Quasimodo? O Fantasma da Ópera? Londres no seu melhor, c/ o - TopicsExpress


Quasimodo? O Fantasma da Ópera? Londres no seu melhor, c/ o romantismo da tberculose, ruas a transbordar de pobreza, lixo, tristeza, prostituição. Porquê o título, Penny Dreadful? Porquê a amálgama de temas dignos de folhetins de terror? Bem... In the first half of the nineteenth century in Britain, developments in printing and an increased literacy rate amongst the general population encouraged the production of publications aimed at a wide range of people, many of whom had little money to spend on reading material and limited reading skills. Thus arose the market for the PENNY DREADFULS. Penny dreadfuls were magazines published on inexpensive paper with fairly simple but exciting stories crammed together with often crude, vivid visuals seen at the time as being just as important as the written material. Qto à série, e ao cerne da mm; àquilo q/ realmte importa, claro, é o Vampiro no seu estado + primitivo. E lembrem-se: For the Dead travel fast. (Bram Stokers Dracula). https://youtube/watch?v=G24FVgqrbyo
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:29:03 +0000

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