Qubool Hai 25th December 2014 Written Episode Scene - TopicsExpress


Qubool Hai 25th December 2014 Written Episode Scene 1: Location: Ahil’s residence While the gardener is watering the plants, the new bride comes and instructs him to put the plants in shade, back in light, and does so herself, despite him telling her not to. Just then, ahil arrives and is very angry to find them like this, and when he gets to know that the new bride did this, he lashes out at her. sanam sees this from a distance and jumps in her defence, saying that had she known, she wouldnt have done this, and next time she would take care. both ahil and sanam pick it up, to put it back. their eyes meet romantically. the new bride leaves tensedly. She meets gazaalla inside, who is tensed and then when asked by gazalla, whats bothering her, she doesnt respond and goes to her room. gazalla is shocked. meanwhile, ahil asks the gardener to get the plants, that tanveer wants, which are drying away. Ahil leaves to attend a phone call, after he notices sanam’s wounds, and asks her to get it properly treated with a doctor. sanam moves to the gardener saying that she wants to do this, and that she would go and get the plants for ahil. the gardener points that its very far away, but sanam gets the address from him, saying that she shall manage. gazalla pverhears this and calls someone. In her room, tanveer is ecstatic when gazalla comes and tells her that sanam has gone to the nursery and that she has sent one of her men, to take care of her, so that she never returns. she praises her and then gives her a handsome reward. gazalla is overjoyed. just then, the pone rings, and razaak asks gazalla to put tanveer on line. Tanveer asks the new lawyer if there is any loophole in this will. He surprised her by saying that indeed there is, which might cause ahil to lose the property. He tells her that in one year, if by any chance, Ahil’s wife dies, all of his property will go to trust. Hence they have to ensure that nothing happens to haya during this time period. Tanveer is shocked and apalled to hear this. Tanveer and gazalla immediately go out in the car, while she continues to try the contract killer’s phone number, but he isnt picking up. tanveer is frustrated and asks her to continue trying, and continues to ask the same thing again and again. She hopes and prays that nothing should happen to sanam, and save her today. gazalla is shocked, thinking that anything is impossible, however miraculous it seems. Scene 2: Location: On the road Faiz takes haya out on a long drive, and she pretends to be happy and smiles, as faiz takes her in his arms. She asks to have some coffee, citing a coffee shop. He denies at first, but when she insists emotionally blackmailing him, he agrees. they sit and order for coffeee. She expresses her desire to use the washroom. He insists on walking her there. She complies. As she gets in, she uses her eyeliner, to send as SOS message, giving a number, and the writes that she would be at the dargah today, and asks for Rahat to come and meet her there. Outside, faiz keeps wondering whats taking her so long. Before he can react, she comes out asking whats the matter. he asks what took her so long. she says that she isnt feeling well, and expresss that she wants to go home. He complies. Back in the car, faiz says that he is very happy at his perfect date with her. she asks if she can ask something from him, and he romantically says yes. She says that she always wanted a normal life, but life has treated her to harsh situations, and that she had completely given up, and that she had prayed that when she gets her life back on track, she would go to Badi Dargah, for praying. She asks if she can be taken there. He asks if going today is necessary. she remembers her message, and then says that its not necessary, but the sooner the better. He sees her sad face, and says that they shall go today. she pretends to be happy, and hugs him, wondering if anyone even saw the message or not. Scene 3: Location: On the road and Mirza Nursery Sanam, while in the auto, driving to the nursery, thinks that for ahil, she would not just get plants, but would make an entire garden, if thats what makes him happy, as that means the most for her. She finally arrives in the nursery and leaves. As she walks around, sanam is unaware of the killer that gazalla has sent for her, who eyes her cruelly. he gets sanam to a closed nursery area. As sanam picks up flowers and plants in the nursery, the same person turns on poisonous gas, and then closes the door. Meanwhile, tanveer and gazalla finally arrive. the killer comes and tells them that sanam is breathing her last, and that he did what he was told to do. As sanam tries to come out, she is unable to, and finally the gas overpowers, and she becomes semi-unconscious, trying hard to scream for help. the screen freezes on her face. Precap: Tanveer tries to search around for sanam, amidst the smoke, and asks the person to turn off the gas. Trying to search for sanam, Tanveer herself has a fainting spell, and falls unconscious, beside sanam. .
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 18:35:10 +0000

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