Queensland election 2015: Newman ‘lied’ over promised police - TopicsExpress


Queensland election 2015: Newman ‘lied’ over promised police funds THE AUSTRALIAN JANUARY 21, 2015 11:48AM Print Save for later QUEENSLAND Premier Campbell Newman is “missing in action” and a liar, according to police union boss Ian Leavers. Just over a week from the January 31 state election, Mr Leavers has launched an attack on Mr Newman’s communication with the Queensland Police Union, claiming he has failed to deliver on promised funds. Mr Leavers says Mr Newman personally pledged to provide $20 million in funding for extra police to deal with the expansion of the state’s Safe Night Precinct initiatives. The program was expanded from three precincts to 15 across the state in March last year. Mr Leavers said he was in favour of a plan to restrict trading hours rather than expanding the Safe Night Precinct program but had been convinced after Mr Newman agreed to provide funds for extra police. “I’ve been trying for over nine months to get this funding,” Mr Leavers told the ABC. “I had a meeting with Campbell Newman, he promised me $20 million to fund the 15 across the state. Campbell Newman looked me in the eye and he lied to me.” Mr Leavers said he has had good lines of communication with Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie and was happy to confirm health department funding had enabled nurses and paramedics to be employed in the expansion precincts. But he said the silence was deafening from the Premier’s office, which he says is vital to the status of any funding decision. “When it comes to Campbell Newman, he often goes missing in action,” Mr Leavers said. “Not one cent has been received. I’m a serving police officer. If you’re going to lie to a police officer, you’ll lie to anyone. “Campbell’s done some great things, don’t get me wrong, there’s other things he hasn’t delivered. “If you make a commitment, you make a commitment.” IN DEPTH: Queensland election POLL: Newman needs to raise ALP ghosts AAP todays headlines.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 08:30:38 +0000

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