Question: Do you have any advice that might help me as I move - TopicsExpress


Question: Do you have any advice that might help me as I move forward with having made peace with the unknowns of life? Is there something crucial I can say to myself to remind me that Im at peace and to stay at peace when moments of severe worry do arise again? I know myself, and thus know that even though I feel peaceful right now, that my thoughts are likely to spiral out of control again at some point... That is a general human ailment, right? The fact that Im worrying about being prepared for when I start worrying a lot again, shows me that Im not as at peace with the unknown as I could be. Kind of crazy really. So far I think that the key to boosting/maintaining this healthy mindset could be to simply remind myself that no matter what happens I can handle it; to have unconditional self-love and that will give me strength continuously if I truly believe in it. Do you agree? Is there something else I could add to that to feel even better? Again, I thank you sincerely for your time! _____________________________________________________________ rather than unconditional self-love conditional self-love. i dont love me when i am an asshole. i dont love me when i am mean. i dont love me when i am trying to be ruler of anyone else. i dont love those things. so i want conditional self-love, which protects me against rationalizing why i dont have to actually work at being the person i want to be. its not easy. its work and i accept that and conditional self-love allows me to enjoy that acceptance. i do not own anyone nor do i own the rights to reality. forever i am a stranger i must wrestle and make love to death with while simultaneously learning about an island i have never seen before exactly like this. thinking of talking to a child that we know has to face a tough and harsh unknown crowded reality. what would we say to it? would we say, dont worry about being cruel and mean and judgmental and possessive. everyone loves it.? no. we say, be kind to yourself and be kind to others and clean up your messes and go play. thinking of what go play means...doesnt it mean go be insanely curious about an unknown thing? are we not that thing? were perfect. :|]
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 19:47:04 +0000

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