Rather than consulting the public and contemplate over this. The PAP govt choose to ostracize and put up dog and pony show after they have enact this policy and make pretense to allay concerns in the National Conversion on television. The “benefits” of mass importation of cheap foreign workers compared to QE is that it does not weakens the currency strength thus the asset value of the rich remains in tact while the common citizens faces dire ramifications from many once non-existent social problems. Singaporeans is to bear the brunt of social, security, and economic costs, subjugated by downtrodden policies until they become enamored for one another and realize the paradigm they are living in, then grown to have a sense of conscientious. This usual PAP high-handed disposition is, and had always been, to be in control rather than be under control. The only way to turn things around is for Singaporeans is to vote for a change and chances are there is no other way."
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 05:56:42 +0000

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