Question 1: How do I reach success? Answer: We have seen before - TopicsExpress


Question 1: How do I reach success? Answer: We have seen before how “intent + effort = grace.” So, the intent of what you want must be very strong. Many times the intent is not clear in you. That is how you lose and fail. If you are not clear about what you want, who can help you? You have to be very clear of what you want. Secondly, you have to put in your effort and work hard. A person who says, “engineer, engineer, engineer,” doesn’t become an engineer. He has to work hard towards it and he has to have a very strong intent, “intent + effort = grace.” Automatically you will receive grace and blessings. Suddenly some nice coincidences will happen and you will realize the Lord’s hand in it. For grace you can do your prayers, chanting “AmmaBhagavan” for 21 minutes, and different chanting, and slokas. All that, you can do, and through the Sahasranama Havan you get grace. So you have to do your homas, or do your pujas or prayers. Whichever way, you can take the blessings. Question 2: Why are some of the declared awakened persons also made use of by knowledge? Answer: There are certain unconscious patterns in the mind. The unconscious is flowing. The system is there, that is, the pattern is running and it is being exhibited. Even for the awakened person whatever is in the unconscious, the samskaras or the decisions which are taken, will be there. The question is whether he is getting used by it, whether he is getting irritated or totally caught up in it, or is he having the liberation? That is the question. For an unawakened one, the knowledge is making use of him. Meaning, that it is irritating and disturbing him if he is moving away from it. Whereas, for the awakened person there is no disturbance. Knowledge is using him but it is not clearly using him in that sense because it is not controlling him. The awakened one is able to see that this is what is happening to him. Once he sees this, he is totally free. That awareness is there for the awakened one. Question 3: What do I have to do so I can hear AmmaBhagavan’s voice in my Antaryamin? Answer: Pray to AmmaBhagavan with your whole heart and ask that Antaryamin to come. You can do your prayers, you can do chanting of the Moolamantra 108 times exclusively for this experience and to see AmmaBhagavan in your heart, that they should be there all the time. You can do various sadhanas you might have come across, but you have to put in your intent very strongly. Question 4: I came to the deepening in March, but I am still experiencing financial suffering. It does not seem to be going away. Awareness is there, but circumstances have not changed. Answer: Check up your relationship with your father and also check up your attitude towards money. If you have a very bad or wrong attitude towards money, it doesn’t come. For example, if you don’t respect money, it will not come. In the same way, how much value do you give to money? Do you see it as your mother or as a very powerful consciousness which you are actually relating to? Do you have a friendly relationship to money? All these are very important factors. Like · · Share. Rajashree Oneness likes this..
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 11:26:59 +0000

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