Question 2: How does a person seek knowledge if they are distant - TopicsExpress


Question 2: How does a person seek knowledge if they are distant from the scholars and people of knowledge? Answer: The Qur’aan is the origin of the legislation, and the legislation is general for mankind and Jinn until the Day of Judgment. Allah mentioned, “Say: This Qur’aan has been revealed to me to warn with it.” And Allah said, “Glory be to Allah, the One Who sent down the Qur’aan to His servant so that he could be a warner to mankind.” The third ayah is pertaining to the Jinn listening to the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam), and then returning to their people and informing them that they’ve heard a book which was sent down after Moosa(alayhis salaam) guiding to the straight path. They informed their people to obey the caller to Allah. Therefore, every individual is responsible for learning the obligatory matters upon every individual Muslim. That which Allah has made obligatory from matters of Faith, Tawheed, Purification, Prayer, Fasting, Hajj and Umrah. If an individual is one upon whom it’s obligatory to pay Zakaat, he must know matters of Zakaat. This is fard ‘ayn (individual obligation upon every Muslim) of the Ummah. The Ummah is of two categories: The Ummah of propagation (Da’wah), and the Ummah of response. The Ummah of Da’wah consists of every individual Muslim, Kaafir (disbeliever) or Jinn. However, the Ummah of response is that which the Messenger (sallallaahu alahyi wa sallam) mentioned that his Ummah will divide into 73 sects. All of them will be in the Hellfire except the one who is upon that which He and His Companions were upon. The next category of that which is an obligation is the collective obligation (fard kifaayah) which doesn’t fall upon every individual. Rather, it falls upon those individuals in certain positions, who wish to perform specific actions. If you want to be a judge, a Mufti, a teacher, then this becomes a collective obligation. Not everyone takes part in it. It’s possible for an individual who wants to learn, that he finds someone who is grounded to teach him. He can study with that individual in several ways: He can meet him, sit with him and study or he can use any of the present-day means of communication.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:35:26 +0000

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