Quentin Meillassoux in After Finitude argues for a renewed search - TopicsExpress


Quentin Meillassoux in After Finitude argues for a renewed search for at least a modicum of the absolute. Although he agrees that contemporary philosophy as strong correlationists have reached the point that it is unthinkable that the unthinkable be impossible (as he brilliantly traced from Descartes to Kant and such to now). This leads us on the one hand to denying the absolute but absolutizing the correlation (or connection/justification) of understanding to be some kind of hypostasis be it (Schellings nature, Nietzsches will, Deleuzes life, Liebnizs monads.. whatever) but also in drawing a limit as to where reason can tread. Meillassoux desires at least a weak absolute so as to allow reason the ability again, to critique religious absolutism. For while it seems fine that philosophers refuse to critique religion on the grounds that it is conceptually illegitimate to undertake such a refutation seems fine because factiality removes the thing-in-itself since it is both unknowable and unthinkable...leads us to allow others to believe in anything they like. Meillassoux adds if nothing absolute is thinkable, there is no reason why the worst forms of violence could not claim to have been sanctioned by a transcendence that is only accessible to an elect few. In such amazingly concise language he pushes a little further: The victorious critique of ideologies has been transformed into a renewed argument for blind faith. So while on the one hand, we want to avoid the dogmatism of an idealism of absolute, we also want to avoid sceptical fanaticism. Another way to understand this is to say that when philosophy removed its absolute reference, it also created the space for any other absolute reference. Meillassoux says the answer against religious fundamentalism (or even any other absolute, like atheism, some scientific or linguistic or economy theory &c) isnt the end of relativism. Its more. Its not enough that we say whatever. We also have to get others to be all whatever too. This student appeals to the professors position of pure reason (the professors whateverness) by making an object of herself in appeal to any absolute.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 00:09:15 +0000

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