Question : - Is unrestricted usage of Cell-Phones turning all the - TopicsExpress


Question : - Is unrestricted usage of Cell-Phones turning all the youngsters into rude, mean, irresponsible, ignorant smart-asses? Sub-Question #1 : - Are everyone turning into Cell-phone Zombies? Sub-Question #2 : - Is Partial-Laughter a Reality? Sub-Question #3 : - Does Laughter really increases Life-span? How much truth in this belief? --------------- Explanation / My Point-of-View : - All around the World theres an observed trend of Partial-Laughter (in my opinion). This trend is proliferating even more after the growing usage of cell-phones. Right from 10 year old kids to 80 year old Grandmas want to posses their own personal Cell-phones, just so they can update their FB & WhatsApp status while crossing the road (and be lucky enough to not get smacked by a running vehicle! :D ) and spend 23.99 hours of their day in chatting gibberish! Partial-Laughter is a kind of laughter in which a person tries to laugh partially as opposed to Spontaneous-Laughter in which a person do not need to induce laughter in himself / herself. It comes out naturally and spontaneously from within. And theres always innocence when a person laughs naturally, while theres intention of contempt, mockery, sarcasm, bullying and aggression when a person tries to laugh partially. In case of Partial-Laughter a person would want laughter every minute within himself / herself (even when its not necessary) which many a times is considered rude in social etiquette. And when a clan, a group OR a crowd tries to laugh partially at someone, its no longer a moment of happiness. Its a direct mental-harassment of a person who is the subject of the laughter. Its becomes bullying. Sub-Question #3 : - So is this what Worlds turning into? A Cell-Phone equipped Crowd laughing partially every minute and trying to bullying their victims? --------------- Christian Gallego John Dexter Arinque Johnny Dee Navneet Gupta Greg Cross Lexi Connell Roader Haddock Alvin B Rogers Ron Varasteh Daniel MacMaster Lola Heavey Greg Goldberg Sylvie Bissinger Lori-ann Kellett Patrick Chin Allison Grady Common Man Josh Poston Yashwanth Suresh Don Tuatha Maria C Camacho Logic Maynard Reason Dex Sprinkle Katry Holland Hades Godoftheunderworld Ayame Sohma Agyemang Richard Jessica Halicki Angie Maloney Pieter De Beer Faris Hasnan Gaurav Kataria Amanda Hernandez Nicholas Larsen Jesus Wälti Kieran Laidlaw John Mark Peterson Aleks Marzan Dalinoc Richard J Hodds Karan Chohan Jenn Jenn Andrew Jennings Lucian DaVil John Manning Moore Terence James Jim Dukes Kyle Maczka Teresa Byrne Desiree Schell Larry Davis Paul Qcaster Andrew Chase Alicia Francine Fix-Luke Anna Bean Swapnil Suraj Neal Raven Dore Beata Stasak Sarah Nicholson Neill McMahon Med Philo Wim Jozef Verhulst Justin Fowler Ryan V Matthews Sally Bethea Holt : - Sorry for tagging all of you. Ive tagged all of you because I liked receiving a variety of opinions on my asked questions. But if any of you felt offended by me tagging them, then Im sorry again and I wont repeat it again.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 09:25:58 +0000

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