Qubool Hai 4th September 2014 Written Episode Scene - TopicsExpress


Qubool Hai 4th September 2014 Written Episode Scene 1: Location: Ahil’s residence Tanveer turns to sanam saying that she has agreed for a wonderful hospital in Shimla, for dilshad’s treatement. sanam is shocked. sanam asks why should she be sent so far away, and who would take care of her. tanveer says that she has taken enough care, and once she goes there, it would be good for her, and sanam herself doesnt have to bother. Tanveer leaves with an evil smile, while sanam is tensed. The next morning, tanveer donates a huge sum to the Mohalla ladies, for ganesh chaturthi. razia comes with tea, and wonders that if these ladies who recognise her to be the servant, she would be mortified as once she shared the luxuries with these very women. Just then, latif passes by and she gives the plate to her, and asks her to come along. razia comes in pretending not to be a servant. tanveer starts taunting razia, indirectly, and all the ladies are amused. Razia is embarassed. The ladies start saying how razia was once the owner of the haveli, and today she is merely a servant. The ladies starts taunting her, while tanveer adds insult to fury, saying that she bears with her, even when she doesnt know that servants dont sit with their masters, when razia sits beside tanveer. tanveer asks razia to serve tea, while she is mortified. latif is amused. the ladies talk about organising events like Best couple in Bhopal. tanveer tries to discard it off, but razia intentionally goes onto mention ahil and sanam’s name. Tanveer is disturbed, while the ladies say that it would be in their best interests if they participate after the hasty marriage. Tanveer has no option but to say yes. Razia is amused. As sanam gets meds for ahil, she finds ahil busy on the mobile, and wincing in pain while typing. sanam starts to change his dressing, but he doesnt relent in his ego. She starts reprimanding him, asking if he cant be quiet for two seconds, and orders him to be quiet. she goes onto change his dressing, while he watches her overwhelmingly. He remembers sanam emotional through the signing papers, and asks her the reason behind it. she says that its nothing like that. He says that he doesnt like liars. she says that she doesnt like such absurd questions. She begins to go, but he holds her hand, and sits her down, saying that he needs the answer to her absurd questions. She says that she doesnt feel like answering. tanveer comes in jsut then and both get tensed. She informs them of the competition. tanveer thinks that the competition may be bad or good, but it does bring enemity, and same would happen to their new found level of interest in each other. she says that she doesnt want them to be interested in such things, but due to societal pressure, they would have to participate, as if they dont, people would starts doubting something is amiss, and then they shall starts probing, and they would become the laughing stock of the town. She informs them that the first round is this evening, and asks them to be ready. She leaves, while they are tensed. Scene 2: Location: On the road and ahil’s residence Rehaan is shocked to find sanam, lying on the road, when actually its seher. He calls on the landline, and sanam picks up. Rehaan is shocked to hear sanam’s voice, while seher lies unconscious in front of him, who he confuses to be sanam. he is shocked to get a response from the other side, from sanam asking him why did he leave so suddenly, and that she was meaning to call him. Rehaan is spoeechless, while sanam asks if he is hearing, and asks howcome he left so suddenly. rehaan says that they are helpless in the hands of destiny, and that he shall talk to her later, and asks her not to tell ahil that she had a talk with rehaan. She wishes him goodbye and complies. But is surprised to see ahil standing before her with investigative eyes. rehaan is shocked and looks at seher. Ahil takes the phone from sanam, and asks her to concentrate on the competition. Ahil starts eplaining the first round on compatibility, and how much they know each other, and their likes and dislikes. Sanam comments that they shall definitely lose. ahil asks her to be positive and starts practising a questionnaire with her. tanveer, who’s passing by is shocked tyo find them actually preparing. latif comments and says that this competition shall definitely bring them closer, as it seems. tanveer is determined not to let that happen. she sends latif away. After she goes, tanveer comes in saying that they both took this too seriously. Sanam says that she herself instructed them to be in this game. Tanveer says that she didnt ask them to win, and just wanted participation. they both are baffled. Tanveer tells them sarcastically that winning isnt even a choice, and even if they qualify the first round, she would be astounded, as she firmly believes that they cant win the best couple title in Bhopal. They both stand tensed and hurt too. Tanveer tells ahil that she just wantes them to participate so that they can shut the mouths of people, but halfheartedly asks them to still keep practising as god knows what might happen. She leaves. sanam gives a cursory glance at him and then leaves. Ahil wonders that sanam is completely different from him, still he likes being with her, and feels complete and right, and why does he get jealous seeing rehaan with her. He is in a dilemma refusing to believe his heart. Scene 3: Location: On the road Rehaan takes seher in his arms, and places her inside the car, while he shuts the door. as he comes around from the other side, sehere puts on the ac and the radio in the car and then again doses off pretending to be unconscious. rehaan sits inside, and is baffled as to how the radio and the ac got on. he sprays water on her, and she pretends to wake up, and then pretends not to know where is she. she then looks at rehaan and excitedly refers to him as rakesh and hugs him, while he is confused. Scene 4: Location: faiz’s residence haya asks her not to worry about anything, as she would handle everything, and asks her to be okay always. She also tells how sanam is happy and tanveer takes care of her all the time. She tells dilshad about tanveer sending her to Shimla. Dilshad distraughtedly thinks that she doesnt want to go, as tanveer would definitely kill her. Haya is unable to understand what she is saying, and excuses herself for a minute. the massacre that tanveer had created flashes before dilshad. haya gets a pad, and asks her to write what she feels. Dilshad tries hard to write, and manages to scribble that tanveer is dangerous. haya reads it and is confused. the screen freezes on Dilshad’s face. Precap: At the dhaba, as rehaan asks sehere to order whatever she wants to, as she hasnt eaten in two days, he is shocked to find her ordering a huge list, culminating in pizza, in her mother’s style. Meanwhile, an ambulance arrives and dilshad is made to sit in it, while she is shocked, to see dilshad. Tanveer bids farewell to dilshad in her mind, thinking that she is inching closer to her death now.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 11:42:00 +0000

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