Quenching Your Thirst {Jesus says to the woman at the well} - TopicsExpress


Quenching Your Thirst {Jesus says to the woman at the well} “but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” – John 4:14 We made a trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas a few years back. It was so cool to see the springs of water bubbling from underground and continuously pouring down the rocks to the pools at the bottom of the hill. There was no man made pump, no syphon, no well and bucket; just the purity of God’s creation bubbling forth from far beneath the surface of the earth. These sort of springs are all over this planet and provide a natural resource that our lives are dependent upon - Water. Many of the bottled water companies have tapped into natural springs to supply their manufacturing process. The drill deep into the earths substrate until they hit water and then they simply draw from it, apply different minerals and preservatives and bottle it. You and I then go to the store and pay for it, just as we would the other produce and food supply. At what point did we decide, me included, that we should pay for water. It is essential to human life and all around us. Granted the water bottles we purchase have been purified and flavored to remove some of the bacteria or bitter taste, but boiling water can have the same effect. We have simply conditioned ourselves to pay money for something that the Father has given us for free. God’s love and salvation is the water Jesus refers to when speaking with the woman at the well. His comparison of salvation to water (mayim in Hebrew) suggests the importance of what He is offering. Even in those days, water was essential to their life. It was required for drinking and cooking, and woman would go to the well frequently to collect water. At some point though the well would dry up and they would have to find another source. Jesus words to this woman were profound, even though she did not fully grasp the meaning. She was thinking of the liquid water from the ground, and He was speaking of the spiritual water of salvation. Both are provided by the Father, and both are free to anyone who wishes to partake. One will quench your thirst for a period of time (generally 8 – 10 hours) and the other for an eternity {Chayei Olam in Hebrew}. Once again we see the use of water referred to in a very spiritual way. The deep meaning will never fully be understood by mankind, but the importance of water is evidenced throughout the scriptures. I encourage to consider this the next time you pick up your water bottle to take a drink. It will only quench your thirst for a short time. Pick up your Bible and study, and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; and quench your thirst for an eternity. © Sondove Enterprises, 2015 For more Daily Thoughts go to: sondove.blogspot If you would like to be added to the email distribution please email Sondove1@yahoo
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 01:42:06 +0000

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